Announcing! My One World, One Heart Giveaway Winners!

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Announcing! My One World, One Heart Giveaway Winners!

1st Place.... Laura of  Buttons and Ribbons 
Laura picked the Fanny Tote Bag kit

Second Place - Gloria of  Gloria's Blog Vivalavida
Gloria picked the Bach Tote Bag Kit

Third Place - Amy of  Atypical Musings

Fourth Place - Antmee of ANTMEE
She won the mother-daughter apron kit...although, she can make just one 'Cottage Style Apron' with it.

Don't forget, you can still enter my Followers are Special Giveaway on March 1st.  I will be awarding page a day calendars. See my side bar for more details.


GlorV1 said...

Thank you so much. How great. The Bach tote would be very nice. I appreciate it and where do I send my address to? Wow. Thank you.

Donna said...

Hi Gloria, Send your address to me at

The Bach bag is one of my favorite ideas! The tutorial is on my fabric art blog, but I'll be printing out all the instructions for all the kits to send to each of you with any additional notes I think you might need.

antmee said...

OMGoodness I won such a fantastic giveaway! I know I will love making the apron

Shona Cole said...

Gloria, the version of the Bach tote bag is one Donna made for my son, he LOVES it and uses it every piano day, it then hangs on the back of the piano stool and keeps the piano fairly tidy!

Your are awesome Donna :)

“There's nothing half so pleasant as coming home again.” ~ Margaret Sangster

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