I had to use a spreadsheet to figure out how much yardage and of what types of cloth and trims would be needed to make an adult and teen size costume for nine different characters. Kristy wondered why we needed a spreadsheet..but when we started trying to pull out cloth from my stash and cut it into head covers, sashes, and belts...she understood! I finally decided to use butcher paper to make copies of all the pieces x 9 so that everyone could have the pattern pieces needed.
I'll post my efforts later, since Rebekah has my camera at Mock Trial in Brenham today. Kristy Bailey bought most of the linen and it's all at her house since she wanted to get started right away. She is the one coordinating this huge project. She has such a heart for outreach in her community! I'm glad she asked me to help.
I kind of 'guessed' at what was needed of the upholstry fabric since it was so much wider than what the pattern uses for yardage requirements. I may have to finagle a little to get sleeves for the kings coats out of it. We are going to use the red side of the fabric above with the little gold balls for two of the kings and then the inside which is bright yellow with red circles for the other set. At $7.00/ a yard, it was too good of a price to resist!
I think your hands are going to be very tired after all of that cutting, unless you are using rotary cutters maybe.
Trudy..that's the benefit of being a quilter! I'm the perfect person for this project. I've got fabulous rulers 12 x 12" square with 1/2" slots for rotary cutting plus longer rulers. Only quilters are equipped, as I am, for cutting this kind of quantity of cloth. We have the tools for cutting yards and yards of borders. I have two rotary cutters plus really wonderful rulers and cutting boards. Those were investments I made years ago. There's nothing like a rotary cutter for bulk cutting in straight lines. I'm impressed that you knew what I was using!
I'm so glad to hear that you are not going to need to wrap and ice your hands after this. You're going to need them to make those aprons. I can't wait to see the aprons you make. They sound really cute.
You could post those aprons on Wardrobe Refashion since you are refashioning or repurposing clothing. You could also post them on www.sewretro.blogspot.com since they are retro. Thought I would let you know about those sites in case you were interested in posting your work other places that were applicable and if you were interested in networking. I do that sometimes.
I firmly believe that a person should invest in the best tools possible for his or her craft. They make all the difference in the world. I'm a gadget-kind-of person. I'm still discovering and learning which gadgets I should get. I certainly am not equipped with the arsenal that you have, but I have a few nice things. I have a Fasturn, which I love. You can turn tubes within seconds for belts, spaghetti straps, etc. It's so much easier than struggling with a safety pin. I also have a bodkin for feeding elastic through casing, which is also a dream. No more safety pins for me. Yea!
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