An Absolutely Lovely Mother's Day

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An Absolutely Lovely Mother's Day

Do you have a picture in your mind of the 'perfect' Mother's Day? Well, I can assure you that I do! Is there any mother who doesn't?  My perfect Mother's day would start out like this...

I'd like to have a lovely breakfast out on the deck in the the morning....

and of course I'd like some the ones Rebekah arranged for me yesterday...

Walk in the Woods by Christian L. Rodgers

In the afternoon, we could go for a walk in the woods--You never know what you will find around here...

And of course...I don't want to cook. That goes without saying. I'm sure Tim or Rebekah could grill some steaks or chicken for us...

And I might could even talk Rebekah into making us some chocolate covered strawberries... She could just click here for easy instructions for how to do the whole meal  Hint...hint...

Between the whole family efforts, I think we could have a lovely Mother's Day dinner...

And after the dishes are done...(not by me of course! :o)  then we could spend the evening playing board games....

And after the kids were off to bed...we could watch my favorite movie, "Miss Potter"...It's not a movie about motherhood in particular...It's for any woman... It's all about romance, art, imagination, beautiful English countryside vistas, writing, children's story books and even dancing... It does have a great lesson for mothers believe in your children's dreams and giftings. Even your youngest children would love this movie. :o)

And that would be the perfect ending to my perfectly lovely... Mother's Day...

 What would make your Mother's Day....just about perfect?

Happy Mother's Day!

PS. Don't forget about my great Followers Are Special Giveaway. Click on the sunflower on the sidebar. I'll be announcing the two winners on May 1st.  The Artistic Mother and The Ultimate Cheapksate are the prizes!


Laura Gerencser said...

Sounds great!:)

Hills N Valleys said...

Now that sounds like my kind of Mothers day!!!

Room for More said...

Now there's some hints!! Are they all following your blog? ; )

Mother's Day... I would like to be all together, doing something outside, and chocolate dipped strawberries so sound might nice! YUM!

Well, I'm's Procrastination Day!! hugs!!

Room for More said...

sorry, I mis-typed. I meant that chocolate dipped strawberries sound mighty nice!

My arms are Jell-o from working out this morning! Yikes!!

Caroline said...

Hmmmm .... will have to check out the movie. Sounds fun! Wonder if hubby would watch it with me?

Dana Leeds said...

Sounds like a lovely day. And, I did enjoy seeing your caterpillar. Beautiful! I love the photo of everyone playing a board game, too. Growing up, we were always playing games. We still do when we get together.

“There's nothing half so pleasant as coming home again.” ~ Margaret Sangster

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