Guest Posting at Sewing With Trudy!

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Guest Posting at Sewing With Trudy!

How about a visit to a great sewing blog today? Trudy of Sewing With Trudy. 
Trudy is a really good blogging friend who helped me learn the ins and outs of the blogging world. Some of you would never have known I existed if it weren't for her encouragement.

I've been Trudy's friend since she was a very beginning sewer and have watched her do amazing things since then! She specializes in fashion ideas and retro-style sewing.She also has lots of great giveaways.She also started an artistic mother's group and there is link to it at her sewing blog.

I will be talking about how to find the time to sew and as a bonus, will be posting my TOP TEN PICKS for Easy To Sew Summer Clothes. So drop on over to Trudy's and take a look around. You'll be glad you did!


Rae said...

I just love Trudy! She helped me too!
I really enjoy reading your blog.I love homemaking and feel so blessed to be a housewife!!
Looking forward to our friendship!

Donna said...

Thanks are so sweet! I have to say that I adore your house! It's exquisite! :o)

Lorraine said...

she comes across as a nice person and I like her blogs and she told me about you and also Shona

Donna said...

Trudy is as friendly and kind a blogger as you will ever meet. She gave me so much encouragement when I first got started.

I remember when you first visited Lorraine! I'm so glad she told me about your blog. :o)

Maria Killam said...

Hi Donna, Well I'll just pop over there next!! Thanks for your lovely and thoughtful comments on my blog!!

It's wonderful to have blogging friends!

Diana said...

Definitely! I love reading her blog too.. Add on to the fact that she is also beautiful, and a wonderful mother.. She is one of my online role models.. ::))

“There's nothing half so pleasant as coming home again.” ~ Margaret Sangster

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