All through the years, our mothers and grandmothers have relied on tried and true 'home remedies'. It's practically an art form. Of course, these remedies are infamous for being despised by children all through history. :o) Mary Poppins was admired for adding a 'spoonful of sugar' to make the medicine go down--do you remember?
Frankly, I have bad memories of my dear mother's home remedies. I've lived long enough to actually KNOW what an enema bag is for. It may or may not have helped--but I don't think it was worth it. Period. (Sorry Mom--but that was just not one of my favorite memories. :o)
And Mom had lots of other home remedies and so did my grandma. Like all kids--I pretty much remember dreading every one of them. But I also remember that many of them worked. I hated having Grandma swab my throat with iodine (she was a nurse for years), but my sore throat was gone before bedtime!
Regardless, I was quite the skeptic when my mother suggested garlic capsules as a natural antibiotic. It is a fact, though, that she stumbled upon the field of herbs and began to share the possibilities with me many years ago. It wasn't until I had a chronic infection and didn't want to have to pay a doctor (two kids later) that I finally actually tried her 'fail-safe' cure for yeast infections and earaches. Now, I listen when she suggests a new home remedy.
If something doesn't work--I'm not interested period. But these things have worked---on my children--myself--my husband and many friends' families too. If you are on a tight budget or don't have insurance, some of these things may be worth a try too.
My kids know exactly what to do when they feel a cold or flu coming on. Get out the garlic pills, the echinacea and the Emergency C drinks. We sometimes still get the cold, but rarely do they get secondary infections like ear infections or sinus infections. Garlic kills bacteria. We've used it for 20 years and my children rarely had to go to the doctor for anything but check ups and shots.
Echinacea enhances the immune system--plain and simple. Take it during cold season.

EmergenC Drink Powder - You can buy this in bulk at Wal-mart, Sam's or any drug store. We start drinking them and drink them often all the while we are sick and whenever the boys mow or spend a lot of time in the heat--they tank up too. Tim, my even more skeptical husband-takes them on trips. He won't leave for a trip without a supply. Like Gatorade, they replace you fluids plus vitamins and other essential elements--but minus the excess sugar. Elisabeth buys her own brand from Germany and knew about the benefit of this drink long before we did.
Chamomile Tea- This really does work!! If you are having a sleepless night or had one cup of coffee too many, try a warm cup of chamomile tea with some milk. I usually make two bags at once just to make sure I conk out. It so much easier on your system than sleeping pills or something.
My favorite recipe ever- Debra Raybern's SuperTonic. This stuff is terribly smelly to make and be sure not to rub your eyes. Wear gloves when adding the cayenne pepper! When I am coming down with a flu or bug of some kind or fighting an infection, I drink a tablespoon of this stuff down, sometimes several times a day!
This recipe has been around for many, many years and has been helping people just as long.and SuperTonic is one of the best ways to relieve a bunch health issues from acid indigestion to sinus problems, cardio supportive and a great overall tonic. Let's look at the ingredients and get a general sense as to why.
Cayenne - good for circulatory issues, cold hands, cold feet, the heart, blood pressureGinger - works on small vessel and capillary circulation, good for digestive issuesOnion - may make you cry, but oh so good for a cough and other respiratory issuesGarlic - hard to beat for a natural anti-biotic, aids in a healthy heart as wellHorseradish - sinus problems run for cover, good upper body circulation, really opens you upApple cider vinegar - the real unfiltered Bragg's, Hain or Spectrum brands that are not distilled, we know this type of apple cider vinegar is alkalizing, good for digestive stress and helps with circulation
The way to make SuperTonic is to combine equal parts (depends on the size of your blender, I use 1 cup as a part),
- 1 Cup Each each of fresh hot cayenne or habanero peppers, peeled sliced ginger, peeled chunked horseradish, peeled chopped onion, peeled garlic and one quart of apple cider vinegar
- Pour into a blender and whiz on high for two to three minutes.
- DO NOT stand with your nose over the blender when taking the lid off and take a deep smell - it has been known to make people faint - they haven't had good blood flow to the brain in a while.
- Take the lid off the blender and let stand for a few minutes, then pour into a large wide mouth jar.
- Seal tightly and shake twice per day for two weeks.
- Stain and bottle the liquid - SuperTonic.;
- The pulp may be discarded, or if you are brave enough you can use as a hot salsa dip.
- Store in the refrigerator, but you may keep some in a small bottle on the table to use with olive oil as a salad dressing.;
- Suggested use is one dropper full in 8 ounces of water daily.This is potent, so you may start with just a few drops at a time and build up.;
- Add a bit of Agave or honey for taste.
- You can use up to 6 dropper full per day if a bad cold or sinus infection has you down.
Taken daily people report fewer colds and coughs, better blood pressure reading and overall better vitality.; A very inexpensive all natural remedy to everyday ailments. Used as a condiment, your family will never know they are taking their daily tonic.
While we use lots of essential oils, we still use SuperTonic in salad dressings and in our water as a general daily tonic.
NutriTech12 Fawn DriveNew Waverly, TX 77358936-438- 8829
Personally, I drink it down with orange juice or tomato juice. I need to make a new batch soon, but it's not complicated to make..just not pleasant to smell while it's 'in process'.
There are so many things I haven't mentioned here. What are your favorite home remedies? I'd love to hear about them!
Happy Homemaking!

I needed the baking soda and nail polish tip most of all. Thanks.
Ah, chicken soup...
Reminds me of the time my husband was sick, and we went to church one Sunday and our pastors looked at him and said, "Chicken soup, Paul! It'll make you feel better!" And I had to tell them, "Psst! He doesn't like chicken. Or soup."
Some great tips. It is amazing how some of these things work. Thanks for sharing.
I bought the book that you were featured in. I haven't had a chance to read much of it but I will soon.
This will sound weird, but I finally have my family convinced that it works - chamomile tea (cooled, of course) as an eye wash to stop pinkeye in it's tracks. We all use this now, and within 3-4 rinses, all symptoms are gone. I actually even find it soothing when seasonal allergies make my eyes itchy. Hope that doesn't sound TOO out there!
Karen, I know something weirder. A pastor I knew swore by breastmilk to clear up pink eye in babies. He had ten children. It worked beautifully. Apparently the antibodies in the milk fight infection.
I think we did it for all our children as babies.
Debby--How exciting! I haven't even seen the new book yet. :o) Jeff said he would send our copy but it hasn't arrived. I'm dying to read it. :o)
Amy K, I do think that the biggest part about soup--chicken or otherwise--is the marrow from simmering soup with bones. Broth has been used for patients for centuries. Tons of nutrition in every spoonful. Just give him the echinacea, super tonic, and Emergen-C drinks. Of course, he may not be willing to drink those either. :o) There is only so much of my home remedy arsenal that Tim will endure.
Fabulous advice thanks Donna! I didn't know that about the baking soda paste. I will certainly be using that whenever we get mozzie bites. Especially on the kids.
Love it. I use a peppermint oil mix that is great for fitness and also smells yummy too :)
Hi Stephanie, I love peppermint oil too! I get it from Young Living. We use it for headaches and for stomach upset. Plus, a little peppermint oil in a cup of hot tea is a great WAKE you up in the morning drink. :o) Essential Oils are wonderful but I didn't want to go into that with my post getting so long already.
I will have to do a post just about essential oils soon. :o) I'm glad you mentioned peppermint-It's a life saver!
Hi Donna,
Ky from The Miss K Way here. Just responding to your question about what an op shop is. It's short for Opportunity Shop. A charity store. I think you call them goodwill stores in the States. Op shop is an Australian term.
Thanks for popping in to visit me and for your lovely comment.
Ky x
I'll have to invest in baking soda since the skeeters absolutely adore me!!! ;) Our great niece was born yesterday...4 lb 12 ounces. I haven't heard today how she's doing since they're 4 hours behind us (in Anchorage, Alaska). I'm hoping to hear a name soon!
In His Love...Deb
I firmly believe that Baking Soda and Vinegar were a gift from God to women:) I did NOT know that it helped with bites, however! I have great respect for the powers of Chicken Noodle Soup when one is ill. I know that this is not exactly a "home remedy" but Vicks VaporRub is great and versatile. I have used it on my aching joints and muscles just like a muscle rub!
Thanks for the SWEET comments on my lil bloggie:) I am looking forward to hearing more of your home remedies!!
Happy Friday!
Awesome. I definitely have that tonic stored away in my brain for when I have a chance to make it! I depend on garlic for my own health and that of my girls. Between garlic and raw vinegar, I have learned you can battle strep and grow your immunity against it. Otherwise, I was constantly getting antibiotics for it. Herbs are truly God's intended way for health.
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