And now, dear hubby is AGAIN on the road. I'm not sure how many trips that makes for him in the last five weeks--but I think he averaged two of those weeks at home. We never expected to get five whole days alone. :o) Tim had to cut our 'week' together short because of work needs, and I dropped him off at the airport this afternoon to fly to Colorado and then he will be busy all weekend when he does get home. It makes me feel lonesome already! Of course, my 15 yr.old, Christian, will be back from vacationing with his friends, in the morning--so I'll have a little company. I've missed him a bunch!
Tim, being the darling hubby that he is, gave me permission to buy paint and get started on our house painting!! Oh--joy to the world..or is that just to me! I'd rather have hubby--but paint will have to suffice. :o) Forget the flowers!! Who needs 'em! (Maria's color consultation sure made an impression on my hubby. )
I'm so so excited!! The older kids and I went to Home Depot today to get samples of the proper Behr colors and we'll be buying their store brand paint for only $8.00 a gallon! That's half the usual price. They told me I should bring home-painted samples to the store and they would match them with their computer. Tim wants me to try texturing and painting the bathroom first for practice. I also got counter-top paint to hide my ugly Hunter Green and what do you call that 80's purple/red--nasty? Two-tone bathroom counters are no fun at all! I'll soon have some great pictures to share soon--I hope.
I also have a bunch of cooking to do tomorrow--and a meal to take to a friend who has just had twins. But after that, I will divide the day between sewing covers in the morning and painting in the afternoon. I don't plan to do any posts until next weekend. Our anniversary is almost here and Jacob's 18th birthday. It will be a very busy week!
I will miss you all but I'm afraid I will never get Mom's cushions made if I don't put a halt to the computer for a week. :o) She's almost ready to move into her new home and I'd like to have them finished.
So have a wonderful week everyone and take time to smell the
PS. If I get my new worship song recorded, I'll post it about mid-week. :o)

Donna, I have never met anyone like you. You are such a great person. You are always thinking of the other person first.I'm so glad you are my bloggie buddy, I could learn from you and I know I'm older. Tee Hee. Have a great mini vacation and enjoy yourself to your hearts content. Viva Donna!! Hip hip hooray for mini vacations. You and hubby look so nice together. Take care.
Gloria-That is such a sweet comment. You made my day! Thank you. By the way--I'm not so sure you are older--but we won't quibble about that-Ha!
Love ya!
Donna :o)
Ps. I wish I always thought of the other person. There have been a lot of needs in our church community lately and the meals were over due. But I owed hubby this week together and I had to really work to protect our time together. It's hard to try to have a vacation--at home. Everyone knows you are there. :o)
You are the most productive family I know. So glad you had five days with your sweetie, all alone.
Have fun with all of your painting and sewing.
Trudy &
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