My New Grandbaby has arrived! Meet August Shepherd Rodgers (new update on baby included)

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My New Grandbaby has arrived! Meet August Shepherd Rodgers (new update on baby included)

Here is our dear little grandson, August Shepherd Rodgers. Isn't he beautiful?!  He weighed 10pounds 2 ounces!! I can hardly believe it. Elisabeth had a very short labor, so short that the midwife didn't arrive until after the birth. Apparently another midwife who was nearby and a good friend, Erin, came over right away to help Andrew and Elisabeth. The labor was a 'whole' 45 minutes long!  I know just what that feels like. I drank cod liver oil too to help start labor with my first home birth and it lasted about 35 minutes. Yes it's over quick, but the labor is VERY intense! Basically, you start out in transition. There's nothing much really leading up to it. 
 Elisabeth, with her best friend and doula, Rachelle Davis, while Lena meets her little brother.

Lena woke up after all the fuss was over to greet her little brother. She was mesmerized and gave August the sweetest little kiss.  The Seago family was also there and Rachelle, who usually helps with the delivery as a coach, stayed close by to be a help to Elisabeth.

Lena helps Grandma cook breakfast.

After a while she decided to wander around a bit and helped me cook sausages for Elisabeth for breakfast. I had brought eggs, homemade bread which Rebekah had made the day before, cantaloupe and some really good fresh sausage links. Elisabeth loves good sausage and that's why I wanted to have it on hand.

We got the call at 5:30am. I'm not sure when the official time of delivery was, but the midwife and assistant were there still cleaning things up and checking on Elisabeth and the baby's health. There has been some concern because August's temperature was a bit elevated and  his breathing is a bit rough. When Tim and I left this morning, they had decided to visit a doctor in the area and just have a quick check up to make sure everything is ok with the baby.  He may need some oxygen. Please keep him in your prayers.

Proud Daddy Andrew (my son) and I with August

Our whole family is going over tonight to bring Andrew and Elisabeth dinner and visit with the our newest grandson.  It's so wonderful to be nearby! I so wish I could have been there for Matthew and Amanda's births, but we could not afford to fly there right away.  Nicholai was already several months old before I got to see him for the first time. I posted a video of him on the article (day before yesterday) dealing with Mange because it showed Percy, our dog,  inspecting Nicholai who fascinated him for some reason.

Lena was very interested in the sausage cooking. And kept saying 'hot-hot!" about the pan of food. She likes helping me cook.

After awhile, I passed her on to Grandpa Tim so I could slice the bread and warm it up. Elisabeth was able to eat it right before she and Andrew headed off to meet the doctor.

I'm sure I'll have more photos to post tomorrow so...stay tuned...and

Happy Homemaking!

UPDATE:  Hi Everyone, I'm babysitting Lena overnight so Andrew and Ebeth can keep a good eye on August. He had more breathing difficulties and they had him on oxygen for a little while at the house.

But Andrew called an hour ago and said his oxygen level was stable now and he seems fine.  Wow..this is hard to type with a little helper in my lap! She really wants to move the mouse for me. :o)

I'm very sorry that August was having so much trouble, but so glad I can keep Lena and make the overnight vigil of keeping a close eye on him easier for the kids.  I think Rachelle is with them too. She was there when I went to pick up Lena.

 Rebekah and Jacob dropped their  Beef Stroganoff off. That is one awesome dish! I had not made it from scratch since we got married. Tim was oohing and aahing. Lena ate meat, noodles, and greenbeans with applesauce for dessert. She's allergic to milk--so no sauce.

Andrew feels like they are out of the woods now..but it will be a long night for them.  I'm not sure if Rachelle is staying overnight with them, but if so, that will be great. She's extremely capable. :o)

Keep August in your prayers and thank you so much for all the well wishes! You are such sweet bloggy friends!


Breathing In Grace said...

Congratulations, Ms. Donna...he's adorable!! Love that little round chubby face!! So happy for you and your family!!!

Cindy said...

Donna, Congratulations friend!! He is beautiful!! And boy did he weigh a lot!! My oldest grandson weighed that much also..he is a big strapping 9 yr old now!!
I never tried the codliver oil..I was to but I never had any drugs I quess it was okay! lol
Those sausages look delish!! Homemade?

Hugs..Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

Jill said...

Congratulations!!! What a handsome little boy! What a BIG boy too, my goodness! I will keep him in my prayers that everything is fine. I love the first picture of you and him. So much joy in your face! :-) So exciting, what a blessing!
Have a wonderful day!!

GlorV1 said...

Oh Donna, I'm sooooooo happy for you! Congratulations to you and of course mom and dad. This is so typical of you and who you are. A fine woman, a great mother, and a dedicated grandmother. Happy days to you and yours and be well. YAY!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Donna ~ Congratulations! Such a beautiful baby! My prayers for little August...praying for his health! Simple blessings!

Trudy said...

Congratulations. Glad everything went so well. Beautiful baby.

Maryissewfast said...

Congratulations Donna! He's beautiful!

claudia b said...

Congratulations, he's a beautiful boy!!!

Lorraine said...

congratulations..but wow that was quick 45 mins!! think I prefer the 7 hour build up I had with my last two. great photos and new mum looks really well..looking forward to seeing more photos and he looks a good healthy colours so no worries there

Natasha in Oz said...

Congratulations to you all! I am so happy for you. I loved seeing all these beautiful family photos-everyone looks so happy!

Enjoy this special time with your sweet new grandson Donna.

Best wishes always,

Debby said...

A big baby.
August is beautiful. Looks like he will have light hair. Please keep us informed about his breathing. Will say some prayers for the sweet new baby.

GlorV1 said...

I just had to come back and look at baby August. He is so darling Donna. Thanks for sharing these happy moments with us.

Caroline said...

Oh, congratulations! What a beautiful baby. I wonder if your Erin is from our neck of the woods, there is an Erin who is a midwife that we have met ... anywho, what a wonderful birth story. I had Gideon in the hospital but with no drugs, and now that it seems he may be the only one, I really wish I had done it at home. But live and learn. Who knows, I may have a surprise in my 40's, you never know!! Much happiness for you guys.

Beautifully Veiled said...

Praise the Lord! He's precious!!! My youngest daughter weighed just a little more than that, born at home as well....AND IT WAS NOT JUST A 45 MINUTE LABOR!!!!!!!! How wonderful!! And that sweet mama looked like she'd just been to a tea party!! Hope little August continues to do well!!!

Ky said...

Yay! He's here! Congratulations to you all. You must be thrilled to finally see, hold, kiss, cuddle him.
I'm sure he'll be just fine and will grow into a beautiful boy.
Hope you're having a great time looking after Lena.


Jill said...

Thank you so much for your kind words on my blog, and the compliment on my header. That means so much to me! I am learning as I go and the support is so wonderful!

I am so glad to hear August is o.k.! Will continue to pray.

By the way I have always enjoyed your header. It's nice to get to know you through the stories a picture tells. Have a blessed day, and I too feel very fortuneate to have met you!


Needled Mom said...

Welcome to the world, August. Glad that he seems to be ot of the woods right now.

“There's nothing half so pleasant as coming home again.” ~ Margaret Sangster

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