Sleep When the Baby Sleeps...Photos of a Sweet Baby Face

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Sleep When the Baby Sleeps...Photos of a Sweet Baby Face

Yesterday, I had quite an eye-opening discovery. It really IS harder to care for babies than it is to manage teenagers. I followed that age old golden rule of 'mommy-hood' today because I HAD too! Remember? Sleep when the baby sleeps. This is especially important for Grandmas--We aren't getting any younger--eh?

 I love that my Aunt Joan comments whenever I post a 'grandbaby' post. :o) She is the Queen of Grandmas. She cares for her grandson, full-time, while his Mommy teaches school--FIVE DAYS a week! Now that's a dedicated Grandma!

I put in one small eight-hour day and I was truly AMAZED at the energy required. It certainly did bring back memories of my years with five little ones. Young mommyhood requires TONS of physical energy. (Good job Ebeth for hanging in there!)

Older mommyhood, on the other hand, requires ALL of your mental, spiritual, and emotional energy..all done with hours of prayer but it isn't quite as demanding physically. 

In fact, my heart is breaking as I write this. But it's not something I feel free to blog about. It has to do with one of my babies--not August's parents, of course. No one warns you that sometimes,   motherhood can include  a whole lot of pain and grief..and sometimes regret... and questions like.. "If only I had done more..been more..phoned more, ...prayed more."

 But even in the midst of my own doubts and fears..there is this tremendous joy...the gift of new babies and new life.  Each life, the life of my own sons and daughter..and daughters-in-law, and their children, is a special I want to celebrate today.

Pray that the Lord will watch over each one and lead them all Him

I had a wonderful day playing with and caring for my sweet GrandBaby August and taking his picture. And I hope you've had a great day too.

Happy Homemaking!

PS. I think I've discovered the secret to good 'baby taking; photos...take a LOT of Photos--VERY fast!!! And at all different angles. Then pick the good ones and edit them...and crop..crop..crop! Finally, I think I'm getting the hang of this photography stuff!  I'm so glad I spent some time re-reading Shona's The Artistic Mother.Shannon Mucha has wonderful photos too at Art in the Every Day.


meg said...

"Sleep when the baby sleeps"--- I think that worked for the first month of the first child! Isn't it amazing how much time and energy one tiny human requires! Kal-El is a little older (than August), trying to walk and into everything. We just spent a week traveling, visiting his great-grandparents and I need a vacation to recover from the vacation!

meg said...

...Oh, and he is so adorable! So much hair!

Trudy said...

You have adorable grandbabies. Since I have spread mine out so much, from 2 to 22, I am in both stages with littles and teens and adult children. So my mental and physical hasn't had a break my entire marriage. But it's normal life for me; and I've learned to carry on and find some me time in the midst of all the goings on, a little sewing and art thrown in there when I can. Good words of advice to pray, pray and pray some more that God will lead them to Him. I always think I should have done more. I guess we will always look back and wonder what if I had done this and that. Well, maybe we can do better from here on out with the grace of God.

Thank you for always sharing your tidbits of advice and reflections of what you have learned on your journey through life. It is very helpful to the rest of us trying to find our way.

Maryissewfast said...

Love the August pics Donna...he is so cute! My thoughts and prayers are with you...sometimes there's nothing we can do for our kids, they have to work it out on their own! Take care...Mary

Debby said...

Sweet B
aby. I just want to kiss those cheeks.
I am sorry you are hurting. I hope things get better.

Grace on the Narrow Path said...

My new grandbaby is just 2 weeks old. I love taking care of her. It seems August is a joy for you too. He is adorable . . . so sweet that God gives us these amazing little blessings. Oh yea, I almost forgot I also have learned to take lots of pictures and crop. I guess it is a grandmom thing.
Blessings my friend,

Ama x four said...

Donna, your pictures of August are so good! I will have to try taking more and faster, like you said, and then crop, crop, crop. I always seem to get blurry pics with my new camera, which means I need to get out the instruction book and read, read, read!
August is such a cutie, and already smiling!! My goodness...he is not even a month old! And it looks like he is really trying to turn over, too!

Thanks for the kuddos, but totally unwarranted. I still 'sleep when he sleeps' for afternoon naps, so that helps a little with the energy level. I do wish I had a few less years on me for their sake...I might could muster up a little more energy for going and doing.

Love you guys!

GlorV1 said...

August is so adorable. You are a very good mother, grandmother and everything else. I'm sure you've always done everything you could do or could have done. As for linking the giveaway, I appreciate it but it's almost over now so we shall leave it at that:) Good luck dear and have a great Thursday.

Caroline said...

Oh Donna, I hope you are experiencing "peace beyond understanding" for whatever is troubling you.

And I totally agree, I've never done anything more physically exhausting than take care of goose when he was a baby.

Breathing In Grace said...

What a precious post about GRAND-motherhood!!! He's adorable!

Anonymous said...

oh dear Donna your age-old advice holds true even as they get older. My loving son is 3 now and on the days when my sanity is slipping,I nap when he does and regroup. I love the pictures! You've been through so much lately it's great to see that sweet little face return a smile to yours. These are truly the days you'll hold on to when all seems lost.

“There's nothing half so pleasant as coming home again.” ~ Margaret Sangster

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