This week, we Flyladies, are working on Zone 4, the master bedroom and bathroom (and closet). I didn't want to do this, I can tell you. I didn't believe that I actually could do it! I took the BEFORE photos with a firm belief that since I had been putting off this job for THREE years, that taking photos wasn't going to motivate me to truly declutter my bedroom. It meant a lot of shuffling, giving away stuff, and going through buckets and boxes. All stuff that I just didn't want to do.
The best way to transform the appearance of any room is simply to put away the mess of course. That goes without saying. And I just can't believe that I'm going to take the plunge and show you REAL before photos of my bedroom. I have a huge list of excuses..but, really, you know how crazy life gets around here sometimes. So I think you will understand why I took advantage of a closed door to stash a bunch of stuff in my bedroom. I'm certain that none of you have ever been tempted to do this..right? Of course not, so just enjoy the smug feeling that comes from never letting things build up by looking at my mess. Tee-hee!
Meanwhile, for the rest of you, I thought I'd share a few tips for how I cleaned this ridiculous mess. Step 1 is simple enough--straighten the room. I put away the laundry--obviously..and the movies, junk mail, shoes, clothes, glasses, tissues, and other misc. items. That was the easy part. While I was at it, I cleaned the room too. I dusted, emptied wastebaskets, and vacuumed all the dust bunnies out from under the bed. Did I tell you that I hate laminate flooring? It drives me crazy! This is the stage where most of us usually stop. We've gotten used to the excess stuff that has temporarily housed itself in our bedrooms. But not today!
Step 2 was to throw away the junk. Honestly, it's amazing how many things I just needed to throw away. I don't know why I saved boxes for shipping or shipping peanuts! So I threw away all the obvious stuff that could be pitched. Old craft projects had to go too!
Step 3 was to put away stuff in other rooms where it belonged and deal with it in THAT room. This was a biggie! The photos needed to go in the living room, not in our bedroom! I knew that meant making space in the living room in a hutch I have, but fine. That's what needed to happen. Cushions, fabric and items to be shipped to blogging friends or family did NOT belong in our bedroom or closet. (Christmas presents are fine. :o) Luggage goes in the closet. And so does the vacuum cleaner and the board games for Christmas gifts. I hate to say it, but this hutch was storing a lot of stuff that should have been in my closet. And there was the problem. The closet was full of junk that just shouldn't be there.
Our closet ....after.
Our closet...before
Step 4...Declutter the dreaded CLOSET! I had to do this, or I wouldn't have a place to store things that belonged there. They would STAY in the bedroom, keeping me from having a pretty room. I've been putting off decluttering this closet for YEARS. But the day had come and if I wanted a place for blankets, luggage, and seasonal clothes, I was going to have to remove the boxes that got piled in my closet from the last move. I had to remind myself of what the purpose for the closet really should be. Then I would know what should be removed. I decided to force myself to pull out EVERYTHING and go through it one bag or box at a time.
Closet shelves...After
Closet shelves..before
Most of it could be thrown away or given away. We filled many many bags and boxes with stuff. It had all been put in the closet 'for now'. Then I only put back what NEEDED to be clothes, shoes, blankets perhaps, and yes, Christmas gifts. I culled my clothes out and boxed up the spring and summer things for next year. That way I only had fall and winter clothes hanging. This helped a lot since dear hubby and I share a pretty tiny closet!
Step 5 is VERY important and perhaps PAINFUL. Get rid of furniture that takes up too much space. Accept the space you have and work with it. Ebay or Craig's list it or just take it to your local thrift store. Or give it to a friend who needs and could use your stuff. I removed the TV on the stand--sniff!..and the matching end table. It all went to the truck. (Thanks son!) That allowed me to move my gold chair and rearrange the furniture a bit.
Step 6--Load all the giveaway and drive to the thrift store. Finish purging any left over piles. We will be having quite a bonfire this weekend because we had LOTS of old papers and records that need to be destroyed and school papers we don't need any more either.
Yes, I still have stuff left over that needs to be decluttered, purged, and given away. But it's not in my bedroom closet. It's in a tame little pile. I left it in the way ON PURPOSE because I knew it would bug me.
click for larger photo
Step painting the room. Now that my bedroom is beautiful, all it needs is PAINT. And Maria Killam of Colour Me Happy chose just the right shade of green for this room. If you want a great color consultation for the whole house, she's the one you need to visit. It's worth every single penny. How I wish I had time to start painting right now, but the estate work is still taking up most of my time, not to mention THREE birthdays this mont, family visiting and a square dance convention. Some things are just going to have to wait. But maybe...this November!!
It feels so spacious now!
A Note about Babysteps..
Well, I hope this little 'demo' helps get you going on your master bedroom and closet. I want to add just a little bit of extra info here. Nannykim made a very good point. Flylady, encourages us to work on our zone in babysteps. The reason I pushed all the way through here, was to give you a 'vision' for what the transformation can look like. What will the end result of your efforts be? In this post you can see where you are headed. But don't try to do this all at once. Work on Step 1 the first day, so your room will be clean for the week. Then spend the rest of the week on Steps 2 and 3. Next month, tackle the closet for the week...etc. I've left links to my major posts about the rooms on my sidebar so you can come back to them. Unless you just have a big 'break', like I got this week, you may not be able to do all of this, but that's OK. Just keep working on it and in a few months, all of your rooms will be lovely. :o)
Happy Homemaking!

Wow, you have been busy!! I have been working on babysteps since I just haven't wanted to take the time in my closets.My closets are what really need the most work! But the babysteps are working for me....I try to do a little each week. I really should aim for a little each day! Thanks for the reminder.
Hi Nannykim, I've been trying the babysteps too, but the closet--I just couldn't get myself to do it. Not even one step. So now, I still have work to do..all this week, but at least it's not all 'hiding'. :o)
Hang in there!
It looks beautiful now. Isn't it amazing how much we really can dispose of?
Looks ownderful Donna! Love your furntiture!
Have a great day!
I'm trying to tackle my master bedroom this week, too; but I think I'll need two or three weeks. Of course, I do have a toddler; so that slows me down a bit.
Your master look beautiful. You are a fast worker.
Oh my so I am not the only one who has a bedroom that needs some TLC. For a long time I have been thinking the best thing would be to just take everything out & only put back in what we use or need. I have been waiting for my husband to help. I gave up on that. I may be forced to do it sooner than later by myself if I have to move soon. Your tips will be a help. Your room looks great. Enjoy your new paint color when you get it done. Blessings!
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