My bargain savvy daughter-in-law, Elisabeth, found a darling chair at a local thrift store. Lena absolutely loves this chair! It's made of foam and covered in soft fuzzy fleece. But hubby, did not like the picture of Dora on the back at all, so Ebeth said she would make a new cover. And soon afterward, gave birth to Lena's little brother, August as you all know. :o)
When August went into the hospital for a few days, I kept Lena. I was at the house trying to do a little straightening since the kids had left in such a hurry for the hospital. I saw the chair in the playroom and thought, "Surely, I could make a quick cover for Lena's chair.", since Elisabeth was obviously not going to have time. As it turned out, I didn't have to do much. (With Lena in tow, I wasn't going to get much done either. Tee-hee!)
That's when I got a bright idea. Why not just whip-stitch some nice fabric onto the chair at the seam to cover the part that they didn't like? I rummaged through my scraps looking for this exact piece of flannel. I just pinned it straight into the foam, cutting out excess cloth until it fit flush. Then I trimmed it till it was almost the exact same size as the back of the chair. It took less than 30 minutes to turn under the raw edges and stitch it down.
Elisabeth was pleased and had even made something with the same material herself. It's a very soft flannel and the colors, though not perfectly matching, were complimentary enough to work. It's amazing what you can do with a nothing but a needle, a little thread and some fabric scraps, isn't it?
And as you can see...Lena had a great time with the chair afterward! I thought I'd share this so you all would at least have it in your mind as an option. I see lots of application for other projects here--Don't you? You don't have to be a sewing master to do this. :o)
You know, the best part of sewing for your friends and family...and especially the grand-kids!
Happy Homemaking!
Looks wonderful! My daughter has one too. Drags it everywhere! LOL
Have a great afternoon!
Cute. I'll bet she loves it too.
Such a cute picture of the two of you. Grandkids are just plain wonderful.
Wow Donna! That looks so much better and it does match really well. You are a smart cookie! Yay for Grandma's like you! xx
That's amazing!
you are sweet grandma :D
Donna what a fabulous idea!! You are so talented, I kept looking at it thinking you re-did the whole thing until I finished reading it! So great!
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