If you have never visited the Texas Renaissance Festival in Plantersville,Tx., then you don’t know what you are missing. Heather, my sister, and her husband, George, were celebrating their anniversary on October 10th and asked us to come along for some fun at the faire. Mom sent plenty of costume options for both Tim and I since my beautiful velvet Renaissance dress was just too hot.

Heather has worked there selling all kinds of interesting things. This year she came as a ‘visitor’ instead of a vendor. She and George had a great time. She has her own booth where she sells herbs, lotions, teas, and exotic fans and hats at other faires, but this time she was off-duty.

I’m just going to let you enjoy the pictures this weekend…since there are plenty of them! This is the best place to do some Christmas shopping..so check out the link and the schedule and maybe you could drop by and visit too. It’s open every weekend through Thanksgiving.
I have at least six more posts to do because the fair is so large! I’ve saved the artists, artisans and crafts people, and a beautiful garden (huge!!) plus the children’s area for the rest of this week…and part of next. So keep dropping by if you’d like to see the rest of the faire.

This is just a hint at how much fun and how informative this faire really is. So stay tuned… and enjoy!
The shows really are fabulous..and they have jousting too!

I wish I had had some spending money…I would have bought some of their music in a heart beat! Play the video to hear just how wonderful these guys sound!
Most likely these people all work for the faire; they have four countries and their courts represented at the faire. They hold court during the jousts and march in the parade.
Tim makes a bee line for the swords…and hats..and leather vests. You would never guess that my quiet computer programmer hubby likes playing dress up as much as he does, would you?

I have several posts to do about people who do demonstrations for how to make things from the Renaissance days: candle making, printing, forging, glass blowing, wood carving just to name a few.
The colorful buildings are so so pretty! The vendors build these..and they look just wonderful. You really feel like you have stepped back in time!

Lots of yummy snacks, frosted almonds, pretzles…etc.
Now these are what I call frugal, creative and unique costumes. Real men wear kilts!!
This man puts on a great show!
I love these tapestries…
How I wish my battery hadn’t run out! I wasn’t able to get a recording of this man’s exquisite flute playing.
Tim wants one of these sooo bad!
Heather and George insisted on paying for a caricature of us. It turned out pretty cute..and funny of course!
Fairy wings and stained glass..just a few of the many beautiful objects d’art that can be purchased at the huge selection of shops at the faire. I’ll be posting more on shopping opportunities next week.

We ate a DELICIOUS steak sandwich at one of the restaurants. Wow..it was grilled filet mignon and worth every penny!
Marilee Effingham, a beautiful entertainer, sang, told stories, or recited poetry to every customer in the restaurant. She sells CD’s too. She can speak something like seven different languages and will entertain you in whichever one you choose. In this video, you can meet her and here her sing in French, tell stories, recite poems and see her visit children at the faire. She was friendly, engaging and perfectly in character.
There were so many trinkets you could buy..masks, costumes, garlands etc. I thought these were very pretty!

Well, we are back at the gate where we entered. We had such a great time! The beefeater was waiting by the entrance to say good bye or hello…depending on where you were headed. Don’t forget, the faire will be going on for several weeks. Read all about it here.
Happy Homemaking!
Good Morning Donna,
Oh, my, what an amazing time you had! Thanks for sharing all of those wonderful pictures...it looks like so much fun!
Sweet blessings,
Wow, what a fun time and what great pictures. We have a Renaissance Festival Faire out this way in Calaveras I believe. I've never been to one but I do hear they are a lot of fun and you just proved it to me. Great photos Donna, thanks so much for sharing your fun time. Take care. Have a great weekend.
Great pictures! Looks like lots of fun! Have a great weekend!
What fun!!! The costumes are just amazing and the artisans work is fabulous.
We used to have a large Renaissance Faire near us, but after many years the property was sold and the faire moved much further away. I used to love attending just to see the costumes and crafts.
this festival looks fantastic and its lovely and hot over there too..its getting very cold here now! As for Bonfire Night its also called Guy Fawkes night and we let off lots of fireworks and some have huge fires. Guy Fawkes tried to blow up our Houses of Parliament in London many many years ago and he didnt succeed hence bonfire night! which is just an excuse to let off fireworks and have fun. My kids love sparklers and had fun wearing glow sticks this year..I am just glad the rain stayed off for a bit. I have just made an apple cake helped by my youngest and we are going to eat it for our tea now
You are a woman of many talents. Hats off to you. Thank you for stopping by my blog. I appreciate the support. You have a beautiful family!
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