Decorating the Tree

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Decorating the Tree


It’s Tuesday tea time dear friends, so let’s put the hot water on to boil, pick out a yummy tea, and share some pictures of lovely things around our home.


My good friend, Rayanne of A Lovely Thought.. has been hosting a “Tuesday Tea” where friends link up and share photos of their tea sets, tea time, recipes, or any photos of lovely things in their home.

music and trumpet

I have often used this online ‘tea time’ to share things that are on my heart with you.  Rayanne said that she is having to take a break due to needing to focus more on her health and asked me if I would begin hosting this linky party in her place. I told her I would be glad to, of course. :o) 

David and Goliath

We will miss her very much at Tea time and hope to see her back again soon. She is an incredible artist, photographer, and a homemaker whose home is absolutely divine. Like me, she loves the Lord and her love for Him shines through in everything she shares. Click here to see some absolutely heavenly photography…it’s ethereal! Really!

blue ball

So for now, I would love to have you join me for Tuesday Tea.  Just write a little post, or link up to an old post and share a photo of something lovely from your home..china, a tea set, a recipe, a poem..anything that you think is truly lovely to share during our tea time.

Lennox China Snowflake

Today, I thought I’d share photos of some of our Christmas ornaments and a scripture to meditate on….
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Philippians 4:8


As the busy-ness of the season begins to build, it’s easy to fret and get stressed and we are apt to focus on the wrong things.  But if we will focus on the right things..and on the Lord’s control over every circumstance, we will find ourselves having a completely different attitude; one that is joyful and peaceful, regardless of what is going on around us.

May you be focused on lovely things this Christmas season..and may the Lord’s love overflow from your heart to every one around you.

Add your tea time photo here...and be sure to visit and say Hello to each other. I'll drop by to see you too. :o)

Happy Homemaking!signature

1 comment

Rae said...

I am so happy you are hosting our tea time! I love tea time and I love coming over and having tea with you!
You are so kind to say such nice things about me...I'm blushing.
I will do tea with you as I can.
Your post is beautiful! Phil.4:8 is my standard.I love that verse.
love you dear friend!

“There's nothing half so pleasant as coming home again.” ~ Margaret Sangster

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