Last week, I paid a long overdue visit to a friend, Peggy, whose daughter, Jasmine, was my son, Jacob’s debate partner last year. You see, the kids did extremely well and we knew it was their last year. They had become top debaters and traveling around the country for the bigger National tournaments was really non-optional as far as we, two moms, were concerned. So Peggy and I spent quite a lot of time together on the road. We talked a lot! Can you believe it? I had once been the featured speaker at her local home school group, 300 in attendance, when I gave my first ‘FlyLady’ workshop? I’ve known Peggy for several years and didn’t know until this spring, that she was sitting in the audience that day. That was only one of the many fun little revelations that came up during several days on the road between New Mexico, Colorado, and Houston.
Before we left, she asked me to consider doing a trade with her to help with the trip expenses. If I would come over to her house and do some consulting and organizing help, she would pay for a ski trip between the two tournaments and hotels..and gas… all the way home from the Colorado tournament. Well..I could hardly say ‘no’ to such a generous offer!
It didn’t take me too long to pin point where she needed the most help—the office. I’m saving that makeover for Thursday’s post. We finished up about 3pm. The office looked great..and what was even better, Peggy felt confident that she had a system in place that would help her process the daily mail without losing anything important. It was time to celebrate!
How else would two happy women celebrate than with a nice cup of tea?! Peggy was telling me all about her family’s recent trip to England and how they were served ‘high tea’ at a very nice restaurant. She brought home a gorgeous set of English china so she could hold ‘high tea’ at home. I honestly didn’t know what high tea was, but her explanation was that it included lots of goodies to eat like cake, scones, jelly etc. She suggested that after we were done for the day, we could pull out the china tea set and have our own ‘high tea’. Well, you know what I said, “You bet!! Break out the china!”
She loves to cook and had already set out the nicest snacks like homemade pumpkin bread and chocolate kisses to ‘sustain’ us through the long day ahead. Not only that, but she served me the most delicious ‘Mediterranean’ style lunch with Beef Curry and a spicy salad. She certainly does have the ‘gift of hospitality!”. During tea, she wrote out the recipes for me. I’m planning to share these later this month after I try the recipes out on my family. Her husband is from the middle east and works for an oil company so she’s learned how to make a lot of unusual and delightful dishes. She pulled out her china set, and enthusiastically started the pot of hot water, sliced her pumpkin bread and arranged it on her tiered dessert plate. Then she spread out the tea bags with a flourish for me to pick from. What a lovely treat!
Of course, I told her how much I’d love to share our little impromptu tea party with my readers so she let me take photos. I’m now convinced that the best tea times are the ones we don’t plan. What do you think? The moral to this story, ladies, is to keep those tea sets ready, and pull them out when any likely looking female happens by! Isn’t it a lovely day for a nice warm cup of tea?
I’d love to share tea with you too…so join up for my linky party..Tuesday Tea. Thanks again, Rayanne, for starting this lovely tradition for our bloggy friends to get to know each other better.
Her mother, who started the whole idea of 'Tuesday Tea’, also did a gorgeous post when she linked up. Rayanne had a cup of Masala Chai with us last week..and gave me a bit of an education when it comes to tea as I had never heard of that before. :o) Like her daughter, Rayanne is another incredibly talented photographer…It’s hard to believe she’s a grandmother because she’s so beautiful!
My favorite tea? Oh my goodness, I don’t know that I can answer that. I must say though, that although Earl Grey tea is my very favorite hot tea, that I drink good old Lipton for iced tea. But when we want a really special treat, Rebekah and I splurge for a tin of Blackberry Sage from Republic of Tea. There is nothing that even comes close in flavor—it’s heavenly!
Okay Donna, it is official now--I KNOW YOU NEVER SLEEP! LOL! I have been awake since 2 a.m. having a sleepless night and could not believe it when you popped up! A beautiful post to share! Hugs, K
I deleted the first comment I wrote due to spelling error-ha!
My favorite tea is one that is iced and ready to go. I have an iced tea by my side through most of my day and if there's none in the fridge I have been known to run to Mickey D's for one of their's. That Dollar Menu sweet tea can last me all day--
Hi Kerrie, Ha-ha! Yes I do TOO sleep! I wasn't up when you were but I don't think the times show up the same every where. I went to bed at 1:33a.m. which is admittedly very late. My mother doesn't even get this post in her email box until the day afterwards. Odd.
Anyway, as it is, I'm with you about not being able to sleep. Hubby has been having chest pain when he sleeps laying down and forgot to take his Peace and Calming essential oil. He was tossing and turning until who knows when. But..I was up at 7:30a.m. and made the coffee and set out breakfast for Tim's co-workers. They have to have that coffee! LoL!
Have a lovely day girls! Ha-Mickey! You and my daughter and your 'sweet tea'. I can't handle the sugar...but I do manage to have iced tea all year long. I think it's a 'Southern' thing. :o)
Wow, what a wonderful gift, to help someone put in place an organizational system. You will have a chuckle whenever you guys do get over here!!
lovely post, Donna ~ so glad you're learning the enjoyments of taking tea! it's all about the ritual...
will email you the questionnaire for our Valentine TeaCup Trade THX for joining us!
It sounds like it was the perfect tea and that English china is delightful.
Hello Donna
I think I will be joining in on your fun little tea party. Still working on my post. Hope to see you there.
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