Tuesday Tea….Sharing a Hot Cup of Tea…with the Women in Our Lives

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Tuesday Tea….Sharing a Hot Cup of Tea…with the Women in Our Lives

Having tea

Shower Luncheon by Shona at The Artistic Life.

Christmas day evening found me sipping a cup of Glühwein (Elisand celebrating the successful end of another lovely holiday dinner with some of the most special women in my life.   nanamomHeather having tea

All the fuss and rush was over…and my mother, daughter, Rebekah, daughter-in-law, Elisabeth, sister, Heather, and my little granddaughter Lena were all sitting around the room sipping something warm and just enjoying the calm ‘after the storm’ so to speak—excepting Lena of course.

Lena in Grandma's glasseselisabeth coffee sepia

As we sat there, I found myself musing on how likely it is that women were doing the same thing…all over the world.  It just seems natural for women, regardless of age, to enjoy times of quiet fellowship when they get together, especially at the end of a long day. I enjoyed it so much that I told my mom the next morning that I already had my New Year’s tea post topic planned..and it was ‘us’. :o)



There’s something about a cup of tea..that just begs for a friend..preferably female. Don’t believe me? Just ask my daughter. Sometimes when the male egos and energies are running just a little too high around our house, Rebekah and I find ourselves escaping to a quiet corner or the porch swing outside with a hot cup of something for a nice little chat. Is there anything more delicious?  My friend, Laurie, has one daughter and I know they do the same thing.  Shona said she planned to do a tea post too because the girls just love having tea parties. It’s a girl thing for sure!


Honestly, I  really don’t think that men can quite comprehend what the ‘tea’ thing is all about. Mom and I chatted late into the night..as we always do whether I go to her house or she comes to mine. And early the next morning we were up before everyone..and ‘at it again’. Mom jokingly invited George, my brother-in-law,  to join us for our morning ‘cuppa’ patting a spot on the couch between the two of us.  His response was priceless. Under his breath I heard him quip with a bit of a growl…”No thanks…who wants to listen to two hens clucking in ‘stereo’.  I just about died laughing. Besides, I happen to love listening to hens cluck and think they sound lovely, so I took that as a compliment. But that pretty much describes most mens’ interest level in a cup of tea with a bunch of ladies.  It was just too funny. As I recall, he made a pretty quick getaway. 77128_10150106514228745_584753744_7158142_7760822_n

Laurie..taken by Shona

But really ladies, why do we find it so hard to carve out time for tea and a chat even with those we love? I remember coming home from my LAST trip to Dallas…to drop off something or pick up my so or both…from one of my best friends, Laurie’s home. I was certain I was too busy to chat…but honestly..is there a self-respecting woman out there who can resist an offer  for just ‘one little cup’? I know I can’t. :o) How silly to think I didn’t have time. I did accept..and I felt like a new woman in no time. Laurie’s grin when I caved in and said, “Sure..but just one cup”, was like a kid in a candy shop.  She was so pleased.  We had such a lovely time with our tea in her special tea cups surrounded by her home grown flowers. And by the time I left, all the stresses of that hectic day had completely disappeared.

Donna's cup Rebekah's cup

Perhaps it’s because I’m getting a bit older…and generations are growing before my very eyes. But I find myself treasuring the women in my life a lot more than I used to. We women speak the same language if you know what I mean. :o) For the most part, we understand each other in a way that men just can’t.  This morning, I’m thanking the Lord for giving me sisters…daughters…aunts…mothers…and especially friends to share from the heart with. Who else can we talk 90 miles an hour with and still understand each other perfectly?  Who else wants to talk about the little things in a day…and recognize just how important those little things are. 

Some of my favorite times, when my family aren’t available, are the chances I get to drop by and read about your day too. I love it when you send a note or comment my way. It’s like another chance to have some girl talk…and it’s just plain wonderful. Don’t you think?


I really enjoyed Rayanne’s tea post last week…  She set the prettiest table English style, which is my favorite kind. And I loved her recipe for Peppermint tea. If you want some really good heart to heart time..then you can’t go wrong at Rayanne’s A Lovely Thought.

award 028

And Natasha at 5 minutes Just for Me shared a great recipe for cookies but while I was visiting her yesterday, what should I discover but a whole HISTORY of how tea time came to be and how it is celebrated around the world. You have got to go read this. It is absolutely fascinating…so much so that it was one of her most popular posts last year. photo shoot 070 And Debby at Cozy Blanket shared lovely photos of her Christmas swap. She’s the friend who won my grandmother’s antique wall hanging earlier this year. I’m so glad it went to a good home. If you want to know how everyone is doing…just drop by her place on a Monday. She holds a regular ‘neighborhood’ chat at her place.


How about you? I’d love for you to join the Tuesday Tea linky party that Rayanne started a couple of months ago. Just post a photo of something pretty from your house…or you with your cup of tea or a recipe for something sweet…whatever you like…and link back here to my Tuesday Tea post. Then we can all do a little blog hopping and visit each other while we sip our cups of tea together this morning. What a great way to start the new year? Don’t you think?

my signature


Breathing In Grace said...

Ms. Donna...I love reading about your tea time with your daughter. Maybe some day...when her life slows down a bit...we can do the same thing. I sure HOPE so!!! I love the simplicity of your life!! The new pics of you are beautiful! :)

Jill said...

Great post Donna! You know how much my girls and I enjoy our tea parties! If we lived closer how lovely it would be to get together for tea! Have a great day!

Rae said...

You are so sweet, thanks for the kind words.
Loved you sharing others having tea...that's just too fun!! A tea party!!

Caroline said...

Uh!! need to do this sometime. I love your telling about tea with your daughter. My mom was not much into these sorts of things, and now I live in a house of boys, but it is lovely to just sit and chat for an afternoon ...

Unknown said...

Lovely post Donna. I think we need to have some tea and needle work soon.

Donna said...

Christy...I would so love that! I almost posted that photo of you and Ruth..but I was afraid the post was already getting long. I had a photo of Shannon R. playing cards with Rebekah I wanted to share too. I guess I'll have to save those for a later post. :o)

Come on over! I'd love to have tea with you..and of course, by all means, bring the needlework! :o)

And of course...everyone is welcome to drop by any time. :o) I'll break out MY English china. :o)


Photography said...

Very good post. I love all your photo's of family. Best chats have been over a cuppa. I have just been converted to coffee too!

Amy said...

Nearly into the '11th hour', but I've joined in.

I so enjoyed this post, seeing some of these ladies and hearing of your tea traditions. What a blessing to have such wonderful women around you!!

Hugs and love to you Miss Donna!

“There's nothing half so pleasant as coming home again.” ~ Margaret Sangster

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