Versatility…Makes for an Entertaining Blog

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Versatility…Makes for an Entertaining Blog



Recently, my friend, Maria, of Colour Me Happy started a fascinating discussion on what makes a blog ‘interesting’. She was speaking of design blogs in particular..but the comments—which you will find very informative, talked about blogging in general. The topic reminded me that I was overdue to accept and pass on a blog award that goes along with the idea of what makes a blog interesting.

A good blogging friend, Dee of “Make Mine Silk” and Dee-Cluttering My Life gave me an award that really pleased me more than I can say. It’s the Versatile Blogger award. Dee is an incredible fabric artist but I didn’t realize how much so, until I visited her fabric art blog.  I had only known her as Dee of Dee-cluttering.  But wow—what an artist with a needle and thread!! How did I miss this? I’m stumped—I love doing stuff like this but I’ve never tried to do the kind of needlework she does. She is definitely VERSATILE!


I hope my blogging is at LEAST versatile if it’s nothing else-Tee-hee!  I don’t think I ever post about the same thing twice (except maybe when I’m on a roll). There are just so many fun things to do and to share with you.
Award Rules:
1. Thank the person who gave you this award
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass the award along to bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic for whatever reason! (in no particular order…)
4. Contact the bloggers you’ve picked and let them know about the award.
Ok—so I’ve thanked Dee (CHECK)…and now I’m supposed to share seven things about myself. (That’s the part I’d just as soon skip). :o) and I’ve spent the morning on passing the award on to some favorite new bloggers (plus a couple of old-time friends)…(CHECK)

Seven things about me…can I just give my stats??!!

Hair, weight, height, eye color, age?!(skip the weight part—Yipes! Still working on that one.) Oh phooey.. Well—to make this LESS boring—how about if I make seven ‘real life’ confessions? Ok here we go..

My sisters and I and our cousins
1. I once almost burned down the shed (and my sisters..possibly??) next to our house when I was eight. ( I was playing house and wanted a REAL stove!) That mischievous face (Upper left) was me…

2. I love mince-meat pie..Sigh..didn’t get any this Christmas because I would have eaten the whole thing by myself…eventually. (I know—it happens every year—I eat the whole thing!!) Kudos to me for NOT doing this THIS year.:o)

dining to livingroom 2

3. I live in a mobile home…  Trying to make it look less so. It was either seven acres in a forest—plus the mobile home…or a nice home in town in suburbia. We chose the seven acres and the mobile home got thrown in to boot! (OK—so it’s pretty nice…but still it is what it is!!)
4. I’m a recovering clutterbug. I keep too much stuff…of course I eventually get rid of it too—hence my great posts on de-cluttering! Ha!
5. I sleep with a dog—no NOT my husband..I mean YES I SLEEP with my husband..but also with the dog..oh my..this is not going to work..  (How embarrassing!!) TMI!! I sure hope you understand this..because I’m not sure I do.  (I ADORE our dog, Percy!..yes—I adore Hubby too!)

6. I took my school picture in a wig in fourth grade. Boy was Mom ever mad! I can’t say that I blame her, but I wanted long hair and she gave me the wig to placate me. (It was beautimous!!) She didn’t know that I’d secretly stick it in my purse and take it to school to wear. Ha!

Donna High school

7. I was a nerd in school. You know—the type who does nothing but live with their nose in a book. I was so afraid to be me—but books were safe—so I studied and studied. I loved school!! I’ve considered going back to college to finish my accounting degree, but I don’t think I like school as much as I used to. Now I’m having too much fun to spend that much time studying.  (Gotta love those glasses!!)
Ok—enough of that!  Now for the passing on of this award. I was trying to decided who the most versatile bloggers are that I know, that maybe I haven’t quite mentioned much to you about yet.  First, here is the dictionary definition for versatile.. (I told you I was a nerd!)Versatile

Well, I must say that several blogs came to mind like Until Wednesday Calls, Colour Me Happy5 Minutes Just for Me, Shona of The Artistic Life, Rayanne of A Lovely Thought and especially Gloria’s blog Viva La Vida..all of whom I have featured in the past. But I thought this would be a good chance to introduce you to some blogs you may not have heard of or visited recently.

So here are the friends I’d like to pass on the Versatile Blogger Award to…

life in my pjs

Ela has the CUTEST blog!! OMGoodness!! I love her theme, title and the great projects she shares. I’ve only just gotten to know her…and she definitely fits the definition of Versatile. So drop by for a lot of great ideas including home re-do projects, family stories, crafts, and more.


Ky is from Australia and as you already know, she takes lovely photographs of a place we’d all like to visit—Melborne, Australia. Her photos are like an online ‘virtual’ vacation as I showed you here.  But what you may not know is that she is the OP queen. Don’t know what Op-ping is? (Don’t know if that’s the right way to spell that or not.) It’s thrift store bargain and antique shopping but Australian style. I always look forward to seeing the truly unusual and rare finds that she comes up with to show on her blog. She doesn’t know it, but for an ‘anglophile’ like me, her finds feel English.   Her blog almost has a ‘magazine’ feel to it. Very classy! Why she doesn’t have a million followers—I don’t know. She’s one of the best kept secrets in BloggyLand. I’d love to have about 20 of my readers join her..or maybe get what I mean. :o)


Jill is a homemaker with two sweet little children. She posts about their daily adventures which are amazingly creative, her latest recipes, and any interesting sights about town that she thinks her readers would enjoy. She is also going back to college…so she gets my vote for a versatile blogger for sure. If you would enjoy warm cozy afternoons in the kitchen doing fun school projects or cooking, then just hop over to Jill’s house. You will feel like you are sitting right there. And her little girl’s grins will make you grin right back. :o)


This blogger is just amazing. She sews all kinds of things..clothes, crafts, and especially quilts. I just drool over her quilts every week and she takes awesome photos of her vacations and home! I try not to be too jealous..but it’s hard. Wish I was retired—almost. :o)  She has great posts and I enjoy reading about her latest family news too, since she is a Grandma like myself. You know, I think we have been friends for several YEARS. Considering this blog, is only a little over a year old—that’s saying something. I got to looking at old posts from my sewing blog, DC’s Creations, which I retired, and I think she was one of the first followers I ever had. (We’re talking 2008!) Thanks Needled Mom for hanging out with me so faithfully.  I admire your quilts and your sweet quiet spirit more than you know. :o)



Mickey recently had a giveaway and guess who won it? Me!! Yippee!! She is a very accomplished seamstress, stage costume designer, ACTRESS in a Community Theatre, home school mother etc. And she makes the cutest crafts many of which are for sale in her ETSY shop! You too, will be amazed at all the unique things she comes up with to post about.  I can just FEEL that we are in the same boat. Lots of teenagers and a very busy life. We ‘squeeeeze’ out the posts between a myriad of events—which makes her a pretty versatile blogger in my book. When life slows down for her, she’s going to blow bloggy-land away—because she is so talented!

   50thKerrie's Crafts

Kerrie is high on the list—being very versatile indeed! She is one of my newest followers too and we have gotten to be good friends in a hurry. She has three blogs—one for her crafts, one for her daily life, and she has an ETSY shop—I think that qualifies in the VERSATILE category-Lol! She is like me in that she’s always thinking of new things to make, though hers are more ‘crafty’ oriented whereas mine are more practical. It’s a lot of fun seeing Kerrie’s newest creations. She has so many hobbies that I think she may have out done me! She AND her husband do woodworking and are crafty together..and she is such a good wife—caring for her hubby while he fights off cancer. They are a very brave couple!


Deb’s blog is mostly daily posts on the word of God. Her readers join her on her bible reading schedule and then she re-caps on the weekends. But she also loves to do craft projects and paints very well.  She comes up with a myriad of interesting things to blog about including songs, recipes, weight loss, craft projects, and devotionals… Very versatile—I think!


Nana is one of my newest followers and blew my socks off with her gorgeous RedWork tutorial. If you know what that is, then you will love her tutorial. It’s pictures traced on white fabric, like dishcloths, and then embroidered all in red embroidery thread. She’s a fairly new blogger but has some great material! She has many interests and talents…which is why I gave her the award.

Whew!! It was so hard to pick, when you all are so amazing!  But while I had a minute, I thought I’d share this award with a few of you and hopefully, you will find some new fun blogs to follow. :o)Have a great weekend. I do hope you enjoy visiting some of these blogs this weekend. You certainly won’t be bored!



Caroline said...

I love your new header!

And # 5, ooooh, how funny. :) I was a total nerd too. I think we had the same glasses.

The fabric art at the beginning is AMAZING. Your friend did this? wow.

GlorV1 said...

What a great post Donna and thx for the mention. I shall enjoy visiting these blogs you mentioned, they all sound fun. I just love that picture of you with those glasses, so like you and when you were young, boy you sure did look like you were up to something, like burning down the shed. hahahaha. :))) Take care, have a great weekend.

Julia said...

Thanks for sharing these new blogs. I can't wait to check them out.

Debby said...

Hi Donna. I will visit these blogs for sure.
Your secrets are safe with me hah. Percy is a big ole boy. I would hate to have to wrap him in a blanket and carry him like little Izabella, hah.
I sleep with a dog, sometimes 2 and my Hubby as well.

Jill said...

Hi Donna,
i'm finally back to catching up on everyone's blogs, and what a nice surprise in your post to feature me! Thank you so much! I will get to posting about it soon as I was blessed to receive another one yet to blog about. :-) thank you! Your home is lovely and I would have picked the 7 acres too! Have a lovely weekend!

Kerrie said...

Wow! That was a wonderful surprise! Thank you so much for this wonderful award! I feel honored as it is coming from my heroine, YOU! I love all that you do and give of yourself. God bless you always! BIG HUGS, Kerrie

Caroline said...

I meant the one with the flowers! But this one is nice too ... :)

Anonymous said...

Love your blog AND I'm your newest follower!!! I found you through the Texas Blogging Gals page and hope you will pop over and visit often!! :)

Julia said...

Wow! I'm flattered. Thanks!

Breathing In Grace said...

You are so very precious to me!! Thank you for including me. I feel so honored!!! :)

Mary Ann Pickett said...

Lucky you having all that outside space! I live on a tightly packed island in So. Calif. (we like it though). I get to visit the mountains. Congrats on the award! Following you.
Mary Ann

Needled Mom said...

Your home always looks gorgeous. I would have made the same choice in order to have all of that land.

Thanks so much for sharing all of these great sounding blogs. I will definitely be checking them out.

lil red hen said...

Tonight I found your blog and enjoyed it a lot. I'm new to the blog world and will be looking at some of those you mentioned. My blog is about quilting, the farm, and stories from the last seventy years; just what I know about.

meg said...

Aww, I'm blushing-- thank you for the kind words and award! Not quite sure what to do with that... One thing I have to point out though is the sweet red pincushion you have with my pictures isn't one of mine! Can't take credit where it's not due! Thanks for being such a day-brightener!

Photography said...

What another great post. Thanks for all the links to other blogs :-) Can you send me your address for the pif thanks :-)

Ky said...

Wow! Look what happens when I don't have internet access. You go and bless me by saying such lovely things and giving me an award.
You are a doll, Donna! Truly you are.
Can I just add that we call it 'op shopping'. Op shop is short for opportunity shop.
Anyway, I'll be posting about this award in the next few days. I'm just so busy this week with unpacking.

Love Ky xx

ps, It's 'The Miss K Way' xx

“There's nothing half so pleasant as coming home again.” ~ Margaret Sangster

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