Spring’s First Blossoms~Time for Gardening…

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Spring’s First Blossoms~Time for Gardening…

by Christian

It’s so hard to believe that Spring is really here!
Everything is beginning to bloom. 

Tulip tree in bloom
  by Donna

Our home looks it’s very loveliest in the spring.
I always feel like we’re living in just a little bit of heaven.

Field of clover 
 by Christian

Here in South Central Texas we are famous for spectacular wildflowers.
I really just cannot wait to take photos in our fields and along the roads and byways.

Dew on the clover
by Christian
This morning, Christian discovered the first of our wildflowers.
They don’t look like much from a distance…but up close..Wow!

 by Donna

I sent Dear Son out into the yard this morning with my camera
because I’ve been scrambling to get some cleaning, sewing, and paperwork done.
I was afraid we would lose our light.
It’s been a little overcast and rainy here this week.

Tulip bloom
by Christian

The tulip tree..just exploded into blossoms today!

Tulip bloom and tree
by Christian

One minute there were buds…
and the next day..there were just these huge delightful blossoms!

 chocolate mint
 by Donna

This variation of mint smells just like a chocolate mint patty!
My friend Laurie gave these to Rebekah for her own flower bed,
which she’s busily working on this week..

yellow flower
 by Donna

When the outdoor flowers start blooming,
we start thinking about flower beds and bedding plants.

Flowers in the Window sill
by Christian

Dear Hubby will be bringing me flowers to plant rather than cut flowers
on his way home from his cello lesson each week.
  When I’ve enjoyed them awhile indoors…I’ll plant them outdoors!
red flower
   by Donna

Why not invest in blossoms for the whole spring?
I adore these Ranunculus blossoms. 

Purple ranunculus
  by Donna

The multitude of layers are so feathery and light.
I think they are just exquisite!


bulbs up close
by Christian

Spring seems to be making it’s appearance indoors too…

Bulbs growing
by Christian
The fish tank water is doing wonders for my Freesia bulbs.

 Bulb waiting to be transplanted

My birthday flowers have lost their blossoms, but of course,
we will transplant the bulbs to the flower beds too now that it’s warmed up outside.

Yellow Ran 
  by Donna

Is it Springtime at your place yet? If not, enjoy a peek at our place.
Just a little taste of heaven..if you ask me! :o)

Cottage Flora Thursday button

Linking up with Cottage Flora Thursdays


Floss said...

I feel the same way, although you are ahead of us. Last year our daffodils were ahead of all our friends' - this year they seem to be giving the others a chance to catch up! But I have a crocus photo on my blog today, and the hellebores also look lovely. Like you, I have some potted tulips waiting to die back a bit before I plant them in the garden. Isn't spring wonderful?

Kerrie said...

Donna, the pictures Christian took of the Tulip tree blossoms are outstanding!! The blossom does not look real! Do you get "Birds and Blooms" magazine? He should enter the photos there! AS always, enjoyed my visit! hugs, k

'LUSH' said...

Gorgeous beginnings! Aaahhh, Spring! Thank you for the lovely pics!

Marie said...

Hi Donna - You and I must be the only two blessed with early spring in our garden. The fuschia blossoms from your tree are breathtakingly beautiful!

GlorV1 said...

Donna, what great pictures. Your son Christian is becoming quite the photographer. Excellent work. I feel like you do about our backyard. When Spring comes, we spring into action too. That's what life is all about, watching the fruits of our labor come to fruition. Have a great Spring Donna, I'm happy that you are happy. Take care amiga.

Donna said...

I know Kerrie..aren't they odd? I just couldn't get over the amount of flowers some wonderful person planted around our property before we bought it.

To enjoy the loving labor of someone else's green thumb almost seems like a guilty pleasure. I wish I could do something, besides buy the property, to thank them. It must have been awful to leave this home behind.


Anonymous said...

Donna, I am visiting from Fishtail Cottage, I'm new follower too.
You and son's photo's are incredible.

lil red hen said...

Your flowers are beautiful! We're not into spring yet; the heifers are beginning to search for green grass though, so we're not the only creations of God waiting for the newness of life.

Marie said...

Hi Donna - it's me again, Marie. I just read your really sweet comment to me, and you are so sweet for thinking that I live in France. As much as I love France and a francophile, I actually live in Carlsbad, in Southern California. I've been to France several times and Paris is my favorite city of all. I wish I can magically whisk you away for a day and take you on a tour. You will absolutely love it.

Again, thanks for your sweet comment, what a compliment from you!!!

nannykim said...

How pretty! Things here are beginning to bloom too--the camellias and the Bradford pears are just just coming out! Ps thanks for your visit to my blog --your comments were good!

Donna said...

My Camellias were blooming too Kim, but Christian, who is a wee bit scatterbrained (can't imagine where he gets that from!) totally forgot to get the camellias.

So we're saving them for next week. :o) Hurrah for spring!! Thanks for the suggestion Kerrie. I'll check it out.

Oh..such a long list of to do's today!! But hubby is coming home tonight--Yippee!

Have a lovely day and I do hope to get to drop by when the crisis are over. :o)


Becca's Dirt said...

I am loving that tulip tree. So pretty and full. Beautiful blooms today. Great post. Have a nice day.

Between you, me and the Fencepost said...

It's - 8 C today. Freezing out ! I'm looking forward to spring with a vengeance! You are already getting blooms. Gorgeous.

Julia said...

Pretty, pretty, pretty!

Breathing In Grace said...

So pretty....we've only got a few "Easter" flowers blooming right now...and some forsythia...looking forward to April when we really get blooming!!! Thanks for sharing!

Katherines Corner said...

Gorgeous I can't wait for the thaw to see my pretty iris and lily's start to peek through. Ready to welcome spring. Wishing you happiness, Katherine

Unknown said...

How beautiful. I never heard of a tulip tree before and it looks lovely. looks kind of like our magnolia tree's..but I have neither so I really have no clue..but it is beautiful. We still can't see grass here. So our spring is not even close.
Winter is too long!

Caroline said...

Oh, I love the close ups of the tiny little flowers at the beginning. It's amazing how we don't notice them but they are so beautiful if you stop and look "Not even Solomon in all his splendor was as beautifully arrayed as these ... "

I think spring is a bit earlier for you guys, but I have noticed the grass greening up and the tulips I planted last fall have broken through in my front flower bed. I hope they take! Hopefully the longer we live here the more we will do with our yard...

Maria Killam said...

No flowers here yet but love yours!!! Beautiful photography Donna! xoxo Maria

Jill said...


i so enjoyed this post! So beautiful!! We don't have blooms yet, but little bits of green peeking out! :-)

Have a lovely weekend!


Terri B. said...

The pictures were absolutely beautiful. Especially loved the tulip tree! Just a reminder of how God reveals himself: 1) in His word and 2) in nature. What a blessing to read your blog today.


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