Prayer..A Mother's Calling ~ Plus Handmade Pottery!

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Prayer..A Mother's Calling ~ Plus Handmade Pottery!

Dear Friends,

Thanks so much for dropping by today for Tuesday Tea. I hope you’ve had a lovely week and are ready for a cup of good hot tea and a chat.  If you would like to link up to our linky party, just scroll to the bottom. I’d love to see your tea cups, teas, and pretty things or if you are sharing reflections about something on your heart..that’s perfect too. 

Today, I’m showing off a few hand made cups and a pitcher from our local junior college’s pottery club. They do a sidewalk sale once a month and ..well..they got me! I was just fascinated as I ADORE all things made of clay. 

 by me :o)

My father was a sculptor and he introduced me to clay early on and I inherited some of his tools. In fact I have a big chunk waiting for me to do ‘something’ with one of these days. :o) I'm determined to learn to do this some day! I think my mother has more experience with pottery though..hint-hint Mom?

There’s just something about ‘hand-made’ bowls and cups that ‘speaks’ to me. I picked these particular cups because they were unusual..not symmetrical..or just had lovely colors.  I love texture and pattern and these colors..and just the 'feel' of stone ware. Ahhhh.. time for tea!

Anyway, on to our chat. Last week, at Raising Homemakers, I noticed they had a chat on mothers and prayer. That really got me to reflecting on the importance of praying for our children.

Cheerleading is an important role for a wife or mother… but even more our responsibility to pray!  
We must be praying for our children… 

Too often, this task is seen as a last resort. I know I have failed to pray as I should for my children at times and hubby too. 

When there is a crisis though, of course, I know not to just react..but to pray. There are so many things in our lives that we simply can’t fix..especially when our children leave home. But God can. 

Right now my thoughts and prayers are in Afghanistan…

I find mself waiting for a phone call saying all is well. If I don't hear from him regularly..of course I tend to worry.  I’m praying for safety for my son..and I'"m waiting…and trusting. I know he is in God’s hands whether he knows that or not. Thank you Secret Sister for this book .Power Prayers for Mothers. :o) It's been a big help!
But praying during a crisis, though important, is not pro-active enough. We need to be praying for our children’s futures, their present relationship with Christ, their current difficulties. 

We need to be praying for our husbands too. I can tell you that I really believe the economic ‘bounces’ of extra income for his company are directly related to my prayers! I also pray for peace for him as he gets stressed sometimes..and creativity for problem solving which programmers need constantly.  I pray for many things!
How much better, to pray, than to just worry, fret, panic, control, manipulate, correct (needlessly).
<< Philippians 4 >>
New American Standard Bible

6Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 8Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things. 9The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.
Philippians' 4:7
Then God's peace, which goes beyond anything we can imagine, will guard your thoughts and emotions through Christ Jesus.
Now how about you? What has the Lord put on your heart today? 
Do you need prayer or to be praying more?  

I saw a couple of things from our readers that especially caught my attention last week. One was a wonderful song that a reader’s Cherry Kay of Entertaining Women shared. Her daughter, who is hosting today’s tea party at her house, is helping with a fundraiser for the Crop Hunger Walk. You can read that post here.  

Cherry does the most amazing tablescapes and dinners and I really enjoyed her post True Grace.  Her daughter has a FABULOUS voice and uses it to such a noble purpose that the song truly made me cry.  You will be blessed if you listen to it.

A new friend, Amy at Tea Girl in a Coffee World, writes such lovely reflective posts. She really inspired me with her talk about how hard it is to find that 'special time' for tea with babies to care for and what tea time had meant to her as a little girl. 

Really... ALL of your tea sets, tablescapes, and reflections were so lovely last week! Thanks for joining my tea party!

I think tea time is a perfect time for rest...and prayer..and fellowship. Don't you? :o) 

If you would like to join the party, just link up here.

 Linking with...
Natasha's Sunday Song Linky Party
Raising Homemakers Homemaking Link up
Lady Katherine's Tea Time Tuesday
The Plumed Pen's  Tea for Two
Rose Chintz Tea Time Tuesday

A Delightsome Life: A Return to Loveliness
Tuesday Tea..started by Rayanne of A Lovely Thought


Anonymous said...

Fantastic and lovely your tea posting . cool idea and perfect posting ...
Hotel in Brugge

Jilly said...

Thank you for visiting me at my blog! I love your blog it's so beautiful!!!
Jilly oxo

Anonymous said...

Positive energy being sent your way. Much love to you and yours, Donna.

Cindy said...

Donna..who do you have over there..I like to put a name in my prayers..yet I know it is silly..because God knows our hearts and whom we are praying for!
I will be praying for you and your friends. Hugs my friend..I miss you too..I am sooo ready to get my life back!

Hugs Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

Rae said...

Sweet Donna,
I'm praying for your son and our military.
Here's a verse I thought could help with your waiting to hear from him:
"For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways."Psalm 91:11

GlorV1 said...

I've said a prayer for your son Donna and am sending good energy his way. Try not to worry too much Donna. Thinking of you.

Trudy said...

Donna, this was a wonderful post. I am praying for your son.

Donna said...

Thanks so much dear friends..I'm really at peace right now. I know He is in good hands. :o)

Cindy, It's my son Matthew. :o)


Amy said...

What a beautiful and important post. I will certainly join you in prayer for your son. The Philippians verses you share are such a great comfort. They're the ones I recited while in labor each time. . . and I find I still "labor" with them often. Always a good reminder. I also appreciate the point of praying proactively for our loved ones, not just in the obviously serious moments. And certainly, tea time opens opportunities to focus and pray for all of these.
Also, thank you for hostessing such a lovely tea party! Blessings.

Betty said...

I love homemade crafts and try to get them whenever possible. I also liked your post on Prayer. Perfect.

Wanda Lee said...

Dearest Donna,

I must say that your wonderful posts always; (aside from the loveliness of sharing the warmth of hospitality and the simple quietude and lovelinesss of the sharing in the joys of tea and afternoon tea), nonetheless..,

..,Your beautiful blog posts also bring 'tears of joy',tears of poignancy, of hope, to my eyes!..,Wow! ~ Where to begin?

All I can say is that God is indeed the great, 'I am', the great saviour, the healer, and also very much the great 'tapestry weaver', so to speak, of all that is peaceful, light, joyful, creative and giving, with full abundance and caring, compassion, tenderness.

He is indeed all powerful, victorious and lovely!..,

Yes, how often we all too quickly forget this when, for any number of reasons,we can for a season cease to pray as often as we should for our children, spouses; (even our church, friends, nation, and world)!

God can and will keep your beloved son and all of our precious loved ones!

Thanks so much for sharing your heart!

Last but not least, I too love pottery! Thanks for sharing all that you have this week dear Donna!

We loved having you partake with this week's TTTT and also with my 74th, 'Tuesday Tea For Two'.

Have a marvelous and blessed week!

Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee

P.S. I did check several times to see if you were doing your tea party Linky post this week. Alas, I kept finding your wonderful Spring cleaning post instead; I'm so glad I checked again once I saw your link..,

..,So sorry I was late! Yet this is what occurs naturally in different time zones, with busy lives; consequently we all post at different times.., No worries; I'm just happy it all worked out in the end!

Wanda Lee said...

Dear Donna ,

I also meant to mention I am, and will continue to pray for the continued safety and safe return of your beloved son!

..,(It is so easy to get carried away, yet always in a good way, when we talk of the Lord)!..,

You are very precious and special lady, dearest Donna! ~ I thank God for having the opportunity to have met you and so many other precious ladies here in blogland!

Blessings, hugs and love,

Wanda Lee

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Hi Donna,
I can just imagine how you must feel about your son Matthew being overseas. It's wonderful to know he is in God's hands!
My boys never left the house for school in the morning that I didn't pray for them first. If a friend joined them, then he got prayed for too. Of course, my hubby always had prayer cover!
I was a stay at home mom so it was my priviledge to pray for my family. Now that my children are all grown up, I still pray every day for them. There is a new gneration of little ones to pray for as well. God is good!
Thank you for coming by and joining me for tea today. I appreciate your nice comments. Enjoy your week.


Floss said...

I felt very strongly that it was time to get my 'The Power of a Praying Parent' book out again, a few weeks ago. I'm really appreciating the structure that it gives to my prayers. I'll add your son to my prayers too.

Entertaining Women said...

Indeed, the prayers of mothers are very powerful. I love your post. We pray for our troops regularly, and now it will be even more personal. Thank you for featuring KC's music and the link to my post. Cherry Kay

Lynn said...

Hi Donna, Do not believe I have met you before. I will pray for your son. My son was there right after 9/11. Air Force. He was in Kurwait and stood in line for hours along with so many others to be added to a special assignment to go to Afhganhistan. He is now out of the active AF but still in Reserves. So as a Military mom, I do know what your are going through and I am Christian, so I do know how often I have turned my now adult children over to Him. HE never failed me once. I enjoyed your blog so much I am your newest followers. Blessings on your week my dear inspirational new friend.

Caroline said...

Donna, the video of your friend's daughter singing was amazing! Thankyou for sharing it.

Natasha in Oz said...

Your post this week is wonderful Donna! I just loved reading your words of wisdom and inspiration. I hope that your prayers are answered. I also love your photos. Have you got a new camera? The quality of the images is great.

Thanks for linking this song to Sunday Song this week. It is beautiful.

I hope you enjoy the rest of the week and Happy St Patrick's day!

Blessings and best wishes,

“There's nothing half so pleasant as coming home again.” ~ Margaret Sangster

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