Nature Through the Eyes of A Child

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Nature Through the Eyes of A Child

Sometimes a picture really is worth a thousand words.
Today..I’d like to let my grand-children tell their own story… 

colin walking with a picked flower

Let’s take a walk and see nature…through the eyes… of a child…



Following Uncle Christian


 Throwing sticks  
For Grandma 

yellow flowers 

Follow the leader

first steps

Nikolai eats a grape      Hmmm what is this 
Nikolai in the grass

       Walking in the woods

Wouldn’t today be a lovely day for a walk?


and Deb’s Fun Friday


Ps. I'm feeling much better! Thank you for all your prayers and well wishes. But please, do, say a little prayer for Brennan (pictured at the top). Shortly after leaving our house last Saturday, Brennan broke his leg jumping off a chair. As far as I know, he is OK now and has a cast, but I was so worried to hear about the accident. Praying he will heal quickly and that all the financial needs will be taken care of.


Kerrie said...

This is absolutely precious! My favorite is the hand picture, so sweet! hugs

claudia b said...

oh no, poor Brennan!!! sending good thoughts and prayers.

love the pics, I love taking my boys to the park and seeing them enjoy it so much!!

Olive said...

What a lovely walk. Will pray for the kiddo who broke his leg. Visiting from Flora Thurs. ♥olive

Cindy said...

Donna I am so glad you are feeling better.Oh poor are so good at these things's the adults who really suffer...worrying and fretting.I bet it will be hard to keep him
Love the walk pictures...and the hand one..awwwww...melt a heart!!
Yes you are the Donna for Dee the
Keeping you in my prayers.Did your son get the job in Oregon?

Hugs and squeezes...Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

Debby said...

Such cute pictures. So sorry that Brennan broke his leg. Prayers for him and his family.
Love the shots of those chubby little legs and hands.
Glad you are feeling better.

Caroline said...

Sorry about the little guy. :( Glad you are feeling better! My goose is coughing up a storm and running a slight fever. But hoping we throw this one off quickly.

Sweet pictures ...

Fishtail Cottage said...

Hi Sweet Donna! What sweet grandbabies you have. I love it that the eldest was holding the hands of the younger ones. & the babies hand looked scrumptious enough to nibble on...i love baby hands with dimples! Glad you are feeling better & so sorry to hear about the little guy. I popped over Tuesday to link up to your tea party - but didn't see it? Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful walk in the park...your photo's are precious! Hugs. Tracie

Amy said...

Wonderful times in the pictures. That hand picture grabbed me. Precious. Will say a prayer for Brennan.

Jill said...

Such sweet pictures! I will be keeping Brennan in my prayers! Poor little guy!


LindyLouMac said...

Calling by to visit your Cottage Flora Thursday post,cute story in pictures.

cherry said...

Hope Brennan is feeling better sure enjoyed the walk this morning.
Happy April fools day and hugs from Savannah, Cherry

Maria Killam said...

So sweet Donna, loved the nature walk!

Ricki Treleaven said...

Aw! This is an adorable post. Your grandchildren are precious!!! I am linking over from Flora Thursday.

GlorV1 said...

Oh poor Brennan. How terrible. I'm glad you are feeling better. I have been so busy and missing posts, etc. Oh my goodness, sending healing thoughts to Brennan. Ouch, poor baby. Try not to worry too much Donna.

“There's nothing half so pleasant as coming home again.” ~ Margaret Sangster

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