Welcome to another morning tea time chat! I’m SOooo pleased that you’ve dropped by. :o) Do grab a pretty cup..or a handy one..and pour yourself a cup of tea or coffee. I’d love to have you join us today! If you’d like to show off your pretty tea things, just link up at the bottom of this post. I’ll be sure to drop by soon to visit. :o)
Today I’d like to chat about one of the most important roles that a wife and/or mother plays…The Family Cheerleader. I think it comes naturally for we women to encourage our family members in the pursuit of their dreams.
My mother was always my biggest fan! Years ago, I went to the county spelling bee confidently armed with a ‘good luck’ hanky (made of white fabric and covered with shamrocks) and green necklace (homemade by mom) and the assurance that she would be sitting on the front row rooting for me. :o) PS. You're the best, Mom!
And she was the one beaming next to me, when I went to our country's bi-centennial poetry contest in fourth grade too. By then I had written many poems. How special it was to share that anxious and enthralling moment when we heard them announce that I’d won first place! with my poem, On that Dark and Dreary Night (recreating Paul Revere's lonely ride). There were many such moments…and all are cherished memories with Mom by my side.
To this day, she finds ways to cheer me on in my creative pursuits. (She's my most faithful reader!) She’s also rooting for my three sisters, and our many children. She’s the family expert on all of our likes, dislikes, and passions. Is it any wonder that we adore her? If it hadn’t come naturally to me, I still believe I would have been my family’s cheerleader just by the sheer force of her loving example. That’s what mothers do.
The best way to become your family’s cheerleader, is to figure out what they are good at..at a very young age. For some of my kids this was an easy task. For some, I had to dig really deep! I wrote all about that on this post, “Discerning Your Children’s Natural Gifts”. Once you understand their giftings, you can help equip them so that they can begin pursuing those things.
For my oldest, Matthew, it was flying gliders (no engine in the plane!) and languages.
He’s now a Russian/Pashtu translator for the Marines.
For my next son, Andrew, it was a gift for nurturing…which started a never ending procession of pets and babysitting jobs. He wants to be a counselor for autistic children and is pursuing a degree in Psychology. Picture at left with a friend's baby and at right with his OWN cutie pie!
Rebekah wanted to be a homemaker..and adores horses. She rode for years. She bought her own horse last year and designs her own clothes!
Jacob with sister, Rebekah at Right to Life Banquet
(Jacob won first place in the oratory contest held a couple of weeks ago.)
Jacob..has always loved adventure. He’s writing Catacomb Tales as we speak. He’s always been sort of ‘armed and dangerous’ :o). He also loves to tell stories and talk…I had to learn to listen..ALOT! Just this week, he spoke before 200 people giving a speech at the Montgomery County Right to Life banquet. He’s a preacher at heart. He was magnetic..and charismatic. The politician who stood up to speak after him seemed almost at a loss for words.
Afterwards, Jacob told me that he finally knew public speaking was his gift…he just doesn’t know yet where it will lead him. After driving him all over the country for speech and debate tournaments, his real dream is finally beginning to emerge. (Inside, I was secretly dancing a little jig!!)
Christian, our youngest, is a gifted musician... and he loves to sing…. and he loves to play sports… and take unusual photos. We have been having a lot of heart to heart talks about what direction he wants to pursue. Tim's teaching him to program...because he loves that too! Most likely, next year will see us buying a better camera and driving from choir rehearsals to classical guitar lessons…with an occasional sports days with friends thrown in. It’s ‘his’ turn at last! :o)
And Dear Hubby was not to be left out either! After years of Tim paying for the kids’ lessons and driving them all over the place, I decided it was his turn. I secretly bought him a cello for Christmas the year before last. You can read about it here.
I saved my money from sewing jobs to pay for not only the cello, but also five months of private lessons. I wish you could’ve seen his face when we brought out that cello! He ADORES classical music and plays the piano fairly well..but his dream..was to play the cello.
Me? Well, my biggest dream came true when Tim paid to have my music CD produced and recorded. It’s called, “Let Your Children Dream”. :o)
We don’t have a lot of money..but what we have…we have spent not on nice furniture or beautiful clothes or sporty cars..though the Lord has given us some of that. NO, we’ve spent it on the dreams of our children..so they can be all that “God has called them’ to be.
We don’t have a lot of money..but what we have…we have spent not on nice furniture or beautiful clothes or sporty cars..though the Lord has given us some of that. NO, we’ve spent it on the dreams of our children..so they can be all that “God has called them’ to be.
We can all be cheerleaders!
One thing I want most to do, as a blogger, is to cheer you on as you pursue your dreams too!I know not everyone has a mom like mine. I CARE about YOU--really! If you need a cheerleader…well, I hope I can be that for you now and then. :o)
How about you? Are you the family cheerleader?
I’d love to hear your story too…
I so enjoyed Natasha’s post about tea times she and her family have celebrated around the world. She has posted some really lovely posts about tea time at her blog 5 minutes Just for Me.
And Wanda Lee and her friend Pam just blew me away! They’ve been hosting parties forever! Last week was their 72nd Tuesday Tea party! I was so blessed by Wanda’s sweet comments last week. I feel like such a newbie with these tea party queens! For some amazing tablescapes, you really must drop by their lovely linky party at The Plumed Pen.
Want to join in the fun? Just link up here..and drop be sure to visit all the sweet ladies who link up to see some lovely tea sets and posts. Thanks again Rayanne for starting this lovely tea party tradition at Comin’ Home! Sure loved her fabulous photos from last week!
Linking with all of these lovely parties!
Raising Homemakers Homemaking Link up
Lady Katherine's Tea Time Tuesday
The Plumed Pen's Tea for Two
Rose Chintz Tea Time Tuesday
Martha's Favorite Teacup Tuesday
Wanda Lee's Teapot And Tea Things Tuesday
Pam's Teapot and Tea Things Tuesday
Wanda Lee's Teapot And Tea Things Tuesday
Pam's Teapot and Tea Things Tuesday
By the way, I'm linking with a really creative and unique party today at Jaime Ridler Studios. Her party is called Wishcasting Wednesday and it's there to share your dreams and wishes...seemed perfect for today's topic!
What a fabulous and heartwarming post dear Donna!..,
I so enjoyed my teatime this week at your lovely blog party, just drinking in and reading in detail your every word about being the cheerleader for your beloved children of all ages!
What a wonderful blessing it is for you to have a blessing like this; what atalented family you all are!.., God is so good!
Cheers, hugs and blessings from Wanda Lee
Amazing your recently post really lovely idea and interesting info posting. beautiful your all photo's and colorful your dinner and cute baby. good family and nice looking your group dinner party. thanks for fantastic posting
Romantisch Hotel Brugge
Oh that first image spoke to me as my mother had pieces of the crockery.
Lovely children and message.
so glad your children have done well in life..good message on this post and thanks for your lovely comments about my bird painting..have now posted up the video in vimeo
Hello this is a wonderful post. Being a cheerleader for your family is a must do job in this world today. Sorry no link up this week just found the post but will be trying to link next week. Great Job on the post.
At the birth of each of my sons, the Holy Spirit pressed upon my soul what center of purpose each of them would have. One day I will post about it. However, your post in regards to recognizing the gifts of yourself, your husband, and your children is absolutely beautiful!
what a great post, Donna!
I definitely am my family's cheerleader. My men get frustrated and broody sometimes and I do my best to lift their spirits. Last night's homemade cupcakes with strawberries did the trick :D
Honey, you have made such a difference in our kids' lives because of your tireless efforts to be the cheerleader in our family. This is one of those thankless jobs of being a mom that has life-long impact on the kids who are blessed by that kind of mother.
As always...lovely post, lovely tea time talk.
As to your comment the other day, I'm not sure how I'm going to set up my birds, so far they are not messy.
Thanks again Donna, for teatime!
Dear Donna,
So glad you stopped by! I love this post - it is one of my heart's desires and deepest beliefs - I believe we as wives and mothers are the encouragers of the family!
What a gift to give to our families.
Thank you for sharing your wonderful post!
What a beautiful post Donna. I just stopped by to say hi and read your post and enjoyed all the fab pictures. What a family you have. If anyone is doing a cheer, it's me for you and how your family must be so proud of you. Love the post. Take care.
Hi Donna,
What a heart warming post! I have always been my boys' biggest fan! From the oldest to the youngest, I always tried to encourage them in their dreams and they have all made me very proud to be their mom! God is good, and He has blessed me as a mom!
Thank you for sharing and for stopping by for tea with me.
That settles it. You are probably the best mother I know. (except my mom, of course).
Mary Ann
Oh Donna! That tea set!!!!! I ADORE those crocks and collect them. I am now on an ardent search for a tea set like that! I LOVE IT!!!!
You are always an encourager. Not just to your family. Your church family thanks you for that too.
"Twas the 18th of April of '75, hardly a man is now alive, who remembers that famous day and year .... one if by land, and two if by sea, and I on the opposite shore will be; ready to ride and spread the alarm, through every Middlesex village and farm, for the country folk to be up and to arm!" Gosh, I sort of remember that. My very earliest memory was of the bicentennial celebration in 1976 - I was almost 3 years old. :) And later soooo enjoying "Paul Revere's Ride."
I can certainly grow in this area of being a family cheerleader. I'm still trying to figure goose out. He loves legos, and books, and stories, and guns (of course!), but what is his gift? I need to reread your older post. I think it is all about encouragement. I'm sorely lacking in this area, instead I'm often grumpy and surly and short-tempered. But I am going to make this a matter of prayer.
Kevin got a mandolin for christmas! He is learning to play it and very excited. So am I. :) it joins the banjo, the bass, and the guitar (both 6 and 12 string) on our bedroom wall (you and I can discuss decor later, lol!) I'm putting money away so hopefully someday he can get his private pilot's license.
And even the little things, hubby just thrives when I function properly as his cheerleader. So does the little goose.
I would love to hear your son's speech. You didn't record it and put it on You tube, did you?
Great post, as always, and here I am with a long-winded and disjointed comment!
Hi Donna, This post brought tears to my eyes for several reasons. You are such a women of God who knows the value of your family. I too, was the primary cheerleader for my three children. They are grown now and my girls have children of their own. My son is married but does not have children yet. My girls do an awesome job of being the cheerleaders now. You buying your hubby a cello and private lessons, that was a two hankie story. You do know that what you and your family share is worth more than any amount of money could ever compensate for. God bless you and your family.
You all are so sweet! Thank you for your kind comments. I didn't always understand this job or give it the time and attention I should have at first..but I 'grew into it'. :o)
Christi..I got the crockery at our local thrift store because I wanted to give my only set of English china a break from the constant use of the kids. :O) We use the brown crockery every day for tea and coffee. :o) You will have to stop by Angelic Resale here in Conroe. :o)
Caroline, my heart goes out to you. The Lord can work through you. When we know we are loved.. unconditionally... by our heavenly father..it makes it easier to love our families. It didn't come naturally to me. God did that in my heart when I lost my sixth child. That's where the song came from. :o)
BTW (the sixth I lost at 21 weeks). His name was Baby Samuel. It means "God has heard". Until then I had never really believed that God 'liked' me. But through the healing process of that miscarriage I learned that he loved me. I began to really 'see' the needs of my kids and give them my whole heart and attention. The song, 'Let Your Children Dream' is what I learned about parenting and loving and listening to our older children. God is so good!
What a wonderful and encouraging post. My husband and I try to look for our daughters' gifts and interests to pursue, so this made me smile.
I love your Tuesday Tea! I'm so glad to find you. I started blogging in November and do a Teatime Tuesday post, so I'm excited to link up with you now and visit the other tea posts. Delightful.
I so enjoyed that post, especially reading about your kids. Matthew was at the Right to Life banquet and said Jacob was awesome. I can't wait to hear him sometime. All your kids are awesome in their own way. I didn't know Andrew was doing psych, somehow that seems to fit. Great post Donna.
This is such a warm and cozy and simply lovely blog. So happy I could "stop by" for a moment. :)
I always kind of cringe when someone refers to themselves as 'just a mom.' You're a perfect example of why I cringe. I love that your children have all been encouraged to pursue their passion...go have their adventure. You learned your lessons well at your precious mama's knee. My husband and daughter are also musicians. It's such a blessing in our lives. Thank you for sharing your tea party and story. Cherry Kay
It is lovely to visit you again. What a beautiful way to mentor your children and hubby. What a picture you paint of your hubbies delight on seeing the Cello!
Thank you for sharing and for showing us your tea table and the beautiful tea cup at the end of the post.
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