Manage My Life~A Great Online Resource

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Manage My Life~A Great Online Resource

Have you rotated your tires recently? Fertilized your lawn? Finished your taxes? Added some fiber to your diet lately? Ahhh..these things slip our minds so easily! My mind is famous for it's lack of traction. Everything seems to slip some days-LoL! I am working on the yard thanks to my latest email reminder from Manage My Life.  

Every once in awhile, you come across a website or blog that is worth spending a LOT of time on--a gold mine of information that will be helpful in a variety of ways. Manage My Life  is one of those places. I came across them while hunting for a manual for my stove last year. They have manuals for literally EVERYTHING! Now, if I sign up for a weekly newsletter, it's GOT to be GOOD! I hate excess emails and I can't stand clutter-especially in my inbox.


This website not only has great articles on everything you ever wanted to know about managing your every day life: health, home maintenance, gardening, yard maintenance, home repair, weight loss, cooking, home decor. I mean everything!  

I've got a busy day going on right now, but thought I'd share this great resource. I get weekly reminders of what I, as a home manager, ought to be doing right now in my email box on a fairly regular basis. Today's reminder? Fertilize the lawn. And we are going to do it too!  It's so hard to remember to test your smoke detectors, prune the bushes, get that health checkup, rotate the tires. But with Manage My never have to remember those things again! They'll REMIND you! 

I've spent the last 2 hours working on the yard, which happily burns 300 calories an hour..Who-hoo! Now I'm off to practice worship music for this evening's bible study, so I thought I'd leave you with some truly GREAT reading!

Have a fun Wednesday!  Tomorrow, I'll be sharing blow by blow pictures of our jump into flower gardening (Rebekah-style), ornamental bush care, and some 'snapshots' of maintaining our little 'hobby-farm' country style.  We're breakin' out the tractor this week! 

Here's a great article that has helped jumpstart my getting back on the wagon with my weight-loss journey. I thought these were just perfect reminders!

10 Sins That Will Destroy Your Diet

If you're a veteran of the weight-loss game, you've tried a good number of diet plans by now. If none of these plans have worked, it's probably because you've committed one or more of the "diet sins" described below. If you avoid these mistakes, there's a great chance you'll lose weight — and keep it off — at last.

Diet Sin #1: Thinking your food choices are healthy. It's easy to believe your food choices are healthier than they are. For example, you might think that a can of vegetable soup is as nutritious as a plateful of vegetables — without considering how few vegetables are actually inside the soup. Or you might substitute fruit juices for whole fruits, when in fact most fruit juices are full of sugar and don't give you near the same level of nutrients. Solution: Whenever possible, eat fresh, unprocessed foods. Don't assume a product is healthy, even if it's in the health-food section of the supermarket. Read all labels carefully.

Diet Sin #2: Eating all your carbohydrates in the final meal of the day. Your body requires carbohydrates, so you should keep them in your diet. Complex carbohydrates can even encourage weight loss by making you feel full longer. But if you include too many carbohydrates in your final meal of the day, you will slow your weight loss. Solution: Eat most of your carbs in the morning. During this part of the day, a greater portion of your carb intake is stored as muscle glycogen rather than as body fat.

Diet Sin #3: Eating extreme amounts of protein. You should indeed eat more protein while dieting, but don't take this to extremes. The extra protein is likely to be stored as fat. Solution: As a rule of thumb, eat no more than one and one-half grams of protein per pound of body weight per day when dieting.

Read the rest of this article at Manage My Life.


Unknown said...

Prawns with mushroom, so healthy diet. I like prawn salad too much. So yummy.
body lift

Lorraine said...

Donna that blue top suits you..good luck with the losing weight..the best way is not to diet but have smaller plates with smaller portions and increase your exercise like you are doing and aim to lose about a 1lb a week then it will gradually come off:)thanks for all your lovely comments on my blog

Heather said...

Great tip, we can all use reminders, especially in the spring when it seems like there is more to do and less time to do it!
I've been out in my front yard, trying to get in a little bit of planting, still got to get to the main garden!
I started using "Lose it" on my iphone again to keep track of food and I'm already 5 lbs down, just from paying attention.:)

Photography said...

Sound like a good site with lots on lots! :-) Prawns looks delish!!!!!!

GlorV1 said...

That "Managing My Life" sounds really great. I actually don't "diet" any longer. I just try to moderate. Dieting is just too hard for me. Have to get back to 30-40 minutes of exercise again, been slacking off. You look great outside doing your gardening. Your big smile greets us. Thanks for sharing. Have a great evening.

Denise said...

SOO jealous!! I would love to get out in the yard:{ It is such an amazing feeling{{{smile}}}. I totally agree with the concept of eating more "whole" foods. Less junk(additives:) to kill me or Goose with! LOL It is also a much more,hmmmm, Frugal way to eat. Happy Thursday!

“There's nothing half so pleasant as coming home again.” ~ Margaret Sangster

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