Tuesday Tea No. 22…Taking Care of You!

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Tuesday Tea No. 22…Taking Care of You!

Are you ready for a special treat? I know I am. Rebekah, my daughter, did a house sitting job last week, so I didn’t get to see much of her at all. And with her heavier work hours, it seems like she is gone more than she is home. But yesterday, I knew she would be home by 4:00pm and it was her heavy work day at Chili’s. She does food prep on Mondays and hosts the rest of the week. 

I thought how much she might enjoy a really GOOD tea..with scones, fine china..you know..the works! (I think we call this ‘high tea’. :o) So I set out the pretty things and headed over to Kerrie’s Korner SC because I knew she had posted a scone recipe that I had planned to try.  (Gee Kerrie, It would have been so nice if I could have called you! )

Kerrie's Scones

I tried her recipe but was worried that the dough was too sticky. But I followed her directions meticulously and ignored my fears. The scones were just scrumptious!  Rebekah came home exhausted..and a little down..but she perked right up when she smelled those scones and saw our tea things all laid out. 

She planned to work in her new flower beds afterwards but was more tired than she had realized. So she decided to skip the yard work and just enjoy the tea. 

Do you have your pretty cup and favorite tea all picked out? I’d love for you to join me…right here. Just add your link and if you can link back here, that would be lovely. :o)

my favorite tea cup

Today, I’d like to talk about a topic that is more important than most of us realize..taking care of you!  We take such good care of our hubbies, our parents, our children..and even our grandchildren. We take care of the neighbors, our church friends..and even bloggy friends sometimes. But what I’m concerned about is..do you take care of you?

I wouldn’t mention this if I weren’t the worst offender in the first place. I’m just not too good at taking care of myself.  I get too busy..and forget to eat right..to exercise..to get physicals..to take vitamins…or just to take a little R & R.  (especially when I’m sick-Ha!)

Eating Right

This is something I’ve been working at this month. For one thing, I’ve been working at getting back on track with my healthy eating plan. I think I’ve finally stumbled upon a way to make sure I eat healthy and it accidentally caused me to not feel the need to eat stuff that isn’t good for me. 

tea things

All I did was make a list of foods that I thought would be good for me to eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner and even snacks. I didn’t tell myself that I couldn’t have junk food..but I decided to focus on making sure that I at least ate some good stuff too..hopefully before eating the junk. 

I assured myself (the self that loves junk food) that I could have all I wanted, if there was any room left after eating the good stuff. LoL!  Can you believe it? It worked like a charm!  I have the list posted on the fridge. You could call it my ‘healthy eating’ goals for the day.  Just like I did while pregnant, I’ve got a list of stuff that it would be GOOD for me to eat and I check it off as I eat those things.  


For one day that includes..an apple, an orange, and a banana..a tomato, a cup of tomato juice, two big servings of veges (spinach, broccoli, etc.), a cup of milk, a few nuts, a couple of eggs, a cup of oatmeal, barley, or whole grain wheat bread, a grilled chicken breast or fish fillet (for lunch), and a good source of lean meat for supper. 

If I still had room after all of that GREAT food..then..OK I could have chips or a bowl of ice cream (or a scone). But you know what? I was never hungry or even tempted for any of the junk (except Kerrie’s scones..thanks a LOT Kerrie!) I’ve learned to eat the good stuff before I get hungry and start craving the junk. Thanks Lord for the super idea!


But exercise..Oh..how I hate it! I LOVE not exercising. Actually, once I get started I don’t mind so much..but I hate being bored and I’ve always thought that most forms of exercise are boring.  I’ve tried walking..but I never seem to be able to work it into the schedule or it was too hot outside—in Houston it’s ALWAYS too hot. 

But I’ve been praying about this..and one day a friend, Trudy, of Sewing with Trudy, brought all of her hula hoops to church to sell at our annual craft sale. She said that ANYONE can learn to hoop..they just need an adult sized hoop. Those kiddie ones are too hard for us to do. (If you want to learn..just visit this link and check out Trudy’s posts. She will inspire you!

  If this guy can hula hoop..then ANYONE can hula hoop.
Don't even start with the excuses! This guy is my HERO!

Oh my goodness! I discovered that I LOVE to hoop!  I play perky country songs or worship music and hoop and hoop. I think..gosh..I’m exhausted..and then another good song comes on the radio..and I have to try that rhythm too. What fun!  I hoop every morning first thing..and at lunch..and at supper..and at bedtime. Talk about a metabolism booster! And now even my son, Christian, hoops with me. We’re learning new tricks every day. It’s nice to have a companion. :o) If my post is late getting up some morning..just drop by Trudy’s and complain—It’s all her fault! LoL!

Note: Lest you think this is EASY..after seeing the above video. Think again! My super skinny, very athletic husband can only hoop 1 minute and then he's out of breath. I can now hoop 30 minutes without stopping!  And the tricks that guy is doing take years to learn! He's amazing!

tea things laid out
Emotional and Spiritual Health

But what about our spiritual or mental health? Well, that’s the most important part. I talked a lot about that on my devotional blog when I was doing the 30 days challenge with my daughter. We need to spend time in prayer and in reading our bibles, or we will get bogged down with a lot of negative thinking. That’s a great way to wreck your health..and your home for that matter.

DSC04226 by Rebekah

  I’ve started reading my amplified version of the bible because it helps so much—a new version can really make God’s word fresh and more relevant! A friend recently gave me a wonderful devotional book too that I now read every morning. It was such a kind gift given to me when I was struggling last month. We need to take care of our minds and our hearts just as much if not more than our bodies.

DSC05092-1000 by Rebekah

Are you having difficulty with any of this? Does it seem that there is never time to take care of you? What is one area that you could start focusing on. Set yourself a goal to improve just one of these areas. Before you know it, you will feel so good you will want to do more for yourself..and that will be good for everyone around you too.  We moms are so prone to neglecting our health and our well being. Let’s make a plan to change that..today!

I’ll be linking with tea party friends later today. I stayed up late to visit with my DIL, Ebeth who is in a different time zone on Skype tonight. If I don’t go to bed soon..I’ll be in trouble! See you in the morning with some great links..and a featured tea party from last week. :o)

Planning to link up with these great parties!

Raising Homemakers Homemaking Link up
Lady Katherine's Tea Time Tuesday
The Plumed Pen's  Tea for Two
Rose Chintz Tea Time Tuesday
A Delightsome Life: A Return to Loveliness
My Romantic Home's Friday Show and Tell

Don't forget to check out my 'sneak peeks' for this week's posts!


Trudy said...

You can imagine my surprise when I came by and saw a picture of myself hula hooping. I was wondering if you were still hooping. Yea, you. It's been several weeks now.

You are so right that we need to care for ourselves in the way we eat, exercise and spiritually. Great post.
Now, Everyone, go out and buy or make yourself an adult-sized hoop and get hooping. Join Donna and me as we burn 600 to 800 calories and hour and strengthen our core and cardio systems.

Donna said...

Thanks Trudy..and don't worry..I'm hooked! And that big hoop is definitely too slow now. I love the little one. xo Donna

LindyLouMac said...

Thankyou for your recent visit and comments on my blog, much appreciated. I have called by to take afternoon tea with you, how very English :)

claudia b said...

I'm joining you for tea, Donna, and sharing my Justin Bieber traumatic event as well :D

Kerrie said...

Thank you for linking to my blog Donna! Your scones look scrumptious and the texture looked perfect! I could almost smell them-ha! What a beautiful post! I love the Rose pattern on that cup, my Mom had teapot and dish set with the same pattern. Hugs, K

Kathy said...

Hello Donna,
A very lovely post - you're right we do need to take the time to take care of our whole self - it takes thought and effort!
Lovely opportunity for your daughter - what a blessing
Hoola Hooping - boy - my husband and daughter find so much already to laugh at me!

Donna said...

Well..they are going to laugh at us anyway Kathy..why not give them a good reason?Lol!


nannykim said...

Nice post! I did a post on the hula hoop here: http://nannykim-nannykim.blogspot.com/2010/06/pink-saturday-hoola-hoop-video-with.html

with a video of me hooping ;-). I found after doing it for a while that it bothered my SI-JOINT. I have had serious problem with it in the past and the hula hoop movement started setting it off so I had to stop. You are right it really gets your heart going! It is fun too!

I will be off my feet for about 8 weeks, but I I hoping to tread water next month--or some such thing to get some kind of exercise. I suppose I could do something with my arms? I am used to exercising every day! But the rest has been kindof nice!

Caroline said...

He he your comment made me laugh - I just finished raking our leaves a couple of weeks ago. Now we have 11 bags to add to the compost during the summer. I had a good chuckle with my neighbor when I did the front yard, about how late in the season it was.

I never could hoop even when I was a kid. It does look fun. I wonder if goose could learn to do it? I think I'll always love running (though the summers here are a challenge!), but it's fun to have active things to do with my kid (who loves books and quiet play - he'll be a later bloomer with sports like me - he doesn't naturally choose to be active.)

For me, it is much easier to do the eating well / exercising and taking care of my physical health, not so easy to make time for Bible study, etc. And I know that physical exercise profits a little, but godliness is profitable for all things, both now and in the life to come ... This is something I need to figure out. I keep thinking I'll get up early, but there is always something derailing me - often as not my own pesky hormones that keep me awake ....

well, I've rambled ... enjoying visiting you as always!

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Hi Donna,
What a sweet teacup and your scones look wonderful! We love the Amplified Bible and we use it all the time. It is especially great when doing Bible studies. Thanks for an interesting post. When it comes to exercise, I like my bike! In the summer, I LOVE to walk on the beach! Have a lovely week, my friend.


Antiques And Teacups said...

So neat you were able to nuture & bless your daughter. Time together is so special...with the family & with the Lord.

Rae said...

Hello sweet Donna,
once again thank you for hosting tea every week. Your posts are always so thoughtful! Blessings to you and your family...get some rest!!! Hope you are feeling all better.
It's funny, after reading your post about eating right and I post "Sugar cakes" hehehe. love you.

Wanda Lee said...

Hello there Donna,

I love this post!~ I read every detail in somewhat slower motion so as to not miss a fabulous and life givng detail of your wonderful suggestions about, 'taking care of yourself'!..,

Don't know if I'm ready to try hula hooping, yet you've piqued my interest! Definately looks like fun!

Thanks for taking part with Pam and I for last weeks TTTT and also, Tuesday Tea For Two.(We had a super full week and I had to step out of the office to help my dear mom with her new book launch)..,

Hope your feeling better!

God bless,

Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee

Wanda Lee said...


I had meant to say that I also love the beautiful teatime china and vignettes. Especially the delightful sharing of the homemade, yummy scones with your daughter.

Cheers, WL

Kathy said...

Hello Donna,
very beautiful - and thought provoking post - still not sure about the hoola hooping -
Thank you for sharing this with A return to Loveliness,

Ky said...

Hi Donna!!!
What a goodie this post is. I'm appalling at looking after myself. Always making excuses about exercising and sticking my head in the sand about the unhealthy calories I eat and drink. I've been meaning to do something about it for 6 months now, but I've haven't got off my butt and done it. It's not that hard once you start exercising or eating well.

Good for you doing the hooping in the mornings! It does sound like fun.

Hope you have a great day!
Love Ky xx

ps, thanks for your encouragement with my photos. You always say the kindest things to me. x

Photography said...

Yeah I need to look after me more, I must make the time!! I love what you did for your daughter!

Terri said...

What a lovely post! There is so much in here to benefit from. And your tea cup is so very pretty. I think it is a Royal Albert?
What a sweet thing to do for your daughter...and for yourself.
Taking care of ones self is so valuable. It always pays dividends!

Babs said...

Lovely tea time with beautiful cup and scones. Very pretty.

Sara said...

What a sweet reprieve for your daughter. Nothing soothes after a long day like a cuppa.

Great words of wisdom on the balance of life. Thanks for the nudge.

I'm stopping by from Tablescape Thurs @ BNOTP.


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