WIP’s Graduation Photos, New Throw Pillow Covers, Antique Quilt, A ‘Bomb’ Cake, Dinner for 40, and a Pantry Re-Do

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WIP’s Graduation Photos, New Throw Pillow Covers, Antique Quilt, A ‘Bomb’ Cake, Dinner for 40, and a Pantry Re-Do

Is this face destined for greatness?? 

Time will tell! LoL!  Can you guess what Jacob wants to be when he grows up?  Hmm…Green Beret…policeman..secret service…lawyer…preacher? 

These are photos that will be in Jacob’s senior collage which I ordered on line today. And I've just finished his diploma. It's ready to print on nice paper and sign. (It wasn't the actual diploma..but just a template. A reader pointed out that I had mispelled the word principal..as principal. Those typos do get me when I'm in a hurry. LoL!)   The graduation party festivities and planning are in full swing! 

Getting the house ready…is part of what I’m busy with today…   I was really on a roll with the re-covering of my couch cushions. I’m trying to make them match this antique quilt of Tim’s grandmother’s. She gave it to us as a wedding gift and I think it will be perfect for the living room and our style of decor. 

It’s been waiting for the right time…since Christmas. With 40 guests coming, I decided to ‘bite the bullet’ and go ahead and repair the quilt. It’s not as hard as I thought it would be though finding the fabric was a chore. I’ll be sharing a tutorial next week. :o)

Week 5 034-3000

I’m also having a real fun time designing a ‘Yellow-cake Uranium Bomb Cake’ per request of my weapon crazy son. No..I didn’t have a pan in the shape of a bomb…or did I? 

 Week 5 009-3000

Ah! What about the deep dish oval Corning-ware casserole…and the lid! It worked perfectly. Now…for the army green icing.
  Week 5 032-3000

We’re using red and black twizzlers to stick in the middle where we will cut out a slice of cake to reveal the cut wires inside of the bomb. We wouldn’t want anyone to think it was about to ‘go off’. LoL!

Week 5 014-3000 Week 5 025-3000
photos by Christian..

I took several photos of our Sago Palms which we trimmed to the stubs a couple of weeks ago. They are growing beautifully as are the magnolia blossoms.  Christian took fabulous photos of them! I’ll be doing that post tomorrow. 

Week 5 038-3000 

And I sure had to do some cleaning. I’m still washing dishes by hand…but the control panel has been ordered. In the meanwhile, I wash the dishes and load them in the drainer to air dry. It’s been working fine for four weeks now!

Week 5 048-3000

The fridge is sparkling and the pantry is finally re-organized. Rebekah and I have been wanting to do this forever and were really inspired at the IKEA pantry demo. But no way were we going to pay for their ‘units’. Ha!  Good ole’ Wal-mart to the rescue! 

Week 5 002-3000

At the moment though..I’m just cooking..and cooking and cooking!! Three giant pots of potatoes for potato salad (I used two crockpots) and three giant briskets which I managed to SQUEEEeeeeze in to the oven by cutting one in half and putting it into two smaller pans.

Oh yeah…and I had to cook supper too. Can’t let the troops starve can I?

I haven't forgotten you! :o)   I was able to visit the first couple of days this week..but I may not be able to drop by until the dust settles for returning comments. However, be assured that I so appreciate your comments and read everyone…usually when I can’t stand up any more. Ha! 

Have a great week! What are your works in progress? It’s always fun to see what everyone is up to, I think. :o)


GlorV1 said...

Congrats to Jacob! Yay! Oh he will be able to do what he wants to do when "he grows up." :) Tee Hee. Congrats to you too for raising such a great son. Now look at you making everything right for his grad. party. Very nice. Enjoy and in case I don't see you before Sunday, Happy Mother's Day!

JJ said...

It is exciting to have kids graduate and move on in life. It looks like you are pretty busy. I am sure everyone will enjoy the party.

Grace on the Narrow Path said...

I think he is going to be just what he wants to be. Congratulations!!!
Love the organized pantry.

Needled Mom said...

With a face like that - definitely destined to greatness!!!!!

Looks and sounds like you have been really busy. I love that sunflower quilt. It will be nice to decorate around it.

Happy Mothers Day!

“There's nothing half so pleasant as coming home again.” ~ Margaret Sangster

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