Mondays have gotten such a bad reputation that I often feel the need to stand up in their defense. :o) Yes, it’s the start of a new work week, but it doesn’t mean all the fun is over!
I like to think of Mondays as ‘marvelous’ because you get a fresh new start on life..every Monday.
I never feel behind on Mondays because the whole week is before me—seven precious days to use wisely…. to make a difference in my home… and the lives of those I love… or to learn something new..or to celebrate special moments…
Yep, in my book, Mondays are marvelous!
I admit that Mondays are usually ‘catch up days’ for me too. The weekend was full of fun and activity but the day ‘after’ the party is always kind of a mess. Perhaps this is why people dread Mondays so much.
We had quite a birthday party this weekend. It started on Friday with my son and his buddies and carried on until late Saturday evening. Then we went to church Sunday morning and enjoyed a lovely lunch and visit with friends…
The kids were out with friends so Dear Hubby and I returned to house that wasn’t quite a disaster (because I cleaned while they partied), but it wasn’t quite in order either.
Still it was deliciously quiet. :o)
Tim had several phone calls to make so I had most of the evening to myself. Is there anything quite so pleasant as the evening after ‘the party’?
After vacumming, mopping, and straightening up a bit, I sat down to a nice tall glass of iced tea, and a REALLY good book! In fact, I hate to say it, but I read till 2:00am! (I need to get the book back to her ASAP because other friends are ‘in line’ for it. )
It has been SOooo long since I indulged in a good read! Thank you Laurie for the recommendation! It’s called ‘The Help’. The new movie that is coming out is based on it.
Laurie was right—this was the perfect way to relax on a Sunday evening.
Fascinating, heart-warming, a little poignant… I can’t imagine any woman not enjoying this story about the ups and downs of several women in the 50’s from several walks of life. It’s a bit about social injustice too…but in a very fair way, I thought.
For homemakers..this is a great read!
Laurie said that several of our mutual friends have now read it and we both agreed we will have to work in a ‘girly-date’ and go out to see the movie in the theatres. (See Mom—I’m not ALL work and no play. :o)
Of course, this morning, I had to get back to ‘real life’. I whipped through the house putting away the clutter…
took out the meat to defrost for supper….
and mopped the floor (oh the joys of caring for a new puppy..sigh..)
checked the balance in the checking account (Yipes! It’s the last day of the month!)….
and now it’s time to get ready for hubby’s birthday party tonight and perhaps a guest too. (Did you know that a plastic knife will slice right through brownies like butter? Thank Rebekah, my daughter, for that discovery.)
I’ll be making my ‘Six List’ for this coming week so I make sure all the important things get done.
But at least the house is at a ‘minimum’ of peace and order. And Hubby smiled… so we’re off to a great start!
Gee.. now where did I leave that book?
Hope you had a great weekend and that today you feel ready to ‘tackle’ the week’s activities with enthusiasm.
Plan something fun! Read a new book! The summer will be over before you know it.
How was your weekend? Do you dread Mondays? Are you planning to do anything fun this week?
Hope you have a really great day today…
PS. Thanks so much for all your great comments and input this weekend! I hope to spend some time visiting tonight after Tim’s birthday party.
I don't dread Mondays when I am working. I do dread them when I do have to work.
I've heard that "The Help" is a great book. I picked it up at Target but it was expensive so put it back down.
Happy Birthday to your husband.
I want to see that movie too, and I need to read the book first!!
I like Mondays and you are right about the 7 days ahead. Lots to think about, lots to do and in fact I was just getting ready to write down all the things I want to do before 20 years are up.I don't want to look back 20 years from now and say, "boy, I wish I had done that." So I have to think but hubby is home and if I'm in the studio he has a way of popping in and out to say hi. Tee hee. I don't want to lock the door on him but I guess it's best to wait till tomorrow to make my list. Looks like your weekend went great and yes puppies do make mistakes but look at all the love they give you. Have a great week and your book sounds interesting.
Hey Donna. I'm actually planning a GCC girls night at the movies. I just haven't gotten the email out yet. Keep your eyes peeled. I enjoyed that book too.
I love Mondays too. After turning over our eleven little charges to their parents yesterday, this was an especially fulfilling one with lots of productive cleaning. Ahhhhh.
Glad to hear you gals like your Mondays too..for the most part. :o) BTW, I just finished 'The Help'. It's simply WONDERFUL! Superb...
Sigh.. what a great story!
Hi Donna,
I love the flowers in your first picture! I've been wanting to read The Help also. Hopefully I'll get a chance before the movie comes out! LOL I agree about Mondays trying to catch up after busy weekends! But I don't think one ever really catches up? LOL I've been so busy this summer and with the girls. Enjoying the days before they start back at the end of the month. This summer has just flown by.
Always great visiting you! Have a great night!
It's funny even though I work for myself doing what I love I still feel Monday's although not nearly like I used to when I went to a job I did NOT love.
I have that book too - need to read it!
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