Time for Tea: If I Had a Whole Day....Just for Me..

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Time for Tea: If I Had a Whole Day....Just for Me..

It's been so long since we had our weekly 'tea'. Would you like to join me for a cup? I got to musing the other day and thought I'd share my thoughts with you.

Have you ever thought about what you would do, if there was nothing on your ' to do list'? What if there were no bills to pay, no groceries to buy,...

Source: Uploaded by user via Donna on Pinterest

I got to pondering this idea and it really intrigued me. What would I do if the 'list' magically disappeared?   What if the kids were all grown up and gone ( a thought that is often on my mind at this stage of life) and there was nothing pressing...


Source: re-nest.com via Donna on Pinterest

Why have I been so worried? It's simple...really. My two oldest have already married. My baby is 17 and my two older kids have their plans made for moving out on their own in the next few months.  The empty nest is looming over the horizon!

I always thought that I'd be thrilled with all the extra time. No movies scattered across the coffee table. No mess from umpteen snacks 'nobody' left out.  No piles of laundry, frisbees, jackets, cell phones decorating the floors and counters after a busy day of school and student jobs.

 Well..it sounds great. Sort of.  Truth be told...I'm a wee bit nervous.


     Source: cardboardlove.com via Donna on Pinterest

I certainly will NOT miss the eternal cramming of 48 hours worth of work into 24 or less. Daily life around here is always an adventure and always running at fairly high speed. I'm half afraid though, that I'll miss all the excitement and exhaustion...like a caffeine addict missing her morning coffee.

However, barring the anxieties of an empty nest....there is a certain thrill in imagining what I would do if time was no longer a deciding factor.

If I  had a whole day or even a whole week to myself...hmmm....


  Source: gailcarriger.blogspot.com via Donna on Pinterest

Perhaps I'd just sit down and read a really good book. Maybe for two whole hours.... Maybe longer! :-)


Source: apartmenttherapy.com via Donna on Pinterest

Or maybe, I'd go for a nice long walk. The weather is actually nice for a change. There's nothing quite so relaxing and soothing as being out in the sunshine and gentle breezes. Listening to nature's sounds and being outdoors makes me feel closer to God.  We like to take walks...together.

                                                            Source: blackbird-designs.blogspot.com via Donna on Pinterest

Of course, I'd get some quilting in. It's a timeless passion and the perfect past time for the end of a busy day.  I especially love hand quilting and if I had a a whole day..that's one thing I'd do.

                                                                              Source: weheartit.com via Donna on Pinterest

Then, I'd turn up the music and hula hoop for a little. I love those peppy new country songs like "I'm a wildflower. I can hoop a long time to some fun music! What a great way to exercise!

                                                         Source: pastorsgirlsponderings.com via Donna on Pinterest

My perfect 'free' day would be even lovelier if I could plant some new flowers in a pot or in the flower beds. Gardening makes you feel so connected to God's earth. There's something so satisfying about planting things. It makes me happy. :-)

                                                                        Source: google.de via Donna on Pinterest

After lunch, I'd sit down and write a chatty letter to a friend or family member that I've not connected with in a while. Some people don't really care for emails. Frankly, we all need to write real letters now and then. Use special paper... seal it with wax or a sticker. It's nice to slow down...isn't it?

                                                                    Source: Uploaded by user via Donna on Pinterest

I'd play practice some Christmas songs on the piano...or favorite hymns. Even 30 minutes would be heaven!  I've really gotten out of practice. It's a shame to leave the poor piano sitting there getting dusty...when I love making music so much.

                                                              Source: jessicajanehandmade.blogspot.com via Donna on Pinterest

Then I'd spend the afternoon learning to do something new. I've always wanted to learn to sculpt. I have the clay...and the tools..inherited from my father...now I just need a little time. :-)

                                                                     Source: familyhandyman.com via Donna on Pinterest

I think that if I had a day, just for me, I'd go crazy and  paint a whole room a fresh new color! Now that would be delightful.

Photo by Donna Rodgers

Or maybe I'd just sit on the couch after supper  and curl up with our new kitty. He loves wrapping around your neck or going to sleep in our laps. He misses his mommy I think.

At the end of a perfect day, Hubby and I would curl up together and watch a favorite movie...or just chat about those early days when we first met. We like to dream of the day when it will just be me and him. Now that's something to look forward to right?

by Rebekah

Would I love a day with the grandkids? Of course. I'd LOVE to do that!! Being with them is priceless. They are one of the biggest joys of my life. In fact, our sixth grandchild, Lily, is due any minute!

And I wouldn't trade our fun evenings of loud banter, scuffling and arm wrestling, computer games (even I play with them!), and action movies with the teens.  Cooking and sewing with my daughter..shopping and chats at Starbucks are moments I treasure. Life with a big family is tons of fun...

but if I had a day, all to myself..these are the dreams that pop into my head.

So why ask this question? Will it make us discontent to ask it?

                                                             Source: misspottermoviethroughway.typepad.com via Donna on Pinterest

It doesn't have to.

I discovered this week, that when I began to think 'outside the box' about what I would do...

to dream.. BIG... it made me realize that I COULD do some of those things. Right now.

This little mental exercise helped me to clarify some of those dreams...and figure out how to pick and choose a few and do one of them now and then.

 I think that today, I'm going to print all of these ideas on pieces of paper. Then I'll fold them up and put them in a 'dream jar'.  Every day, or certainly every week, I could DO one of those things.

We can't spend the whole day doing what we like and frankly, I think it could get a bit boring. (Think 'empty nest'.)

That dream may not be all it's cracked up to be after all. After all, we love our families. We love being around people.  I'm GLAD that I have work to do because it makes the times when I get to do something 'just for fun' a little more special.

                                                                           Source: themed-party-ideas.com via Krystal on Pinterest

But sometimes I don't take the time to do even one of these things.

What about you? Do you EVER do something just for fun? My mom thinks I have a hard time with this. She may be right.

Do you ever feel guilty for just doing nothing?

Today, why don't you take a little time to brainstorm about what YOU would do, if you had all the time in the world. Imagine you aren't working full-time, a single mom, a SAHM, or any other role. Pretend, just for a moment, that you are just you...independently wealthy (LOL) with all the free time in the world.

 What would YOU do? I mean for sheer pleasure.

Don't camp there ladies. I know you know better than to do that. Discontentment with our lives can ruin everything we value.  We are exactly where we are supposed to be for today. But that doesn't mean we can't do anything at all that is 'just for me'.

I love the name of Natasha's blog...5 minutes..Just for Me.  It reminds me that it's OK to spend a little time on yourself. If you are like most women I know, you've earned it! Now, enjoy it. It's great to reward yourself with a few minutes of sheer pleasure after a day of hard work.

                                Source: thechristmasfairyfb.com via Cindy on Pinterest

So go start that bubble bath, light a candle, turn on some lovely music...and dream...


Needled Mom said...

Ahh yes...it is fun to dream. I must say that I am busier now than when I was raising my children. I would have never imagined all the different directions I could be pulled. I hope you arrange your free time better than I do!!! xo

Amy said...

Lots of good dreams and lots of good now found in this post. Yes, doing a bit of the fun daily is the only way to go! Isn't pinterest too much fun? Good for organizing those dreams. ~blessings~

Donna said...

Don't say that, Mary. Now you are scaring me. Gee.. Well... hopefully, if I'm staying busy, then I won't be too down about that empty nest. :o)

Amy, I was just thinking about you. This was my first time to write a post using Pinterest photos to go along with my topic.

I didn't actually 'embed' them last time. It's nice to have the links already there for you.


Jill said...

Great post Donna! it seems to be the hardest thing for a mom to do and that's slow down and take time for herself. Hope you are doing well, I bet you are getting ready for the busy holiday season ahead.
Have a great week!


paperbutterfly said...

Wonderful post. We just became empty nesters ourselves. As I work fulltime, there is still little me time, but it is too quiet. Thank you for sharing your dreams and tea with us.

“There's nothing half so pleasant as coming home again.” ~ Margaret Sangster

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