How to Save 75% on Flea Medicine with a Bulk Kit

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How to Save 75% on Flea Medicine with a Bulk Kit

Dog meds and weight journal 008-2000
If you have pets, then you know that summertime is when fleas and other pests seem to come out in ‘full force’.  The only effective solution to fleas that I have found are the very pricey but powerful Advantage and Frontline flea control medicines. 
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You apply these meds once a month and they work just beautifully! I’ve never known anything else to work as effectively. But the price, especially when treating several pets, is prohibitive.
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My daughter-in-law, Ebeth, told me that there was some kind of ‘kit’ available online that would allow you to buy bulk quantities of Frontline or Advantage and would also provide a syringe and bottle to store it in.
I hunted around last week, and sure enough. With a lot of digging I came up with a company that did this.

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Instead of paying $30-45 for a three month supply for ONE pet…I paid the same amount of money and got a good six months’ supply for FOUR pets!

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I bought my kits from a place that is out of business now, but you can get the same thing from  Cats Around Town. The kit was easy to use and there was plenty of medicine for our cats and our dog. We bought Advantage for Percy, and Frontline Plus (for ticks too) for the cats. 
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All you have to do is open the bulk container of medicine, squeeze it into the provided bottle.

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Then look up the ‘dosage’ on the chart that they include in your kit. It’s based on the weight of your animal. 
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Fill up your tube with the appropriate dosage and apply to the back of your pet’s neck.  Be sure to check off the ‘month’ on your little calendar which they also provide.  Simple!

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The cats and our dog are all happily free of fleas and we are happy we were able to rescue our ‘pocket book’ from needless expense. 
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There are several companies out there offering this bulk kit. Just do a google search on bulk Advantage flea medicine kit. You can do comparison shopping that way. We were very happy with the company we ordered from.

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1 comment

GlorV1 said...

Hi Donna. Just wanted to say hello. Hope you are doing well. Thanks for the info. Me, gloria

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