Completed Miscellaneous Projects

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Completed Miscellaneous Projects

Wedding pillows designed by me for my second oldest son and his wife using French 'boutis' quilting method.

My daughter in a civil war era ball dress I made for her. A lot of hand work was involved in this dress. It had boning and 40 hand sewn eyelet holes, and six rows of hand sewn bias tape, plus eight rose corsages.

A secret Easter gift--a decorated gross grain ribbon flower on a purchased blouse.
This is a skirt that I made using a ruffler foot--no pattern needed!

Mom and daughter decorated aprons using yo-yo flowers. I purchased the denim aprons as I was in a hurry. Baby Lena was born two days after I finished these!

1 comment

Trudy Callan said...

The civil war gown is incredible.

“There's nothing half so pleasant as coming home again.” ~ Margaret Sangster

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