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Meet Rebekah's New Horse....Tex!

Finally, after many years, Rebekah's dream has come true. She just purchased Tex from a neighbor. He is 11 yrs. old and 16 hands tall. He was a 'school' horse and is very good natured. Even though he has been trained for western riding, she says he is very quick to learn and responsive. Riding bareback, he seemed to respond very quickly to leg reining cues.

She has been saving her money from working for Bed, Bath and Biscuit, a dog boarding place in Willis, and was able to buy her first horse this week.

1 comment

Ama x 2&1/2 said...

Congratulations on your new horse, Rebekah! I know you have wanted one for a long, long time. Good for you!

Love to all,
aunt joan

“There's nothing half so pleasant as coming home again.” ~ Margaret Sangster

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