Let the Little Children Come to Me (a child's worship song)

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Let the Little Children Come to Me (a child's worship song)

Let the little children come to me,
I love to hold my babies on my knee,
for the kingdom of heaven is made of these,
Be like little children and trust in me!

God sent Hannah a baby boy,
She was so glad, she let him serve the Lord,
God called Samuel in the middle of night,
and Samuel obeyed with all his might.

God says,... (chorus)
God sent a slave girl to serve a king,
One day she heard he was suffering,
She told him of a prophet she had seen.
The king asked for help and God made him clean.

He said, (chorus)

vs.3  Some children came to visit Christ one day,
But his men said, "Shoo! please go away!"
Jesus said, "Come, bring the children to me"
And he gathered them up for his blessing.

He said... (chorus)

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