As we start out the new year of 2011 together, I thought it would be a great time to re-introduce is who I am..and what Comin' Home was and is 'supposed' to be all about. I'd love to hear from you too.
Our Story...
For years now, I've been doing what I could to make a happy home. Since I was a little girl, I've always believed that homemaking was the best job anyone could ever have. I believe that women everywhere are uniquely designed by our Heavenly Father to do it better than anyone else in the world. It is where we become, grow, develop, thrive, bloom, and mature. The art of homemaking is a lost one that I wanted to help revive in our busy modern world.
Love, Donna :o)
Our Story...
For years now, I've been doing what I could to make a happy home. Since I was a little girl, I've always believed that homemaking was the best job anyone could ever have. I believe that women everywhere are uniquely designed by our Heavenly Father to do it better than anyone else in the world. It is where we become, grow, develop, thrive, bloom, and mature. The art of homemaking is a lost one that I wanted to help revive in our busy modern world.
Rebekah, Andrew, Jacob, Christian, and Matthew...14 years ago...
Rebekah, Jacob, Tim and I..this year
My software developer husband has been able to work from home for over ten years at a small company, which we consider to be a privilege beyond words, but that has meant living on a pretty tight budget. With five talented kids, and 22 or so years of homeschooling, I've had to not only become very creative at making ends meet but also very efficient--there are only so many hours in a day!
Christian and Tim this summer

The kids...four years ago.
It just so happens that I come from a long line of urban homesteaders (literally farming IN TOWN), artists, musicians, and family members with the gift of gab (sigh..). I love to learn new things...I crave making things...and most of all I love SHARING how to do it. I know not everyone can figure out the HOW to do it, and I enjoy teaching so much.
That's why I do so many tutorials. I love pictures and though I'm not a very good photographer, I try to take my pictures as 'creatively' as possible so you can enjoy the beauty of what we do as well as the information. (My youngest is incredibly good at photos--so I borrow his abilities whenever I need to show 'two hands'. )

I can't tell you how thrilled I was when I figured out what a blog was!! It occurred to me that I finally had an outlet to share all I've learned over the last 23 years of living on a shoe string and having a great time doing it! No more workshops, overheads, long drives, and busy schedules. Now I can share what I do with you from the comfort of both my home and yours.
The bible says, "to whom much is given, much is required". I've been given more than my fair share of talents, learning ability, will-power, and a willingness to be 'transparent' be public, I guess you would say. (The kids are another thing.."Oh no mom!!! No blogging!!) My head is constantly filled with new ideas and they exhaust feels so good to get them out and onto paper...I mean the computer--Ha!
I have no need for 'credit' or kudos..just a heart-felt desire to give you that same joy of accomplishment that I feel every day. That glorious feeling of "I did it...myself!" without all the expense of running to the local store, is a refreshing one in today's mass manufactured, virtual living, world.
I want you to get to share that love of making something with your children too. We don't want to lose the many rewarding and fulfilling arts of the home, even if we only get to pursue them after an eight hour work day. You are capable of so much!
I'm so glad you dropped do get that cup of tea...
Donna, I'm really glad you reposted this as it was so nice to see your lovely family again! It is nice to look back and reflect on where we have come with our blogs and to give thanks for the friends and family who have been on this journey with us!
I hope that you have another great blogging year and I look forward to blogging along with you!
Blessings and best wishes,
your Aussie friend,
Such a beautiful/handsome family you have Donna! i enjoy visiting your blog and seeing all you have accomplished! You are a great Mom!
Have a wonderful 2011!
Many blessings,
I'm glad you reposted this since we just became friends. Its so nice to read such an honest and heartwarming post. I love that you are so accomplished, with your beautiful children and desire to give. I hope that I can do the same one day. Thank you for the inspiration and I will be making it a point to do your Tuesday Tea Time every week as I think it is very important to sit down once a week and reflect. Thank you for being you Donna!
Donna, thanks for the refresher:) I love your blog for all that it is!! Your love for Christ, your love for homemaking, and your ability to reach out to "us" are all wonderful gifts. You are a wonderful Christian example. I am so very glad that I found your blog!
Have Peace & Joy filled Year!
Hmmm, yeah, the transparent thing is something my hubby wishes me to cultivate. And the "home as a haven". I'll be enjoying reading your blog this year. :)
Dearest Donna, I know that the Lord work's in mysterious way' proved it my friend. I am so glad you came along I really needed your sweet comment we speak my son Dustin is trying to get me out of my blue's, you have both helped. I love your whole family and your chicken's (I have a chicken coop too) how amazing. You are trully amazing, I love your craft look's fun to me. Your quilt's are so special.
Thank you again my special new friend.
Happy new year to you Donna! Looking forward to following you this year. Wonder what you have in store for us? Whatever it will be, it will be fun, wise and educational.
Love Ky xx
Donna, I'm so glad that you decided to blog. Imagine all the people that would be missing out if you hadn't started "Coming Home." I'm glad I met you. Have a great week.
Miss Donna, you are such a blessing! I loved re-reading your motivation for blogging...I've always thought you had so much to offer, and blogging is such a gift to a generation of 'younger' ladies desiring those 'older' Titus 2 women in our lives, mentoring and loving on us! Though our 'in person' time was short lived, I am so thankful to be able to continue gleaning from your wisdom. It would be such a blessing to see you and your precious family again (and all those chickens!). I hope the Lord sees fit to bestow such a kindness soon!! Your encouragement is a treasure in my life...I pray I may offer a little bit back to you. Hugs and love, Amy (PS, I plan to link up with you for tea first post of the year for Exquisite Grace too!) sweet ladies are just too much for me. :o) I'm humbled...
Thank you so much for your kind words. I never thought this post would mean so much. I wrote it almost a year ago. I had just started "Homemaking Made Easy" as I called it then.
Thank you for encouraging me to keep on. You bless me all so much!
I found your blog today while creating a blog post on my blog about homemaking - I have featured one of your photos and a link to your blog - check out my blog here:
It might be a little while before my post with the link to you in it is live on my blog though...
Love your blog and plan to keep reading it now!
Ruth thanks so much! I'll check it out. I am pretty sure that I am going back to regular posting again after being off the grid for awhile. I just feel it's time. :) I've been on a break but the Lord has done a lot of good work in my heart. I'm looking forward to meeting you. :)
Sincerely, you are adorable and I love your blog and your heart. I'm so grateful you share your talents with us!
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