A Day in the Country

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A Day in the Country

What do you do when you wake up to an absolutely beautiful crisp winter day? That's right..get out the tractor!!! At least that's what you do around here.What is it about tractors that is so fascinating to the male gender?...the mud?..the grease?..the feel of cold hard steel...or maybe it's just those awesome big tires!  Whatever it is, the boys come running when they hear the beautiful roar of the tractor engine starting up...
I have to say that my hubby is absolutely 'tractor happy' today.  Actually he's been suffering from a severe case of 'tractor envy' for some time now.  The gas-powered blower satisfied him for some time...but it just wasn't quite enough--he wanted something much bigger!

Well, I'd love to say that he got a tractor, but he didn't. What he did get though, was driving privileges for the neighbor's tractor. In exchange for keeping an eye on our neighbor's equipment (somebody was vandalizing his stuff), he told Tim he could use the tractor any time he liked! Oh my!  Frankly, without neighbors, we'd be in trouble out here. We have to look out for each other and help each other too.

Well, Tim had to give the tractor a little TLC but it runs great!  First, he fixed our driveway which had become almost unnavigable. That was a few weeks ago. But yesterday, he did his best to fix our road. It gets so eroded that you can hardly drive over it. When it rains, like it does all the time, it gets even worse!

The 'joy' of living out in the middle of nowhere is that the road is 'community maintained'.  That means which ever neighbor gets sick and tired of the ruts first (and also owns a tractor) finally goes out and scrapes the red dirt until it is flat again.

Fixing the road is a family activity that we all like to participate in in one way or another. Rebekah uses it as an excuse to take Tex out. The boys use the spare time between rock excavations to horse around and I just usually take pictures.

There are very large rocks in the road, which Tim discovers as he works.  The boys make quick work of removing them. But all the hard work is worth it when they are all done

. The best thing is that you don't need a four-wheeler to get home when they are finished.  It's a perfect way to spend a perfect day at our home in the country. Come back soon!


GlorV1 said...

Oh geez, that was so much fun. Country living is my style. We don't have quite an acre but we do enjoy what we have. Unfortunately it's in the county and not on the outskirts. Wow, your family definitely gets into "the" way of life. Thanks so much for sharing, I really enjoyed this. Have a great Thursday.

GlorV1 said...

Hi, I tried entering your special giveaway but when I click it doesn't go anywhere. There is no link, I think. Just to let you know. I would like to enter and thank you.

Donna said...

Thanks so much for letting me know Gloria! I'll fix it right away. You are entered anyway. :o) ALL my followers are entered automatically, I just show what prizes you can get from the link. By the way, your prize will be on it's way tomorrow. :o)

I wasn't sure if I should start posting about life out here or not. But I'm still working on my ruffler foot post (and a t shirt dress) and thought I'd post something from my family blog. If you could see our computer/sewing room, it looks like NASA thanks to all the computers...not terribly country looking. But i do quilt and decorate with antiques (the cheap ones)and little by little we've adjusted to the country life. We've only been out of suburbia about 6 years. I was afraid our teens wouldn't adjust...but they did!

Unknown said...

Donna, I have tons of fond memories growing up on our family tractor. I'll share my favorite tractor/coming of age story on my blog soon. Don't let me forget, ok.

Donna said...

Christi L. Do you realize that I have a package...a homemade candle that you won at least a month if not two months ago?? What is your address? Send it to me ASAP and I'll ship it to you tomorrow. I'll try not to forget to let you know about the tractor story.


“There's nothing half so pleasant as coming home again.” ~ Margaret Sangster

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