Our Love...a song about our marriage

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Our Love...a song about our marriage

I don't sing very professionally, but if you'd like to hear a pretty little song that I wrote for Tim 
when we first got married click here.
 Here are the words....

Our Love

When first we met and hearts did greet,
some special something woke.
With friendly smiles and openness,
and kindly words we spoke.

Then happy times and visions shared,
and fellowship in God,
Brought oneness and companionship,
the first fruits of our love.

chorus: Our love,
is as strong as a mountain..
as sweet as a meadow..
as deep as the sea.

Our love...
is as gentle as a whisper.
Our love is all that love was meant to be,
because it comes from God,
our love will last..until eternity..
I'm so glad that God chose you...
for me!

When it was young our love was like,
the glow of burning embers,
so quick to grow yet fragile,
oh yes, my heart remembers..
But now our loves keeps growing,
as time moves swiftly on.
we find a love more steady,
and a fire burning strong.

The struggles and the burdens,
the weakness in the one,
gives the other chance to live and love,
in the image of the Son.
I know our love will blossom,
our hearts, the hurts, will prune,
and oneness by the Grace of God,
will keep our love in bloom.

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