We have Winners!

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We have Winners!

Using random.org's random generator, I now have three winners for this month's "Followers Are Special!" give-away.  The winners will need to contact me, if I am not able to contact them to choose their prize.  They are 

Lynne Campbell (anonymous follower)
MickMouse02 (anonymous follower)
From now on, I will be having a monthly drawing for my followers--just sign up and you are entered!   I'll let you know what the prizes will be to choose from for next month.  There will be only one winner in our subsequent drawings.
PS. If you are a follower of the old family blog, or the sewing blog, you will need to begin following this blog in order to continue being a part of the monthly drawings.
Also, if I don't hear from my winners by tomorrow, I'll draw new ones...so stay tuned!

1 comment

GlorV1 said...

Hi. I just wanted you to know that I received the tote and instructions. Thank you very much for the win at OWOH. I appreciate it. Take care.

“There's nothing half so pleasant as coming home again.” ~ Margaret Sangster

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