Can anyone tell me why I put off cleaning and selling our old refrigerator for such a long time? Today, I'm so excited!!! A man is driving up to buy this silly refrigerator that has been using up copious amounts of electricity for no good reason. It was also taking up precious space that was needed by our Foosball table. And it was driving my husband up the wall...all because of Procrastination...mine more specifically.
I don't understand why I put things off but this was the dumbest thing I can ever think of to delay! It meant money in our pockets and room to play. And the potential brownie points I could accumulate with hubby were incalculable! Wow! I had everything to win and nothing to lose!
This is the secret to getting over procrastination, according to Don Aslett, author of the 48 Hour day. He says don't write your to do list like this...
- Sew Mom's cushions
- Clean and sell refrigerator
- Pay taxes
Super Goals!!
- Sew mom's cushions.(What a great tutorial post that will make--tons of visitors for my blog!) "Oh wonderful! What a great job! You've done honey" (Sheesh! Now I can get to that rug weaving I've been wanting to work on!)
- Pay Taxes...( comes the refund check! or Well--at least we're done for another year!! Let's go have a TEA party!!)
- Clean and sell refrigerator..Won't Tim be proud? "Honey, let's celebrate and go out tonight!"
The idea is to focus on the REWARDS of getting the job done instead of the PAIN of the task ahead!
Anti-Procrastination Day
Marla of said to designate one day a week as Anti-Procrastination day! This is the day to tackle one thing you've been putting off for a really long time. You will be so happy if you can make this day a regular part of your weekly routine! I feel like a million tons of weight is off my shoulders now that those appliances and tables are about to be carted away!
Why don't you join me....and next year...We'll do our taxes in February! How about it??!!

I've been putting off cleaning my craft room...but today, I'm tackling it...still have a long way to go, but I can see progress!!! Yesterday, I cleaned out the boy's toys and have a huge bag to give to my daughter for her to sale at a church yard sale. Decluttering makes me why don't I do it more often?!?!? Congrats on selling the fridge!
Since you 'introduced' procrastination day, I have been following through!
Today, I need to get a couple of things up on WOL/Craigslist that Rhea has been asking to put up, mend couch pillows, and clean the fireplace rock/chimney. Okay, I need to get after it!
p.s. I love the big pictures on your blog. I used to know how to do that, but I forgot...
Donna, I don't know how you do it. You always have these great posts about things that really hit home. You are changing lives one post at a time. I finally completed my taxes two days ago. I kept putting it off. And in reality, it only took two hours. Sheesh! Why didn't I just do it a long time ago. Instead I stressed and stressed over it causing mind clutter, which then hampers my creativity and not to mention puts me in a bad mood. So I've been in a bad mood for months now. What a waste.
I'm going to try to institute anti-procrastination day. I've never done this before. It would be such a good thing to do. Also I like the idea of focusing on the rewards. I should do this with my kids, too, when I give them a list of things I want them to do, let them know the reward or benefit they will receive when the task is completed.
You know, I have these books. I guess I need to read them. I mean, I have read them, but it's been so long that most of the information is either gone or cannot be accessed.
Thanks again for all you do for us.
You have the best homemaking blog in existence! Really!! I mean this sincerely. Look how in just a short time all of the followers you have and visitors you've had. People love you. Just a couple of months ago or less you had under a thousand visitors and three followers.
And as a sidenote: Thanks again for guest posting on my blog yesterday. I'd love to have you on again sometime. It was great having you. And I loved reading all of the nice things you and others said about me. I didn't know you all thought those things.
You are too sweet Trudy...Thanks! I'll be glad to write for you any day.
Deb I'm so happy for you that you are getting the house decluttered. I have been procrastinating on that too. Thank goodness, my long talk on the way home with Peggy got me going again. Proud of you! Doesn't it feel great to get rid of all that stuff?!
Hi Shannon! Isn't funny how sometimes it's our hubbys who fuel the move to change. Have fun cleaning!
Donna, would you beleive we did do our taxes in early February. We always do them as early as possible. Get them out of the way and boy did we owe this year. Sold a rental last year and they socked it to us. Oh well. Thanks for all the great hints. I just love your blog donna and I'm glad I found it. Take care and have a great Friday.
Gloria..You are too funny! Actually, we do ours early too, but I've been messing up on a couple of things and found out my father's accountant could help us fix them. So we 'planned' to get an extension, so we could tackle them in Dallas, after all the tournaments. I have to say though, that owing money takes a lot the motivation for doing them early away for me. :o)
I'm glad you like my blog..I like yours too!
Great post! I will remember this when I do my "to do" lists!
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