This was a fabulous article and I just had to share it with you. Some things are too good to keep a secret! I promised Brent I would tell you about his website and share this article with you...so here is half of it..you'll have to drop by to get the rest at his website. :o)
It is often more helpful to know what NOT to do. Here are five common blogging mistakes that you should avoid (but most will not):
Sloppy Writing
u don’t got to be a wurld CLass writer butt u do gotta not be a slob whin righting.The biggest turn off with content is not a lack of professional writing skills. Good stories and ideas can overcome a lack of writing style. However, it is always a turn off when we lack of diligence concerning those things we CAN control: punctuation, captilization, avoiding those “texting” abbreviations, and generally typing like an adult rather than a scatterbrained adolescent.
Clean up your typing. Use capitals and punctuation. Take advantage of your spell checker. Write in short sentences and short paragraphs just to be safe. Avoid cutesy cultural “texting” words unless they clearly add to the style and message.
Crappy Photos
The best writing, best design and best content ideas in the world are quickly ruined when we put no effort into making our photos and images as good as they can be. Not everyone can have worldclass, fantastic images but pretty much anyone can avoid putting up lousy photos that show very little effort or concern.Here is a recent post about good image work: http://www.mcklinkyblog.com/200909/six-tricks-for-great-photos-on-your-blog/ and the next issue of SeriousLife Magazine will be dedicated to teaching you and showing you how to have great photos on your blog. Be sure to get your free subscription to SeriousLife and we’ll let you know when the issue comes out next week.
And there are three more BIG MISTAKES...Check out this fabulous article at Brent Riggs' On Building a Better Blog http://www.mcklinkyblog.com/200912/five-big-blogging-mistakes-you-must-avoid-but-probably-wont/
Tank u 4 lurning mee da wight kills er skills.
I totally agree, although at times I do tend to shorten words as well as shortcuts. I appreciate the post and the "Tank U" above was in fun. Have a great Easter!
Thanks Gloria...I was squirming in my seat! I think I made ALL FIVE mistakes at the beginning! Photos...gadgets..spelling and punctuation and more. Sigh...Live and Learn!
Thanks for the great link. I always feel a bit worried my blog isn't up to high levels of greatness, but have told myself to just not focus on that too much and enjoy my blog.
And I enjoy your blog a lot too!
You know, Antmee, Brent Riggs said that if you are doing a family blog or personal blog that makes you happy then it really doesn't matter although he encourages you to make it the best you can.
He was speaking more towards those who are trying to do a very public oriented blog, like mine I think. This blog is meant to be a 'help' to everyone I can..so I really wanted it to be extra spiffy. :o) But I did everything on the list that I wasn't supposed to..Ha!
Gloria..that is so funny what how you replied with the 'tank u'. You really made me laugh!
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