Today is an exciting day for me! I am guest posting on Gina Luker's The Shabby Chic Cottage. She has the most wonderful 'cheap' DIY home decor and frugal living blog I have ever seen! Her photos and tutorials are stunning, her decorating style is gorgeous, and her ways to make ends meet are so creative and incredibly cheap that I am continually floored! How she ever comes up with the ideas she does, I will never know! And her house decorated in Country Cottage or Southern Decor style looks exquisite! You would never guess she is a frequenter of dollar stores and Craig's list!
This post, Livin' On a Shoestring and Lovin' It is going to really knock your socks off! I thought I was going to die before I got to share this with you! I am so excited about sharing our story of how we wordked to make ends meet while having a great time. :o) I worked long and hard on it and added lots of great photos! For anyone living on a budget, homeschooling, or raising a family, this will be "Inspiration 101". You are gonna love it!
Here's a little excerpt.....
Living on a Shoe String and Lovin' It!
We have managed to pull off two weddings, three graduations, built a 785 sq.ft. office, made scads of clothes and costumes, bought several cars (without going into debt), a horse and taken many exciting vacations...all on a shoestring! Even our house and seven acres in the country was a bargain! (Low taxes and we live about 30 minutes from town.) Add to that the kids' many activities...all done on a budget and that's a whole lot of savings!
Living on Less and Enjoying it More!
We both came from a long line of artists, musicians, DIY-ers, urban homesteaders and people who valued family and the great outdoors over anything that money can buy. So when Tim was offered a job with a prestigious company straight out of college and we found out that he would have to work 80 hours a week and sign a $9,000.00 note promising not to leave for the next five years, he promptly told them, "No thanks!"
READ MORE at Shabby Chic Cottage!

Dear Donna,
What an amazing story...and you all sound so much like us! We love livin' "cheap" youngest son's most favorite place in the whole world is our transfer station! (a.k.a. town dump!).He gets all sorts of "treasures" there from the metal pile and the wood fact, his most recent was the bed of the truck that he is building from scratch! Life is good because God is good...thanks for sharing!
Hi, Donna.
I'm so happy to be here. Can't wait to check out more of your wonderful blog!
:) Laura
You are in your element, Donna! Great post, great blog!!
Donna, Thanks for sharing all this! I went on and read the whole thing at Shabby Chic Cottage. What an industrious family you are. It is soooo inspiring!
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