Announcing the Winners of My Followers Are Special Giveaway!

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Announcing the Winners of My Followers Are Special Giveaway!

I'm sorry for the delay, but Memorial Day weekend and hubby arriving home on Tuesday, delayed my getting the monthly giveaway drawing done. However, better late than never!  Did you think that I had forgotten? Well, I didn't but it was close! With the big SewMamaSew giveaway getting all my attention,  this monthly one got a little buried. But here were the prizes....

The prizes are....Sink Reflections by Marla Cilley 

 and one more prize!!  

And here are the winners of this month's 
Followers Are Special Giveaway!!  

It's first come first pick. If they leave me a comment choosing their prize..then they get to pick. It's easier than me trying to work out all the details of each person getting first pick. (very time consuming!)

These winners were chosen by their place in line on either the Followers list or Networked Blog list of either Comin' Home (homemaking blog) or DC's Creations (sewing blog).

First prize goes to #220..Sarah who follows DC's Creations. She doesn't have a blog or profile, so I sent a message and hope to hear from her soon. If not, I'll be choosing a new recipient for a prize.

The next winner is #106 Linda at The Briar Rose Gate, a follower of Comin' Home. I love her blog!! She is a great seamstress, artist, and animal lover. Visiting her blog is like visiting England (which I also adore!).

And the final winner is #76 Diamond in the Rough also a follower of Comin' Home. She has a sweet homemaking blog.   She did a FABULOUS post today about asking your hubby one thing he'd like cleaned up in the house if you only had one hour to work.  You should read it--it's a sweet and funny story. :o)

I'll be doing another post next month and do a special post about a week before in case you would like to sign up to follow either of my blogs. Signing up for Networked blogs in addition to Following gets you a second entry.

See you at the next giveaway on July 1st!
Happy Homemaking!


diamond in the rough said...

I think I'll have to pick the Ultimate Home. I love to look at books and get ideas to create on MY budget (rather than theirs).
Thank-you so much!

GlorV1 said...

Congratulations to the winners. Hi Donna, just popped in to say hello and I hope your week is going good. Take care. Have a great Thursday.

Hills N Valleys said...

Guess what? Flylady lives around 20 minutes from where I do. I have never met her but wish she would come and help me out! ;) I am doing better though. Baby steps.

nannykim said...

Well, missed that one! I am a follower not ;-0

“There's nothing half so pleasant as coming home again.” ~ Margaret Sangster

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