FlyLady Tips: Freezer Storage Ideas and Time to Clean the Kitchen!

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FlyLady Tips: Freezer Storage Ideas and Time to Clean the Kitchen!

Donna 029

Here's how to make the best use of your freezer space and make it easier to defrost your meat!

Flatten it all into sheets! This idea works great with chili, spaghetti sauce, taco meat etc.  You can fit tons of stuff in one small compartment this way. And defrosting is so much quicker!!  This was a great tip from a missionary friend who shopped ‘in town’ once a month and had to rely on one small freezer/fridge in the field (Papau New Guinea).  

Donna 030 And if you are on a diet the smaller bags are a great way to freezer chicken breasts, fish fillets and hamburger patties  so you have enough for individual portions.

Want some great Decorating or Painting Ideas for the Kitchen? Read Maria Killam's post

Zone Cleaning for This Week....The Kitchen!!
Week 2 - Kitchen 

 O Empty and Clean Refrigerator
 O Clean stove and oven top
 O Wipe fingerprints off of switchplates, and walls  (409)
 O Wash cabinet fronts, polish if wood (Murphy's Oil Soap, Furniture Polish)
 O Clean small appliances, canisters knickknacks, window, light diffusing bowls     (Windex)  (Mop floor weekly)

Challenge for This Week: Organize and Declutter your Pantry!  Read all about it at Heart at Home! Click for great step by step instructions. :o)

Habit for This Week: Keep the Kitchen Sink Clean...and Shiny! It will make you smile! Don't know where to start? Visit Flylady, Author of Sink Reflections at

Just a quick note to let you know I can't leave comments easily right now and Rebekah and I are having a grand ole' time square dancing at the Texas State Square Dance Festival in Galveston!

The teenagers blew everyone away with their demo. I must have lost another two pounds dancing four hours in a row!

We're off to go dancing again..and maybe dance on the beach again tonight! See you monday!


Hills N Valleys said...

I think I will start joining you for the zone cleaning. I need to get some more routines. Have fun dancin!! :) Do they have clogging in TX? Here in NC that is the big thing.

Trudy said...

This is an excellent idea, Donna. Thanks.

Shona Cole said...

thanks for the freezer tip and the shiny sink prompt, that video is funny! I hope Rebekah reads your post ;)
hope you guys had fun dancing!

Donna said...

Hi Shona, We did have fun. Cody and Scott took care of the dogs while we were gone. You should have seen the specially labeled ziplock bags she made for both of them. She is so thorough! She's such a little homemaker! Right now though she's a homemaker with very sore feet...but I have some fabulous video to share tomorrow..

Over Yonder...we Do have clogging but it's not as popular as square dancing and round dancing. They had one afternoon show with a clogging exhibition. We missed it because we were on the beach that hour.

Glad you liked it Trudy!

“There's nothing half so pleasant as coming home again.” ~ Margaret Sangster

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