Gift Idea #2: Just Faces Unibrowed (An Art Book) or Hand Painted Bangles

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Gift Idea #2: Just Faces Unibrowed (An Art Book) or Hand Painted Bangles


My bloggie friend, Gloria Viorge, of Gloria’s Blog~Viva La Vida! recently printed a book of 40  paintings she did of beautiful faces of imaginary women who are ‘unibrowed’.  She paints really unusual and inspiring artwork and bangles. Her book is called Just Faces Unibrowed/ 1-40 by Gloria Viorge (c)2010.

spanish lady

Along with her many other followers, I looked forward to each day as she painted faces of different women in her imagination. Each woman (in the painting) told her name and described what Gloria, the painter, was doing to her.  This one was Viva La Vida #33.

Lonnie Lonely

Each one had a unique personality. Honestly, her stories were as interesting as the faces she painted.  The stories aren’t in the book so to read those, you will have to go through Gloria’s archives.  This lady was #22 Lonnie-Lonely. I loved the unusual techniques she used for this one..and the big brown eyes.

book open

If you are looking for gift for an art lover..this book just might be the thing for them!  Dannie the Dancer and Gabby-Cover Up were two more of my favorites. I just couldn’t decide which ones I liked best.


I feel so honored to not only own the book, which I bought as soon as it was published, but also three prints of some of my favorite ladies.  You see, I told Gloria that I just couldn’t pick which print I liked best…so she sent me three!

Viva La Vida #32

My family voted for #32 Viva La Vida ~ Limited Edition as their favorite for a recent giveaway that Gloria did.
 Outside thinkingbangle 

I so admire Gloria, who is happy to be a SAHM and uses her free time to cook yummy meals for her hubby (who she says is her best friend) work in her beloved garden, and develop her artistic abilities.  Gloria is one of the sweetest bloggie friends I have and one of the most humble people I know. She often leaves encouraging comments and reminds me to ‘take it easy’ and to not get too busy. I’d love to spend an afternoon in her art room just watching her work. 

If you want to order her book, drop by and see if she still has any copies at Gloria’s Blog Viva La Vida or if you want one of the bangles from her Etsy shop like the ones I talked about here and here.

Gloria surprised me so much by tucking little goodies in my bag with her photo art book like this Jasmine soap from China…and some cute little magnets. 
 Lena sucks on pacifier Smile

At first, I couldn’t decide what to do with them…and then I found the perfect use for them. Aren’t they just the thing for hanging photos on the fridge? Bloggie friends are the best!


Thank you dear readers, for being 'friends'  too.
Happy Homemaking!


Kerrie said...

What a wonderful post!! I love Gloria, too!! I did not realize her book was printed! Just great! hugs, Kerrie

Needled Mom said...

She does gorgeous work. I would love to spend a day watching her work too.

GlorV1 said...

Oh my goodnesss. Oh my goodness. Oh I said that. Donna, what a wonderful write up. You should be writing a column for the newspaper. Oh my word. I feel, I don't know what I feel, I'm speechless. Thank you for this beautiful post and the great pictures. You do take some really good photos. I'm going to have to get a better camera. All these dear remarks you said, and of course you are a dear bloggie friend too. I'm happy that you like the book and the little goodies and that you got use for them. This is too much though, I'll be walking around with a big head all day long. Tee Hee! I may not be able to get my sweater over my head. Again, thank you for this post and all the kind words. Please have a great weekend, you little sweetie bloggie pie you.:) Take care.

Hills N Valleys said...

Very nice!! I will have to check out her blog too!

Donna said...

Dear are too funny. Now you are making me laugh out loud! Kerrie and Needled Mom are right. You are an inspiration as an artist and as a bloggie friend. I'm really glad that you liked my write up. :o) I just needed a few spare hours at home..and I finally got them. Over will enjoy her blog--it's always a lot of fun. :o)


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