Something Old… Something New… (Have you been tagged?)

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Something Old… Something New… (Have you been tagged?)

My good friend, Rayanne of A Lovely Thought…tagged me the other day with a sweet little blogging game.  So today, I thought I’d pass the fun on to you. I hope you enjoy it. :o)  
Do you remember this old wedding rhyme? 


Something old…very old in fact…a cocoa pot from Prussia. This is our family’s most treasured heirloom. It was a wedding gift to my husband’s grandmother, Georgiana Brune, from Kansas.  She let us pick anything we wanted from her collection of antiques..and we picked this. We’ve used it only a few times…once, for a very special tea party (birthday) for my daughter when she was only 10.   I thought this would be a great item to add to Romantic Home’s Friday Show and Tell. Do visit to see some lovely things from other people’s homes!

new place to shop

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 Something new..a new place to shop in Galveston~Murdocks Bathhouse! I LOVE this store!! It’s so pretty..light and airy…I’ll be posting about that next week I hope. (I keep wishing my house would look like this.) This historic bathhouse/souvenier shop has been washed away at least three times! The new Murdock’s is lovely…and a tribute to the perseverance of the local business people of Galveston.

something old

Something borrowed…(Do I have to give it back, Mom?) I know..this a country blog, but before we moved to the country, we had spent years decorating English. I am such an Anglophile! I have had magazines delivered straight from England..right to my mail box.

carved roses

This chair has been in my mother’s house for as long as I can remember. Good thing for her that she loaned it to me several years ago, because her house burned down in Dec. two years ago. If it had been in her house, it would be gone. It makes my bedroom look so elegant..don’t you think?

close up

Actually, we plan to move it to the living room when we finally get it painted.  I’ve offered to give it back so many times, but so far..she keeps letting me love on it. It’s my favorite piece of furniture in the whole house. (Thanks Mom!) :o)

Something blue

Something blue…  Actually..this is new too, because I just bought this to go in my sewing room. Some day, when I get to paint, the walls will be light blue, and right now, I’m working on some fabric wall art which will have bluebonnets all over it.  So when I saw this flower arrangement I just had to have it! It was ten whole dollars at a resale shop in Conroe. (Love this shop—just discovered it!)

close up of embroidery

I thought Rebekah’s little embroidered heart, which she gave to me on Mother’s day many years ago, looked so sweet with the flowers.  I do hope this arrangement passes the ‘doesn’t look fake’ test.

Now, it’s time to pass on this fun challenge to you…Tag Your It!

Something Old,
Something New,
Something Borrowed,
Something Blue.

Happy Homemaking!


Jill said...

I just love that cocoa pot and chair! So beautiful! This was a lovely post! Thanks for sharing!

Maria Killam said...

Love this post it's so pretty! And your moms chair is fabulous! xoxo

Ky said...

Donna, that cocoa pot from Prussia is just gorgeous!!! Absolutely, definately gorgeous!!! What a fabulous family heirloom. And your Mum's chair? Just sublime. I love it, and you obviously do too. Bet it's so fun to sit in.

Great post. You know I love to see beautiful, old things. xx

Breathing In Grace said...

The pot is gorgeous...but I LOVE the chair. It was certainly a God-thing that you got the chair before the fire!!! Thanks for linking to me...I'll have to think on this one a bit!!!

GlorV1 said...

Oh I just seen this post. I too will have to think on this one. Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue? hmmmm. Thanks for the thought Donna. My mind is so full of stuff to do right now but I will think on it. Have a great week.

“There's nothing half so pleasant as coming home again.” ~ Margaret Sangster

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