Anyone recognize this line from my favorite movie? In Sense and Sensibility, Eleanor, our heroine, was nursing a twisted ankle, so her gallant admirer picked a field of wildflowers to bring to her rather than a 'hot house' bouquet. With a flourish he presented his bouquet declaring, "Since you can't go to nature, nature must come to you!" romantic!
I have this funny feeling that I'm not the only one wishing for a little bit of nature. But sometimes…you just can’t get to nature. It’s simply too cold…wet..or snowy. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy the thrill of growing things. For years, my mother, who loves gardening, has forced bulbs indoors and for some reason, I just never got around to trying it. This is so easy that I can’t believe I didn’t attempt it sooner.
I have this funny feeling that I'm not the only one wishing for a little bit of nature. But sometimes…you just can’t get to nature. It’s simply too cold…wet..or snowy. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy the thrill of growing things. For years, my mother, who loves gardening, has forced bulbs indoors and for some reason, I just never got around to trying it. This is so easy that I can’t believe I didn’t attempt it sooner.
I used a brandy snifter, large water glass, and a deep vase (from a local thrift store) to plant these bulbs in. All I did was put some fish tank gravel in the bottom of each container, scoop out some tank water (super fertilizer!) and pour up to the ‘ground’ level in each one, and then I sat three Freesia bulbs per ‘vase’ with the sprout side up and the root side down.
In only three days, they had begun to sprout. By the end of the week, all of them were growing rapidly. There’s something so exhilarating about seeing bulb shoots peeking from the ground isn’t there? Tim got these for me instead of my usual weekly ‘bouquet’ by my request.

Lena, my granddaughter wasn’t terribly interested yet, but I think she will love the flowers once they start to bloom.

Of course there are a few hardy flowers that manage to bloom even in the middle of winter like our tulip tree plant. We will be having snow for the next two days, so Rebekah, suggested we rescue the blooms from the tree before the 30mph gusts started up as predicted. No point letting the freeze get them. And these were just in time for my birthday! Perfect....
Dear Hubby bought these Narcissus bulbs for $8.00 from Wal-mart for my birthday since he knows how much I will enjoy watching them grow indoors. We have quite a little garden going now. :o)

And if you just can’t wait, well, there’s nothing like an orchid or potted plant to add some color to your window
Sometimes, the best way to add some beauty to your to simply bring nature..inside!
Linking to Fishtail Cottage’s Cottage Flora Thursday
and the most inspiring blog in the WHOLE WORLD...Raising Homemakers. You simply MUST check out this blog if you are raising girls or want to share your love of Homemaking with others. Thanks so much, Christi, for telling me about this life changing blog. :o)
and the most inspiring blog in the WHOLE WORLD...Raising Homemakers. You simply MUST check out this blog if you are raising girls or want to share your love of Homemaking with others. Thanks so much, Christi, for telling me about this life changing blog. :o)
Have a lovely day and stay warm!

wow, very cool! Might just have to try that as I could definitely use some spring/green up here in Canada!
It's been snowing since this morning!
HaPpiest BiRtHDaY Donna!!
hoping it is fabulous like you ")
Donna, that is a great idea, using glass bowls for plants! and bravo on that first photo, very cool indeed. Shona
I love this idea and I know the girls would too! I'm getting bulbs this weekend! It may be just what I need to cure my Spring fever! I miss flowers and green!!!! :-)
Good luck if you get that storm and stay warm! Have a great day my friend!
Hi Donna,
I forgot to add, I see you have some in soil too? Do the fish gravel and soil have the same results? You just water and keep in the sunlight? Then let them bloom and when they die off plant outside?
Happy Birthday!!!! I didn't want to forget to wish you that!!
Hi Jill, You don't need any dirt and you can use anything that is solid enough for roots to entangle marbles, large glass stones etc. My mom uses stones. I just happened to have fish tank gravel on hand. And any container will do to. The fish tank water is helpful because it has lots of nutrition..but mom uses plain water. Although she may fertilize it.
My first photo was taken of the bulbs at the bottom of a very tall vase. Mom thought the vase might give the growing stems more support.
In many ways, this is an experiment as far as what is the exact right container for this. But Mom has grown them in everything under the sun! Tee-hee!
Thanks Shona..And FHC!
What a beautiful blog you have and a much needed post! Thank you!!! ;) Hope you can follow me at Boston Bee-Alyssa of Boston Bee
p.s. I'm a new follower ;)Alyssa of Boston Bee
How cheery! I love Primrose! Your plants look lovely! I notice the hi-fi player in the background in one of your pictures, love it! Have a great day, Kerrie
ooooh, yeah. We covered our potted orange tree and our aloes but I'm pretty sure that we probably lost them. booo. We would have brought them in but they were full of ants ....
Happy Birthday!
Hi Donna,
so nice from you that you follow my blog ! I am very happy with your visits !
big hugs to a happy grandma !!
Hello Donna!
I have always wanted to force bulbs but like you...I had never tried it. After seeing your post I think I'm inspired enough to give it a go. Have a wonderful weekend!
Maura :)
Coming back to say thank you so much for linking up to Cottage Flora Thursdays & sharing the garden party on your post - i am hoping more gardeners join in and share their gardens and pointers too! love reading everyones posts & comments! xoox
Hey is you birthday today or coming Up? I scrolled down to see if this was your birthday post so it must be coming :)
Loved your teacup post and adore forced bulbs, I think I tried forcing my forcythia inside a bit too early this year, as soon as the Christmas tree was gone I cut some branches and it took a full week if them sitting in water for them to bloom :) But they were pretty and lasted for another week.
So that's my forcing story!
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