Bet that scared you..Huh? Tee-hee! Don't worry, I don't feel THAT desperate...but maybe getting closer... Desperate enough to drink THIS.... Actually, it tastes better than it looks.
No, I'm not back from bloggy vacation until next week. But I had to post a little update on my weight loss blog, Gettin' Thin Together, for my friends, so I thought I'd share it here with you too. :o) At this very moment I am surrounded by tax papers. Sigh.. Not the most fun..but it sure will be great when I'm done!
As far as an update goes, I didn't do very well on my diet over the last week or so.( It sure doesn't pay to not pay attention!) I'm vacillating back and forth in a three pound range. I knew, of course, that I needed to start writing in my food journal again, or I'd be in trouble. Then along came this Netflix movie--perfect timing! I think, though I'm not certain, that someone shared the link to this on Facebook and that's how I stumbled across it.
The title was intriguing to say the least! How I could relate to the people in this FASCINATING movie! If you are needing inspiration..then you must watch it. The trailer above is the extended version but you can watch it on instant play on Netflix, which is what I did. My whole family was impressed with the stories of these two men. You can join the club so to speak here at their website, Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead.
So, though I'm not a big fan of excess appliances, my daughter's juicer has now been promoted to a spot on the kitchen counter. I'm going to try just a ten day juice fast...with a few nuts thrown in. Today, Day 1, has been tough because I'm a caffeine addict if ever there was one. Between trips to the bathroom (a natural result of the first few days of detoxing), and headaches from lack of caffeine...this is pretty tough.
But the taste of my juices..even the green recipe, are really pretty good! Of course, whose going to complain about fruit juice (breakfast), but for lunch I used up some lettuce, several carrots, and zuchinni. I thew in a small piece of watermelon for sweetness. I must say that carrot juice really tastes great! I was surprised. It has a nice nutty flavor.
I thought this little 'fast' might give me a the jump start I need to get back on the healthy eating track. And I really do need to cut out the caffeine. I don't sleep all that well. I want to feel great..and this looks like a good solution! Be sure to heed their advice about a doctor's evaluation if you want to do the fast more seriously.
Well..I'm back to my bloggy 'break' if you can call it that...and the tax papers. One is almost ready to send and then I can dig into the complicated estate work. I'll see you all next Tuesday with an exciting little tea party. Thanks to the 'heads up' from Amy of A Tea Girl in a Coffee World, I'll be sipping 'Royal Wedding Tea' from Harney and Sons. Won't that be fun?
Dear Deb, This was a very interesting video..I'm sending it along to family. Maybe it will give us a second look at becoming much healthier..Thanks for posting it..enjoy your juice...
I've come to your blog via Floss and I must say it was a bit of a deja vu moment as I have been embarking on a juice/raw foods diet this week - partly for weight, but more to try and get rid of the chronic pain I suffer from. It is great to know someone else out there in bloggy world is also doing it.
Hi Donna. Hope you get over all that tax stuff. How come you are stuck with all the tax paper work?? You gave me a great idea. I have so many cucumbers that I think I'll juice some up and make a tea with them. Cucumber coolers, I think they are called. I got to look up some cucumber drinks. Thanks for the idea and good luck with the weight loss. :)
Yea Donna!!! I'm so glad you liked the movie. I was very impressed when I watched it. We haven't juiced much lately, but used to all the time, and the energy and health boost you feel are just amazing. Day 3 and 4 are usually the hardest because you have alot of yeast die off. Don't let yourself get dehydrated!!! Stick with it, you'll be glad that you did!
:-) I've mostly got headaches. Thanks for warning me Christi. made me laugh. I'm not actually doing the taxes..just gathering the papers. I've always done it. (Is that an answer??) But the big job is my Father's estate taxes. I'm the it's my job. Sigh..
Thanks Serenata. I guess we will juice together...LoL! I won't be able to juice all day. It's pretty expensive. I'm figuring out a less expensive way to do it though...use apples as a base then add all the other high nutrient, low water ingredients. (Advice from daughter.) :o)
Hopefully, I'll stick this out. Today has had it's challenges. Cucumber coolers sound great. Too bad I don't have any on hand. But perhaps tomorrow.
That was so great! I loved your comment about your juicer getting promoted :)
Juicing is so good, I know people have cured themselves of cancer doing it!
I need to watch this movie! Thanks for posting it!
Thanks for posting this video, it was very interesting. We are praying for you on your healthy living journey!
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