Comin' Home on Facebook.... A solution?

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Comin' Home on Facebook.... A solution?

This morning, I had to say SOMETHING so I wrote it on Comin' Home's Facebook page.

I think this will be the perfect solution for my need to 'share' sometimes without the focus and pressure of a blog. If you would like to keep in're welcome to drop by.

I wrote about our 'car adventures' yesterday  in a note called The Test.  I don't know how often I'll be popping things up on  Facebook..but they won't be 'posts' in the traditional sense. Just things that pop in my head and perhaps a photo now and then.

This may be the 'happy medium' I've been looking for.

If you want to keep in touch..join me at Comin' Home's Facebook page

Thanks for all your kind comments and input. I'll miss you!



Needled Mom said...

I just have never gotten into FB. Good luck with it, Donna.

claudia b said...


Donna said...

I'll come visit you Needled mom.. but by the way.. With a Facebook page.. you don't have to be 'in' to facebook. I think you can read it and perhaps comment without having an account. I'll have to log in and see.

All I'll do is write thoughts now and then and you can read my updates just like you can look at any website.

Don't worry though..I'll still visit you! I've got to see your quilts! :o)


Room for More said...

I will miss you too Donna! Our family is not on facebook, so hopefully our paths will cross again someday! Have a great new school year with Christian.

Anonymous said...
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GlorV1 said...

Oh, I don't do Facebook Donna. Too many nosy people and it's a rat race on there. Wishing you lots of Good luck with it. Take care.

Jill said...

Oh no are you stopping your blog for good? I shall miss you.... Good luck and I hope you'll stop by to visit me :-)


Donna said...

I will Jill!

Micupoftea said...

Hi Donna! I'm not a FB person...haha..I would never get off the grid if I did that too AND blogged!
Happy August :)

Donna said...

Ladies..just a note, you don't have to be on FACEbook. Just visit Comin' Home's page. It's just like any other website. You can read the articles even though you aren't a Facebook person. :o)

terribonin said...

I appreciate the fact that you are connected in both ways. I love to follow your blog, but FB is a quick email type communication for me, so I am there more. I have enjoyed seeing you there and reading your posts. You have so much to offer! Thank you!

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Hi Donna,
Your posts will be missed. I understand your move to Facebook and I know you will continue to minister to others through that medium. God bless you...Sandi

Health Insurance said...

Great i just like your page in FB.

“There's nothing half so pleasant as coming home again.” ~ Margaret Sangster

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