Surgery Today

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Surgery Today

Just wanted to let you know that  surgery is at 1:30pm pacific time. That's 3:30 Texas time. I sure don"t care for anesthesia. It's out-patient surgery . Btw for those who were wondering,I broke my right wrist. I'm left handed so that's good news.   They are putting in plates and pins to reattach the ends of the bones that broke off.  The cast won't be put on for a couple of weeks. I'll have a splint at first.
No driving or washing up for six weeks! Yipes!  Sounds like life will be different around our house for a while. We are heading to oregon tomorrow so I'll be recouping at Tim's boss's house. Thanks for everyone's prayers.  Here's a sweet photo my son took of Lena. I have photos of the kids but can't post them yet. I'll share them soon.  The snow here is goreous! 
xo Donna


Breathing In Grace said...

Praying for you, Ms. Donna....for less pain after the surgery...and a really speedy recovery!!!

Debby said...

Good luck on your surgery. Hope you aren't in too much pain. Time for all the others to take care of you. (((((HUGS)))))

A Primitive Homestead said...

Prayer lifted for you Donna! God bless you. Lena has a beautiful smile. Blessings!

Antiques And Teacups said...

Will be praying that the surgery goes well and that you have a nice recuperation i Oregon! Don't over do it. If they say not to do something...don't!

Needled Mom said...

Good luck, Donna. I'll be praying for a speedy recovery for you.

Anonymous said...

Praying for a quick recovery, Donna!

Maria Killam said...

Such a sweet photo! That sounds so painful Donna! I hope you feel better afterwards!

Jill said...

Oh my goodness Donna! Praying for a speedy recovery! Hope you are doing well...I miss hearing from you. Take care



Good luck! Praying you recover quickly!


GlorV1 said...

Although this has passed, I am glad that you are doing better now. Glad your surgery went well Donna. Sending you ::healing thoughts::

“There's nothing half so pleasant as coming home again.” ~ Margaret Sangster

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