As you know, I posted a How To on duplicating store bought clothes by making your own pattern. One of the things I warn you about is using the same cloth to make the duplicate that was used for the original blouse.
The reason I mention this is that that was one of the mistakes I made in the learning process. I copied a knit blouse, but used a cotton plaid cloth. The hips were just a wee bit to snug and really, the whole blouse was just a bit too short.

So far so good, but when I realized that it's shortness was driving me crazy, I decided to add a ruffle. All well and good but now I have a these flaps.

To add a ruffle to a blouse with a ruffler foot.
- First cut off a strip that is about 2 times longer than the actual width of the lower edge of the blouse.
- Next hem the strip with a narrow hem.
- Then attach the ruffler foot to the machine. You have to loosen the screw and remove your original foot completely, attach the two fingers of the ruffler foot around the post and screw that normally holds a foot to the machine, but at the same time you have to hook the claw on the right side of the ruffler foot around the post that holds the needle in place. (It's the screw you loosen to remove and change the needle.) Pictured first is the WRONG way to attach it.

(Right way.)Here, they are now both headed for the right position at the same time.This is a little tricky, but can be done!
HOW THE RUFFLER FOOT WORKS: The ruffler foot won't work without the up down action of the post that holds the needle. That claw has to be in place. It loosely holds the post of the screw that you turn to remove the needle. When the needle goes up and down, this causes a little upper plate of the ruffler foot to scoot forwards and backwards which pushes the cloth forward each time to make a pucker. There is a lower plate and the two meet and pinch together. Your cloth needs to be inserted between the upper and lower thin metal plates of the foot and slid between the pinch.
The cloth should not be directly in contact with your lower feed dogs and completely under the ruffler foot. (Actually the reason for this, is that you could put another piece of cloth completely beneath the ruffler foot and it would allow you to make the ruffle and sew it to the blouse at the same time. This requires some practice so I'm just showing you how to make the ruffle by itself!)
- Once you have fed the ruffle strip in between the two thin plates of the ruffler foot, lower your presser foot. It won't work if you don't do this. (See Ruffler Foot Video Part 1) in previous post.
- Then you also want to decide where to set the little flat plate with the holes on the back of the ruffler foot. The hole furthest to the left allows you to sew with no ruffle action at all.
- Setting the pucker width. The next hole has a 12 on it. That setting is for a very tight gathering. The next hole to the right is a 6. It gives you a pucker every half inch or so. The hole furthest to the right #1 allows for a pucker every inch or so. It results in a gentle ruffle.
- Once you have inserted the cloth strip for the ruffle, and you have set your pucker spacing, and lowered the presser foot, all you have to do is step on the pedal and gently feed the cloth, keeping the raw edge straight while the ruffler foot grabs and tucks the cloth under the needle allowing it to sew the tucks in place. (See Ruffler Video Part 2)
- Let the machine do the just keep the cloth loose and available for the foot to pull on. Take it at a nice slow speed. (See Ruffler Video Part 3) for close up view.
Now, to add the ruffle...
I did zig-zag the raw edges of the ruffle first to keep the cotton from unraveling.
I really think it turned out to be a pretty cute blouse for someone with my figure and shape. I was afraid the ruffle would add too much to the hips, but in a way, it may have 'camouflaged' them instead. My sleeves should have been puffier to make this a really balanced design..I'm serious considering re-doing them too.
Ah well..the ups and downs of designing your own clothes! But hey, I like it just fine and I love the cute ruffle. Hubby likes it too, so I would say it passed muster! Don't you?
1 comment
That's really cute; the ruffle works well there!
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