A Field of Wildflowers….And One Very Busy Bee!

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A Field of Wildflowers….And One Very Busy Bee!

bee on flower

Indian Blanket or FireWheel
Gaillardia pulchella
Sunflower Family (Asteraceae)

On our way home from Austin, I stopped to visit a good friend whose family hobby is bee-keeping.  She introduced me to her bees…  This one was particularly busy! You can see his pollen covered legs if you look closely!
They live on a beautiful bit of acreage just 30 minutes east of Austin……
where they carefully cultivate their wildflowers… which were all a buzz with the droning of bees… 
Their honey tastes incredible—I simply can’t describe it!
and you could almost taste the scent of the flowers as you nibbled…IMG_0767
It was such a lovely, warm and balmy afternoon…

IMG_0770and the breezes were filled with the scent of  wildflowers…


Geetha Srinivasan said...

That was a very nice blog post. In one of the sacred texts from India the bees are referred to as Madhu vratha and Madhu pathi. Madhu meaning honey, vratha meaning fast (to fast or to abstain from) and pathi meaning the owner or the king.
The bee though collects the honey never consumes it but only protects it like a king protects his subjects.

BTW Donna, its like i write a thank you note and forget to send it. Here please check this post

Thank you!

Katy said...

Wow! Those flowers are gorgeous! And you are right..that *is* one busy bee! His legs are covered!!! :)

Dana Leeds said...

What a lovely adventure. And, I LOVE that first photo. Gorgeous!

Rae said...

That's really neat. We love honey! Thanks for all the info.

Dee said...

what beautiful wild flowers. i have never seen such bright two=tone flowersbefore. what are they?

The Doctors Wife said...

We went camping last weekend at Blanco state park and Pedernales Falls state park and these wild flowers were everywhere. Simply beautiful. I took a few pictures myself.

Donna said...

Dee, These are Indian Blankets or Firewheels. I had meant to mention that, but had to look up the official name. I added it to the post along with the scientific name. Thanks for the question. Geetha, that is very interesting information from India!

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