Summertime is Here! Nature Photos...and local 'wildlife' (Just teasing!)

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Summertime is Here! Nature Photos...and local 'wildlife' (Just teasing!)

Photo by me with point and click through window 
(A long ways away and no zoom feature)

A Deer Looking for a Drink of Water in our BackYard

 Photo by Christian

Our deer are so wild that we never see one up close, but this one wanted a drink and spent a whole five minutes in our backyard eating the grass and inching closer and closer to our pond.  This was as good of a photo as I could get through the kitchen window. Many times, the wildlife, herons, bullfrogs, and even deer..can see us if we even move a tiny tiny bit. So Christian and I were holding our breath and barely moving as we tried to get into position to get a photo. Of the eight I took..this is the only one that actually came out decent.

 Photo by Christian..with cheap point and click

Speaking of Christian...Did I ever tell you what a great photographer, my 15yr. old son, Christian is.  Well he is and he has a photo blog but he never tells anyone about it. It's Mi Pixx at

Photo by Christian

I love giving him a camera and saying..hey..can you go get that? I never know what to expect when he has the camera. I would swear that tree was smiling!

Photo by Matthew

Actually, three of my sons are fabulous photographers and all three of them have photo blogs.  Matthew took this picture while stationed in Hawaii. Of the three boys...Christian is the only one with a cheap and very old point and click camera.

Photo by Andrew

The lily pads were PLANTED by Andrew when we first moved out here. He slogged through a nearby neighborhood's overgrown pond and pulled out one little scruffy looking lily pad plant and transplanted it in our pond.
 Photo by Christian

Photo by Rebekah

And I guess I can't leave my daughter, Rebekah, out. She also has a photo blog. She took quite a few of my spring wildflower photos including several in my header.  Here is one of her favorite photos. She likes black and white and all things country.

Photo by Jacob

Jacob also takes great photos..but better movies! He's an incredible silent movie maker....Hopefully, I can get a video uploaded of one of Jacob's funny silent movies before noon.

Sadly, the lily pads have never expanded like we hoped. The problem is our pond is sealed with plastic and though there is silt down there, the lily pads can never really take root. So every summer, this one brave little lily pad...keeps blooming...just to remind us that summer is here.

Photo by me.

We also have two turtles, but I haven't seen them lately. I do hope they are OK. The turtles down the road live in a neighbors pond and my goodness!!--They are just prolific! I counted 15 on that ole' log in the pond the last time I drove to the country market!

Photo by Beverly

Speaking of local wildlife..tee-hee!...I just had to add a couple of cute photos that my friend Beverly Boytim took of some children from our church.

Joshua, Colleen's little by Beverly Boytim of Frontier Farm (Beverly is a neighbor.)
This photo of Joshua swinging (above) was priceless, I thought! And the one with several of our little boys jumping is too...Isn't summertime great?

Happy Homemaking!


Trudy said...

These are awesome photos.


GlorV1 said...

Wow, they do take great photos Donna. How fun these photos, thanks for sharing.

Kerrie said...

Wow! what talent! I loved all of these wonderful pictures!! hugs, Kerrie

“There's nothing half so pleasant as coming home again.” ~ Margaret Sangster

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