Imagine your dream getaway...where would it be? What would your hotel, cabin, or bungalow look like? The essence of a truly romantic bedroom is found somewhere in this dream of faraway places. In this wonderful is easy and the setting is just a little bit exotic.
In this place there is plenty of time….to read that book you’ve been meaning to read…to relax and do nothing…and to really BE with the one you love..and no one else. At least for those few moments…the every day cares of life cannot intrude.
Too often, we forget that that is what a bedroom is really for. Of all the rooms in your home, this one will be the most personal to you and hubby. How do we make this special ‘getaway’ place? It doesn’t rely on a large budget..but it does require some imagination and creativity. First, we have to focus on the real purpose of a bedroom.
The most important ‘function’ of a bedroom is simply rest. We want our beds to be like a cozy nest. The best hotels are experts at providing this. When Dear Hubby and I spent a week at a convention last spring, it really hit home to me just how much he loved the extra pillows (in three states of firmness), white and supple sheets, extra large bath towels and thick comforter. We live on a pretty tight budget, but I started setting aside a little extra each month for more pillows, sheets, and towels. He loved it!
And though Kitty really loves our bedroom, as does Percy our dog, we’ve decided that our bedroom is off limits to pets at night. Studies have shown that pets are the number one cause of lack of sleep . Consider a white noise maker or fan too.
And about children, as much as we loved them, our kids were rarely allowed to sleep with us except the first six weeks of life. Both we and they slept better if we weren’t in the same room. If you have a baby or toddlers..then try a baby monitor. I set it so that I couldn't hear the normal rustle of a restless baby or toddler, but would here a genuine cry. It helped me train the baby to sleep better since I wasn't jumping up to get them at the slightest noise. Remember no rest = no romance. :o)
It’s so important that your bedroom be relaxing…a ‘getaway’ from the busy-ness and noise of daily life. It’s a great place to read or listen to music. I set up a place for Tim to keep his cello and practice during the day. His music is lovely and I sit and listen and crochet or quilt while he plays. It’s also a perfect place for a cup of tea and your morning devotions too. We both have bibles and devotional books on our bedside tables.
The bedroom is not, however, a place for desk work or major sewing or craft projects. :o) A room where you have ‘work’ related items is not going to feel at all romantic. Make it easy to keep this room orderly and functional too with things like hat/coat racks, upright butlers, and chairs to sit on while dressing or removing shoes.
Decor is the heart of a romantic bedroom. This room is a great place to splurge a little. What would your ‘dream getaway’ look like? Your bedroom can be that place… every day. Our dream vacation getaway would be in a little English bed and breakfast. Our favorite romantic movies are all set in England or France. Consider lighting, flowers, music, and privacy as these are all helpful in creating a romantic mood.
On the other hand, visual clutter will kill it. Too often, this is the room where things get hidden from view ‘just for now’ when visitors come over. This is a place to get away and recuperate. Don’t use your bedroom as a place to store excess stuff. Get rid of the clutter and keep things picked up so it’s always welcoming.
And remember, romance needs privacy. Every other room in the house is available for family and visitors, but this is your ‘special’ place as a couple. It’s fine to share breakfast or a movie with the kids when they are little…but it should be an occasional event..not an every day occurrence. (A lock on the door is a must!)
So what does your dream vacation look like? Is it tropical…country…elegant… modern? Does your bedroom remind you of this lovely place? Rayanne of A Lovely Thought expresses this idea so beautifully here.
Here’s one of my favorite romantic songs which I’m linking up to Natasha’s Sunday Song.
Linking with
My Romantic Home’s Show and Tell Friday
Great advice Donna! I like the idea of making your room like your dream hotel.
I love the video, so sweet....We have always kept the romance in our relationship no matter what else is going on in our lives...Our bedroom is our sanctuary from the world.
Hi Donna,
When I saw the title, I couldn't wait to check out your post. Our bedroom is always last it seems. We don't even have pictures on the wall. I would love to find inexpensive ways to decorate it.
Thanks for sharing!
Hi Donna. Great advice. Of coarse our bedroom has my art desk filled with all my supplies at the moment. One day we will recapture our bedroom for 'just us' time and make it our own. We have to wait for the kidlets to grow up and move on. lol
Big hugs and many blessings
Wonderful insights. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and for stopping by my post. Thrilled that you want to share KC's song. Cherry Kay
Dreamy sigh.
I just adore how you soften your images. So pretty.
Great tips too.!
Very good points about a bedroom. Mine has been much on my mind as my post today shows. I'm hoping the changes make it a more comfortable place to be.
Donna, this was such a lovely post, you are so thoughtful and sweet, no wonder your husband loves and adores you!!
Re: my post, if 'brown' is the colour you love, then absolutely you should have it!! That is exactly my point. And thanks for saying what others wouldn't. I have to be careful how much I say 'brown' is old, because it's not that to everyone. . .
oh wow really love this this i think you are loving with the cat. me too dear.
Romantic Dinner
Wow very nice and beautiful images I love all the movement photos. Very cute cat smile and attractive pose.
thank you for the nice and cute post.
Online Travel Tourism
Still catching up on last weeks Sunday Song entries. Calling by from Italy via 5 Minutes Just For Me to listen to your selection. Thankyou for sharing. I loved that film and enjoyed also reading your post.
I like the idea of making your room like your dream hotel.
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