My Mom's Green Gardening Tip to Make Planters on Porches much Lighter!

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My Mom's Green Gardening Tip to Make Planters on Porches much Lighter!

 Mother's always know best! And my mom certainly does when it comes to gardening. She does landscaping as her home business between stints with FEMA who,  thank goodness, hired her back with the recent natural disasters.  (Our prayers are with all you who may be having problems in your area. :o)

 Mary Smith, The world's best mom ever.. :o)
Master gardener, crafty queen, home decorator, massage therapist, herbalist, thrifty bargain hunter and Nanamom --personal cheerleader to a very
extensive crowd of grandchildren and great-grandchildren who all adore her.

She gave me a great the dead of winter...that I've been holding on to to share with you at 'the opportune moment'..  Mom is in really amazing shape considering that she is my mom..and I'm 47. I still can't get over that she landscapes in the Texas heat in Dallas!  But she came up with a way to recycle plastic bottles and make her job easier.

Instead of putting rocks in the bottom of big porch planters, she fills the bottom with sealed empty plastic 20 ounce bottles!  They give the pot the drainage it needs, without adding all that extra weight! So smart!!

Rebekah and I have been putting off this job of transplanting the marigolds..but I finally got it done this week. Isn't this awesome!!??  

Don't forge to RE-SEED your Marigolds!!   Marigolds are the ONLY flower that I'm an expert on. I've grown them for years. Why do I love marigolds? Because they RE-SEED themselves. My kids loved pulling out the seeds when the blooms were dead.  

They also loved pulling off the blooms period..But that's another story.  When life gives you blooms...float them in a crystal bowl and tell your toddlers..."Thank you so much sweetie! But lets leave the rest on the bushes OK?" 


Beautifully Veiled said...

Donna, what a great idea -- and what an amazing mom!!! (I also love the floating marigold idea!) Hope this is a great week for you!

Trudy said...

This is one of the best tips I have heard in a long time! I'm sharing this one with my mom.

Melissa said...

Love this, so clever!

Breathing In Grace said...

What a neat tip!! Your marigolds are gorgeous. We have them in our garden to help with the bugs!


That is an awesome idea! I bet other recycled things would work also! And to think I paid for gravel for the bottom of my pots.

GlorV1 said...

I think that's a great idea. Your mom rocks! I'll have to give it a try. I love marigolds too. Have a great week.

Room for More said...

quite clever indeed! Oh and the deer can't STAND marigolds. They are great to plant around roses and hibiscus and other flowers that deer love. I have floating miniature roses right now from a certain toddler around here! : )

Unknown said...

Thank you for all these recycling tips. As an avid gardener l am looking forward to using your tips for my balcony garden next year. And if you don't mind l would love to share your tips on my healthy living blog. And Merry Christmas to all.

Unknown said...

Thank you for all the wonderful recycling plastic bottle tips. As an avid gardener l will be using most of your tips for my balcony garden. I would also like to share them on my healthy living blog if you don't mind. Merry Christmas to all.

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