Hey Everyone! I know you will enjoy this clip from Today's Today Show! Our pictures were in the intro to the interview with Jeff Yeager where he explains about the families he interviewed for his new book, The Cheapskate Next Door....
Watch carefully and you will see our family cutting hair, eating dinner, playing games etc. It's so fun! I can't wait to get our free copy. :o) This is cool! And while listening to the video, I think you will get an idea of what a fun and frugal guy Jeff really is. I can't wait to read his new book!
A Great Interview with Time Magazine about the book
- Room for More said...
- That was great to see you all on national TV! I have to say though, can you believe Matt Lauer? After Jeff mentions what frugal families do/don't do, Mr. Lauer asks, "Don't you think the children are cheated?" Prayer, prayer & more prayer for our society! I have known your kiddos for years and they don't seem 'cheated' to me! good grief!
Donna said...
- Shannon, That's one of the special things about the fact that Jeff came to visit us at the house traveling all the way from Ohio. He wanted to know what the frugal life was like from a big family's perspective. In his first book, he had originally told people that the best way to deal with children when it comes to frugal living was "don't have them--they're too expensive". But I think he got a lot of flak about that and I certainly wrote some comments 'enlightening' him on not only how to live frugally with children but that they didn't cost near as much as his estimate. He has an open mind and wanted to learn more. He loved our teens and knows quite well that they are proud of their ability to be frugal. They don't feel 'cheated' at all..more like 'equipped'. :o) He talked at length with Rebekah as a matter of fact. Children are one of those 'things' in life that are way more important than money. So it really doesn't matter what they cost anyway.--Ha! We grow as people as we learn to give and nurture others whether that is children, aging parents, or anyone who comes to rely on us 24:7. It forces us to give...and when you give--you grow. But you are right...Most people just don't get it. :o) I have to say though..that most of my blogging friends do--regardless of where they are coming from. They want the best for their kids. I can't think of any better way to teach children good values than to have them learn that in life we 'Can't Have it All'. How much better to teach them positive attitudes during financial difficulties and give them the skills to meet those situations than to leave them clueless and overwhelmed when things go wrong. Things WILL go wrong at some time in everyone's lives.