Top Ten Best Posts I Saw on Your Blogs This Week

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Top Ten Best Posts I Saw on Your Blogs This Week

Since I didn’t get any submissions for Show and Tell this week, I thought I’d do a surprise post on the ten most interesting posts I saw this week, while visiting those who left comments. It will make for some great weekend reading..don’t you think?   Enjoy!   Donna
Doing Bangles to Put Me at Ease by Gloria’s Blog VivalaVida!

Gloria is such a fun, friendly easy and natural in her writing style and always says Hello if you drop her a note. I love reading whatever happens to pop up for the day at her blog whether cooking, painting, or talking about her family and what their plans are for the day. Today she posted on how making things helps put her at ease during difficult times. I can so relate to that! While caring for my father this winter, I crocheted…in the living room, the hospital, the car, the hospice center etc. Wherever, I went I had a little bag of yarn and a needle and it helped so much to just create something when everything else was in a crisis! She has lots more pictures of these beautiful bangles which she also sells in her Etsy shop and would love a visit from you., I'm sure. So drop by and enjoy!
REAL LIFE by Deb at Jeremiah 29:11 
Deb posted some really gorgeous pictures of purple around her house and I thought this one was awesome! But her article on 'being real' really hit home for me this week! She was also talking about not comparing but it was more  about encouraging you to be yourself on your blog and not feel the need to be perfect. To be the unique you that you are.  She always has incredibly inspiring articles.  This article was a great reminder to celebrate who we are rather than feeling we have to be like everyone else. :o) Thanks for your sweet comments and encouragement Deb!
Slate or Porcelain Tile in the Bathroom?by Maria Killam at Color Me Happy

I guess you probably know that I love this blog!! We are faced with the challenge of actually decorating our own home for the first time in my entire life! We’ve rented 22 years and only bought our land and home 3 years ago. I’m petrified!!! What colors do I use..what do I want? I hardly know where to start. Well, the best thing I ever did was stumble across this blog of Maria’s. This is not the only post I loved..I love all her posts. But it was a good one. The colors gave me some ideas and we are going to want to tile the bathroom and entry way at some point. If you are doing any redecorating at home..paint, furniture, will want to check out her articles! This one on tile was fascinating. She shows you pictures of several bathrooms and it really gives you an idea of why this is so important.

Today is the last day to enter the challenge. Read all about it here.  Melissa is a great blogging friend, wonderful writer, seamstress, and photographer. She is also crafty beyond belief! She wrote a very timely article earlier this week and today about the Great Outdoor Adventure Challenge. It made me want to run outside and play just like her and her daughter, Wednesday.  Melissa also did a fabulous tutorial on how to make a ruffled scarf from Sweatpants! She does great go say Hello! Her post was quite inspiring!!

OverYonder, that’s the only name I know her by, is the brave mother of a son with Prader-willi syndrome. She wrote the most amazing post this week, about learning to be patient with her son, who has made   such strides in his learning and yet was having some math difficulties. I’m sure she does not consider herself a ‘hero’ but in my eyes, she is.  I so admired her heart and her patience in celebrating the success of her son and her wisdom in recognizing that she must continue to be patient even if his learning doesn’t keep up with other children’s and to just enjoy teaching and learning together. How many of us, whether, homeschoolers, or teachers in other areas, need to learn this lesson! Kudos to you Over Yonder!
Dear Artistic Mother, Please Do Not Compare   by Trudy Callan of Artistic Creations with Trudy. 
Trudy is a dear friend, and a great seamstres who has a very inspiring sewing blog. Today, she wrote such an encouraging post on her art blog to women who are learning to create art and I really appreciated it.  She encouraged these women who are perhaps new to doing creative things, not to compare there abilities with others. That is such an important message to all of us! It’s one that I’m sure you would enjoy reading.
This was a great article that Diana wrote telling how she never gave herself permission to take a DAY OFF and how she was doing that today. I really needed that reminder! It’s OK to stop now and then!  I’m getting mine today too! Hurrah! Diana also sells great patterns and beautiful items that she sews. She’s a great drop by!
Progress Not Perfection by Dani at A little Sprinkle of Fairy Dust

Dani has been such an encouragement to me, along with Deb and all the other visitors to Gettin’ Thin Together. It was her idea that we sort of be a group of Weight Loss Buddies. I so appreciated it as we wouldn’t have our ‘support blog’ if not for her inspiration. She has the sweetest little blog about her and her daughter’s crafty endeavors. The picture above is one that she did and goes with her post about their crafty adventures. You will enjoy it!
image How to Make a Lovely Guest Room  By Rayanne of A Lovely Thought…Home 
I was so amazed when I first visited Rayanne’s blog on the home. Her photos are gorgeous and her articles are so inspiring. This one on how to make a really pretty and welcoming guest room was so well done. I couldn’t decide whether to feature it or her post on Tuesday Tea Time…another wonderful article on making time for tea..and company. You must visit her blog to read more!
to do list
This was a great article on not letting ourselves get bogged down by too much to do. She talked about deciding to limit her TO DO list so that she could spend more time with the kids! Very good idea!  It is written by a home school mom who is also homesteading! Quite an accomplishment!
Shannon is a good friend who is very resourceful in finding ways to raise money for their home study..part of the process of trying to adopt another child. Her article on going garage sale-ing to find things to sell on Ebay is a great one! What a great idea!



Rae said...

You are such a sweety! Thanks for the feature.
I have this mission to keep "The Art of Homemaking" alive and well.
I have seen a small change for the good with younger women who desire to be homemakers. This way of life is the backbone to society.I want to be part of the education of what homemaking really means. I believe society over time as taken away the true meaning. It's not bad, we need it. We as older women need to help and support the younger women to be "keepers of the home", and to help stop the break down of families in whole,and make a better society.
Didn't mean to just go on and's a passion.
Thanks again Doona!

Trudy said...

This was a great feature. I hope you do more of these. And thank you for featuring my art blog. I really appreciate that, Donna.

Donna said...

Rayanne, I feel the same exact way which is why I started Comin' Home. I could easily just focus on sewing and promote my sewing blog because that's what I'm best at and love..but I'm a homemaker at heart who feels that if I can encourage younger women to pursue loving their homes, hubbies, and kids, I will have fulfilled my calling. :o)

Donna said...

I'm glad you liked this Trudy. I wanted to something that is a little more along the lines of what Comin' Home is all about....helping us with our homes. :o)

Trudy said...

I am really thankful that you and Rayanne are taking the time to teach us younger women, although I'm not a ton younger, how to be keepers of the home. Being a keeper of my home is my heart; I just don't always know how to do it. So you are both being a great help to me. I walk away remembering both of your posts; they stay with me throughout the day. And I try to figure out how to implement them.

Breathing In Grace said...

You are so precious to feature me!!! Thank you so much. God has truly blessed me with such a sweet, Christian blogging friend!!!

Diana said...

Thanks Donna, You are so sweet... Hope your day-off went smoothly too!!~!

Trudy said...

Donna, me again. I was inspired your feature on giving common sense a try. I will be doing a post tomorrow about this subject on my art blog,, with a link to Life and Love in the Country's blog. Thanks again.

Donna said...

Trudy, The post about Giving Common Sense a Try was done by Life and Love in the Country. I just wanted to make sure you knew who was the author. :o)

Hills N Valleys said...

Aww thanks! you made my day! I look forward to looking at the other ones you have featured tonight after the kids go to bed. ~Joy

Hills N Valleys said...

Oh and Trudy and Donna- y'all are the reason I went out this week and bought some fabric and a pattern to make something for myself. :)

Donna said...

Good for you Joy! I can't wait to see what you make. :o)

I'm on couch cushion number four...sigh..9 more to go...:o)

Ventura Hospice said...

Thank you very much for sharing. Your information always proves to be useful. I think your post is suitable for everyone, who is interested in valuable resources.

Maria Killam said...

Thanks so much for the mention (I love that photo too), BTY the (sp) is Maria :)

“There's nothing half so pleasant as coming home again.” ~ Margaret Sangster

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